Founded on the words "Be Offended"

in #offended2 years ago

But don't break the law.

Has anyone heard of Steve Dahl, Garry Meier, Jonathan Brandmeier, Kevin Mathews, Mancow, Mark Dice, or Howard Stern?

Men on the bleeding edge of offensive, but within the law.

They each had their niche in comedy, albeit on the radio or stage, and they were all offensive to someone but others loved their colorful pranks and ways of thinking.

This guy serves in the government and he was asked about his 'offensive' comments on protesters recently.

One side or the other are going to be offended in every case. I am offended often by fat hairy men shaking their buts in toward a group of children but I am told to shut up and told that I am afraid of these same men. No. I am afraid of what they are doing to the children. I would still be concerned if the same classroom had steel workers, fresh from the job site, dancing dancing around for the delight of six year old children - due to the odor if for no other reason.

some would say that is offensive. what do you say to them? "Be offended."

Freedom of speech is just that. Drag doods with wigs are allowed to go to a public place and state their views. People should be offended if they do not like it. That is what America is all about.

Here in this country, we are allowed to work hard and make millions of dollars or we can choose to smoke substances all day and waste away. You can be offended when you drive by a mansion or do the same when you drive by a mile of tent dwellers.


I am not saying that the massive homelessness is due to laziness, but it is due to having been taught to sign for things and pay for them later. Sometimes "later" comes with brutal honesty. That is a lesson I had to learn in my mid thirties.

Two Sides

I had watched people gather in front of Planned Parenthood centers for dozens of years. They were never allowed to block entrances or go on the company's property. By the way, never were any future parents helped with the planning of their family. Also see: Military Intelligence and Jumbo Shrimp.

There are laws against people gathering on or around the private property of Supreme Court Justices, or any other judge for that matter, and those laws are being broken. Police stand there and watch while people break the law. Are they worried about offending the protesters. I am offended that they are not doing their job - or that they do it so selectively. People from the other side were never allowed to gather or remain near the house of clinic owners. The law should have no bias one way or the other!

It is about time that people legally offend others. The founding fathers of America were so offensive that they had to write their opinion pieces under pseudonyms. I write what I want to here on Hive because the world has become a place where only certain kinds of people can do X, Y or Z while others cannot.

That, my friend, is wrong!


"The law should have no bias..."

Ahahaha! You're a laugh riot. That one line alone was worth the price of admission. Still, for a blog called steemrant you seem short on exclamation points and sentences written all in caps. You did, at least, bold the last line, which is a step in the right direction.

But, I mean, so many Americans have really got the outrage thing down. If you're gonna claim the space, you're gonna need to step up the violation of punctuation and grammatical conventions a bit. I did like that you noted the oxymoronic name of the Abortion Industrial Complex, Planned Parenthood, and compared it to the time-honored Military Intelligence and Jumbo Shrimp. Might have mentioned the super duplicitous Dodge Ram, though.

Anyway, I appreciate the sentiment of outrage behind your remarks, and only hope you can attain to greater expressions of it, so we armchair rioters don't have to get up ourselves.


I TRULY FEEL LOVED AS A VALUED CUSTOMER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Much better. I especially like the 1 at the end of the exclamation points. You are clearly on the right track.

Killing unborn babies is a human right, says immoral fat cows whom have more chance of being impregnated by their pets than any man. Soy boys like @zyx066 would probably hit that but considering that they have no viable sperm they too will be severely upset by the fact that they aren't gonna be able to snuff a life out, I expect the hateful moron to pen at least a dozen articles on the human right to kill unborn babies, and certainly to many of the soy boy and fat cows, post pregnancy abortion like late term abortion, is a hUmAn rIgHt.

Nice! Your comment needs a pic of Trigglypuff to really set it off, though. I know I'd be more offended knowing there was an attempt to procreate thereby than that such attempt ended abortively, and that's what really matters. The composition of our posterity. I really want my kids to have competent compatriots, and anyone who'd abort their babies recreationally is highly unlikely to have had competent whelps anyway.

Ackshually, the more I think about it, the more I realize that the Abortion Industrial Complex, the jabs, and the entire genocidal thrust of overly compensated banksters seems destined to improve the genepool. Maybe they're not really the bad guys here?

I recently saw that the jabbed are highly likely to consider Russia to be to blame for the war in the Ukraine, while purebloods are able to understand the culpability of NATO.


Also, Del Bigtree of the Highwire pointed out just this week that the conspiracy theories surrounding the jab genocide seem to neglect that it's the cattle that are signing up for the death shots, and dissenters avoiding them in droves.

I'm clearly confused and need to go back to hard drinking and mumbling to myself.


Put yourself out there, you'll find somebody!

You need to voice yourself and drink with fellow men and women who share your feelings!