obsidian screenshot
I am all over the place today. I had originally intended to sit down and work on a story after I located where I may have a published link on hive but could not find one. I will look a few more times to double check I did not miss it.
I then decided to take a quick break and do a daily writing note on things running around in my head. Sort of like having a Harry Potter pensieve to make room in my head for new thoughts.
I then went and opened another document to test out a feature in my note app and see how it would work for genealogy. I am not sure I am liking how it is coming along.
Then I jumped back to my pensieve and decided to play around with another feature that was created for role players. It is the Solo RPG Toolkit. It has a couple different features, among them are rpg dice and two different card deck types. I pulled the three cards you see above. The explanation came from YouBot.
I thought is was odd that it told me about introspection twice in three days for two totally separate things.
I know I have a lot on my mind and using this note app I have actually written everyday since the eighth (when I first started using it). This is the first time I have been able to be consistent with a daily journaling type of writing practice, EVER.
I have to say that posting something daily on the blockchain may have helped in this area. I am still not sure how I feel about a lot of things as there are so many people in this world that have their own thought. Those thoughts may not mesh with what I think but I believe we all need to be the individual we are in order to grow and be better than we were the day before. I do not know if I will be in the position I would love to be in, in this life, but I believe that if I come back for another life I will be that much closer.
Then again it is like going to a buffet and seeing foods you like and foods you do not like. Which one should be focused on?
Anyway. Enough of my rambling for now. I am off to follow my bliss.
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