Odds and Ends — 6 May 2023

in #oddsandendslast year

I experimented, trying a lineup that included three monsters with the Martyr ability. It did not go well.

Cryptocurrency, Investing, Money, Economy, Business, and Debt:

U.S. Justice Department Investigating Binance For Russia-Related Sanctions Violations

London Stock Exchange chief calls for UK firms to pay bosses more

Idiocy exemplified: PEPE memecoin hits $1 billion market cap fueled by Binance listing

Coronavirus News, Analysis, and Opinion:

WHO declares end to Covid-19 global public health emergency

Mexico develops own COVID-19 vaccine, 2 years late


Russian Officials Call for Use of Tactical Nukes

At least two high-profile Russian officials have called on the Kremlin to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine in retaliation for an alleged drone strike on Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin residence and as the prospect of an imminent Ukrainian counteroffensive looms.

Eight Trump Electors in Georgia Have Accepted Immunity

At least eight of the 16 Georgia Republicans who convened in December 2020 to declare Donald Trump the winner of the presidential contest despite his loss in the state have accepted immunity deals from Atlanta-area prosecutors investigating alleged election interference.
Prosecutors with the office of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis told the eight that they will not be charged with crimes if they testify truthfully in her sprawling investigation into efforts by Trump, his campaign and his allies to overturn Joe Biden’s victory in Georgia.

A trio of Texas churches donated to political candidate despite clear IRS prohibition

The Top of the Pyramid

The Proud Boys convictions, even more than the Oath Keepers convictions several months back, shows the department’s seriousness about and capability in seeking accountability for these highest-level ground actors.
The only level that remains untouched is the political echelon—the top of the pyramid.
The Jan. 6 investigations will not be judged a success if the special counsel cannot address that final major challenge. But I want to suggest that the department’s success at every other layer of the pyramid, combined with the evident energy of Jack Smith’s investigation ought to generate some confidence.
The Justice Department is not playing here.

Proud Boys juror says group’s deleted messages weighed on jury

Jurors who convicted four Proud Boys leaders of seditious conspiracy reviewed thousands upon thousands of text messages and private chats that the defendants sent in the weeks leading up to Jan. 6, 2021 — exchanges prosecutors described as the prelude to a violent effort to keep Donald Trump in power.
But paradoxically, it may have been the absence of key messages that sealed the case for prosecutors.
The thousands of messages they reviewed — extracted from the phones of Enrique Tarrio and his co-defendants — were peppered with blank slots where exchanges had been deleted.

Harlan Crow and Clarence Thomas Are About to Learn About Gift Taxes

Does tax fraud have a statute of limitations? Asking for a friend.

Bracing for impact: Biden world preps for Hunter Biden fallout

Parliamentary Rules Written To Protect Minority Views Are Now Being Used To Silence Minority Lawmakers

…when did being annoying become a capital crime?

America’s Lowest Standard

No publicly traded company would consider naming Trump to an executive position, or even to a position on its board. None of his billionaire friends would trust him with their money. Even in our debased political culture, the cascade of rape allegations and indictments would force Trump’s resignation as a senator, governor, or legislator.
Trump would not be allowed to own an NFL, NBA, or MLB team, and no one would even think of giving him a management job at a local Burger King. It’s impossible to imagine him being given any position of authority at any school or university in the United States.
Hamilton thought that he had fireproofed the presidency from mountebanks and charlatans because we would seek out only the best and the brightest among us. Instead, we have apparently saved our lowest standards for the presidency.

England: Voters express anger at ID rule changes

If the Conservatives rammed though the rule changes to try to hold off a rout, it didn’t work.

Trump Wants to Bring Back ‘Muslim Ban’

Donald Trump for months has been telling people close to him that he plans to bring back his infamous ‘Muslim ban’ if he’s reelected in 2024.
Banning Muslims from entering the United States is a longstanding obsession of Trump’s… But the former president appears to be unsatisfied with merely reinstating the ban as it existed during his presidency. More recently, Trump has privately discussed adding more countries, including Afghanistan, to the list of majority-Muslim countries whose citizens he’s seeking to ban from the United States.

Fox sends cease-and-desist letter to Media Matters over leaked Tucker Carlson footage

In a statement to The Hill on Friday, Angelo Carusone, president of Media Matters said “reporting on newsworthy leaked material is a cornerstone of journalism. For Fox to argue otherwise is absurd and further dispels any pretense that they’re a news operation.
Perhaps if I tell them that the footage came from a combination of WikiLeaks and Hunter Biden’s laptop, it will alleviate their concerns,” Carusone added.


Mindfulness, meditation and self-compassion – a clinical psychologist explains how these science-backed practices can improve mental health

Exciton Fission Breakthrough Could Revolutionize Photovoltaic Solar Cell Technology

Google Is Rolling Out Password-Killing Tech to All Accounts


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