5 Top British Icons

in #photographylovers2 years ago

It was a misty day on the white cliffs of Dover and set the perfect atmosphere to photograph these iconic aircraft that defended this country in it's most desperate time of need when Britain stood alone against the all conquering army of the third reich.

Anyone who has experienced war knows it is better to not fight a war unless you absolutely have to.

The historic parallels with what is going on in Ukraine right now is obviously on many peoples minds. Whatever the propaganda machines from both sides pump out.

The fact remains that Putin (Russia) is the aggressor in this case.

Below is the Supermarine Spitfire Mk 1 which was under powered and out manevoured by the enemy aircraft at the beginning of the war but by the end of the war it was virtually unbeatable.

Supermarine Spitfire Mk 1


Below is the Hawker Hurricane Mk 1 which is often seen as the lesser aircraft in this duo but was in many ways a superior aircraft and shot down more ememy aircraft than the Spitfire. The construction method on the Hurricane made it easier and faster to repair which meant it could be back in action fast. Both aircraft had the Merlin engine.

Hawker Hurricane Mk 1


What were these two aircraft protecting? Freedom.
The Iconic White cliffs of Dover were seen by refugees fleeing the war as a place of safety and security. Seeing those white cliffs must have been a tremedous source of relief for those running for their lives.

It really pisses me off when a minority of very loud people complain about refugees coming to England.

Nobody leaves their home without a damn good reason and having bombs and rockets dropped on you daily is reason enough to try and escape the carnage.

White Cliffs of Dover


Dover castle has been an icon and stronghold since the 11th Century and is considered the 'key to England'. Take Dover and you take England.

It has seen many battles and was used during the second world war as a command and control centre.
The cliffs below are riddled with tunnel complexes housing gun emplacements and bombing shelters.

Dover Castle


As I was taking my walk along the clifftops. Out over the sea I was lucky enough to see a Spitfire flying by. I got this shot with my 300mm lens. It was miles away but what a great sight to see.

Spitfire Over Dover


Whatever the history revisionists want to say about Winston Churchill. He was the right man at the right time and became an icon of his age. He rallied the nation and led from the front with no compromise.

Today we have Boris!

Winston Churchill War Leader


Churchill had been in a war and his early record was not great.
His judgement in his youth was questionable but then again whose isn't? He did have the gift of the gab when it mattered.
Churchills quotes are now legendary. One of which is often forgotten. "Jaw Jaw before War War"
The quote below is about the RAF pilots of the Battle of Britain.

The RAF had many aircrews who were refugees from all over Europe. From France, Poland and in addition many Americans, Canadians and Commonwealth volunteers.

Churchills Famous Quote


Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few

I'll leave you with this thought. We have not had a europe wide conflict for so many years primarily because we were working together to built a united states of europe.

An idea that was thought up by the Americans after the second world war. The idea was simple but effective.

If these countries can work to remove borders to trade and movement of people and have closer economic ties.

Then the intergrated nature of such an arrangement would reduce the chances of war. Brexit ended this arrangement.

Unfortunately the warbirds are flying again.

Three Planes in the Mist of Time


My entry for #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay

If you would like to know more about using a 300mm telephoto zoom lens take a look at these two short videos


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Thanks for the support @teamuk 👨‍💻👍

An apt walk post in these troubled times which those of us with a clear grasp of events ie not misled by some of the crazies at both ends of the spectrum, know are very troubling times

I don’t often talk politics and I won’t to much here but what is also troubling is the stories some are spreading and how so many are happy to believe them

But loved all your images and I will say again a poignant and apt post fir these times

Hi Jay, yes now more than ever we need cool heads and clear thinking. Sadly it's in short supply right now.

what is also troubling is the stories some are spreading and how so many are happy to believe them

This is indeed very troubling. It seems that many people have lost the ability to think for themselves and are happy to parrot any old crap they hear.

The first casualty of war is truth.

Unfortunately it appears that truth is now 'relative'?🤦‍♂️🤯

The idea that there is such a thing as truth is now questioned?🤦‍♂️🤯

Okay so let's look at it logically.👍

Russia sent troops and tanks into Ukraine.

Were they going on a picnic? 🤦‍♂️🤯👍

So glad you enjoyed the photographs Jay.
That Spitfire was a long way offshore. It was a tiny speck but the 300mm caught it good enough. 👍

many people have lost the ability to think for themselves and are happy to parrot any old crap they hear.

Exactly I see so much of that these days, will share a headline that appeals to their point of view without reading the article to see the title is clickbait and contradicted int he article

There has been a war against truth for a few years now, and sadly truth is loosing, its such a sad state of affairs

Were they going on a picnic? EXACTLY

Yep the general public has little clue what is going on in their own minds but will jump on everything that confirms their bias without checking the facts:-

share a headline that appeals to their point of view without reading the article to see the title is clickbait and contradicted in the article

That's another thing that is under attack...facts! People actually believe they have the ability to discern facts!?🤦‍♂️👍

Some things are not going to change based upon someone's opinion of what is a fact.

That the sun rises in the east is an observable fact and is not up for debate. It's just a fact. 👍

OHh yeah and the one term that came up and makes me cringe because it has become reality to many is "Alternate facts", which to term translates to lies

That the sun rises in the east is an observable fact and is not up for debate. It's just a fact.

Well I do off course I do agree with you, but there there are people out there who would dispute that such as the flat earthers,

Haha o yes the flat earthers! How is it even possible to get our heads around that concept? Bonkers 😂👍

You would think people would have learned how bad war can be by now. The horror is being broadcast in real time these days.

Churchill had his faults for sure and may have been responsible for some atrocities, but every leader has to make hard choices. I don't think we have anyone of his stature now, despite what Johnson may think of himself. I've heard some Tories welcomed the war as a distraction from their corruption and an excuse for problems at home. The British people have been very welcoming to refugees, but the government is making it hard for them to come here. Other countries have put us to shame.

I hate the idea of war, but I can still admire the engineering it produces. Those planes were amazing, but so many young men died in them.

This war has been going on for years in Ukraine and it begs the question.

Why did Putin move now?
Trump, Johnson and Putin were best buddies up until a month ago. They probably still are.

This war is all about the oil and gas. As usual.

I've heard some Tories welcomed the war as a distraction from their corruption and an excuse for problems at home.

Unfortunately technology makes giant leaps during wars.
The Spitfire before the war was a very capable aircraft. During the war it became lethal.

War is very profitable for the elites and some businesses.

As a species we have not evolved sufficiently to overcome our natural tendencies to conquest. We keep trying and failing.

It's generally leaders who start wars (trying to spin conflict as essential) and the people who fight them. Need to decide if they have the right leaders. We suffer from crap leadership, but keep electing them anyway.

Absolutely right Steve, as the old quote goes.

Lions led by donkeys

Beats me how the public keeps falling for this nonsense.

We suffer from crap leadership, but keep electing them anyway.

This is what always baffles me.