The Wonders About Butterflies and DragonFlies

in #photography2 years ago


I think most of us or all of us loves to see a beautiful and fascinating butterflies to our Garden. My topics for tonight's post is all about butterflies. While ago, I decided to take a visit to our butterfly sanctuary here in our ornamental garden. Here, we can find many kinds of colors of a butterfly including its behaviours.

We started to make a butterfly sanctuary not ling time ago, My Grandmother requested to make it because she was very fun watching butterflies flying around the garden. We also get some papers to have authority and or authorized for putting some butterflies.

I will share some of the butterflies and with the help of my phone camera I carefully taken a pictures to all butterflies here.



This is the butterflies I want to share about and this are all very fascinating to see. We can see the different kind of colors and characteristics about the said insects. I also enjoyed watching it flying around the place and many people taking a pictures here also.

This is our butterfly sanctuary Im talking about. It contains many kinds of beautiful flowers just like siete flores.


This are my photo compilation about butterflies and dragonflies. I truly believe and amazed about the creations. We take care and develop the place and soon, this place will turn into one of the tourist spots.

I really thankful about my families for being respective and responsible to the insects and to the Nature. Soon this will develop more and maintain until the next generations. We are very happy also because many people visiting our place and they are very appreciated our place and according to them, very organized, clean and fresh surroundings.

The dream of my Grandmother to have a butterfly sanctuary in our garden and she was very thankful to my Aunt for this wonderful projects.


I love your butterfly pictures @theunstoppable12
They are so beautiful!
Butterflies and dragonflies are very gentle creatures. I believe they are intelligent as well even though they are so tiny.

Have you heard of the Monarch butterfly that migrates thousands of miles every year from the United States to South America? I am so amazed at this feat of a tiny fragile creature as the Monarch butterfly! Butterflies must be intelligent to accomplish the task of migrating thousands of miles together from one continent to another continent.

Have a nice day and evening.

Barb 😊


I was impressed with the first photo. You captured perfectly the butterfly sucking the nectar of the flower. I hope I can too in the future. Nature is always the best.

Thank you very much.I tried my best to taking pictures about butterflies and dragonflies.😊😊

You're welcome.☺️