Operation #Ping [7 Day Bonus Round!] EARN 🌀 + ☄️ TOKENS

in #ping2 years ago


⚠️ Attention ALL Comet Commanders! ⚠️

(Yes! You know who you are!)

Operation #Ping's Bonus Round is now LIVE!

All ships #Ping Portals are now ONLINE AND ACTIVE!

👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚀

🌀___ 🌀___ 🌀___ 🌀___ 🌀___ 🌀___ 🌀___ 🌀

Engagement protocols are hot! We are ready to go! Prepare to JUMP!

Welcome once again commander!

Are you ready to leave your mark once again?

(Just when you thought that Operation #Ping was officially over right?! WELL! BuckleUP because it's officially NOT!)

During the first part of Operation #Ping you managed to #Ping many of your followers! BUT did you hear back from ALL of them before your Category Window closed?

Maybe there were some followers on your ships roster that you didn't make it to! NOW is your chance to reach them...

Running a full diagnostic on your follower list means that you will have a more accurate and complete view on your individual social... AND it also means that we will ALL have a better understanding of the wider social implications on the Hive Blockchain we are navigating.

Here's your chance to finish what you started!

SO! Let's see what you can do!

Over and out,

Who are we going to #Ping during the Bonus Round?

#Ping Backs that missed the 7 day Category Window.
Whoever you #Ping'ed before, those followers are off the list... unless they #Ping'ed you back! Did you get a bunch of followers who #Ping'ed back but they did so after your Category Window closed?! We don't want all that hard work in the comments to go to waste!

Jump back in time by scrolling back in the comments section of your blog! Once you find those #Ping Backs** check back here and complete a Mission Report (in the standard way described bellow) to register them into the Comet Ranker Systems!

**You will have a complete idea of who they are by referencing your Authenticated Follower List that was sent to you at HQ in the #Commanders Channel. If you need my help understanding how your list works just let me know! I'm here for you! 👍

#Ping's that didn't get sent out during your Category Window.
Did you run out of time to #ping some of your followers? That's ok because now you have the opportunity to do that!

Report all #Ping Missions that you missed to the comments section of this post!

#Ping's to your follower list that you made AFTER your Category Window closed!

YES! You heard that right! If you showed initiative and used the momentum you gained from Operation #Ping to continue on down your follower list... after your Category Window closed THERE IS EVERY REASON WHY YOU SHOULD BENIFIT FROM BEING PROACTIVE!

You can now report ALL of those #Ping's and #Ping Backs to Comet Ranker! We are always keen to reward initiative in the comments like this! You went over and above the call of duty and that is duly noted! 🙌

⚠️ PLEASE NOTE: Before sending a #Ping, confirm that the follower account you are messaging IS NOT A SPAM OR BLANK ACCOUNT! This applies to all of the 3 scenarios detailed above so please be sure to check as those #Ping's will not be entered into the Comet Ranker Systems.

⚠️ PLEASE NOTE: And now for a 4th scenario! If you have already #ping'ed your way through your entire follower list and registered all your #Ping Backs during your previous category window we salute you! CONGRATULATIONS!!!


(That was easy right 😉!)

Head back to HQ and let us know! We have something special for you!


SO! There you have it! Four conditions that, if met, can grant you access to the Bonus Round for Operation #Ping! (Everyone wins right!?) As noted before... This will also give you a chance to compile better social statistics for your Hive account AND be a part of the solution! WE ALL WANT TO KNOW WHAT HEALTHY SOCIAL ACTUALLY COULD LOOK LIKE ON A BLOCKCHAIN LIKE HIVE AND YOU ARE ACTIVELY HELPING US DO THAT! 🙏

Ok! Now for the FUN part! BONUS REWARDS! 💯🚀

Bonus Rounds are all about racking up extra points right!

We think so!!!

Extra always produces Exceptional Results!

So here we go.

➡️ For every Bonus #Ping you report with @comet.ranker (on this post) you will earn 1 Comet Token on Hive Engine! 👉 ☄️

➡️ For every Bonus #Ping Back you report with @comet.ranker (on this post) you will earn 1 #Ping Token [NEW!] on Hive Engine! 👉 🌀**

Yes! This is our newest Token in the Comet Ranker LineUP! It is used to determine authenticity on social networks like the Hive Blockchain and this is the first opportunity for Comet Commanders to earn this Token! 🤩


Follow the steps bellow to add a ‘comet’ or 'ping' to your score:

1. Reference to your Authenticated Follower List before beginning any #Ping Missions. Authenticated means that all SPAM & BLANK accounts have been identified and also removed from the score keeping systems at @comet.ranker.

2. Visit each of your follower's Hive Blogs that you haven't yet #Ping'ed, or have already #Ping'ed but not reported back to @comet.ranker yet. Once there take the time to read their most recent post & leave a well-thought-out personal comment. (This is what it means to 'ping' someone, simple, right?) Your followers / passengers have likely been in stasis for awhile, so here's your opportunity to warm up those connections one 'ping' at a time! Do NOT copy & paste a cookie-cutter response or ‘phone it in.’ That is NOT the point of Operation Ping's Bonus Round.

3. Record each ‘ping’ on your Authenticated Follower List using ONE of the following four methods:


  1. 🟥 = 1 ping from you, but no ‘ping’ back or response from them.
  2. 🟥🟥 = 2 pings total, one from you, and one in response from them.

  1. 🔴 = 1 ping from you, but no ‘ping’ back or response from them.
  2. 🔴🔴 = 2 pings total, one from you, and one in response from them.

(Note: An 'inactive follower’ means that your follower's most recent post is older than 14 days. An ‘active follower’ means that your follower’s most recent post is 14 days or newer.)

4. Report your 'ping results' to THIS POST before it concludes it's 7 day reward cycle. This is done as a comment and is called your 'Ping Mission Report' and should consist of only one 'ping result' per. comment. Make sure you include the appropriate red symbols and a link to each follower's post that you 'pinged'.

⚠️ If you don’t receive an immediate ‘ping back’ from a follower, remember to report your initial 'ping' to @Comet.Ranker before this posts 7-day reward countdown expires. Once the 7-day reward cycle is completed ‘Ping Missions’ may no longer be registered for the Bonus Round!


As the 7 days progresses, you (the initiating commander) will ping as many of your followers (who weren't previously #Ping'ed or who were #Ping'ed but their #Ping Back wasn't reported in time) as possible in the week allotted for this Bonus Round.

Each ping report will result in one of four possible outcomes [🔴 or 🟥] and [🔴🔴 or 🟥🟥].

✅ Commanders reporting #Ping Backs [🔴🔴 or 🟥🟥] will accumulate #Ping Tokens 🌀 in their Hive Engine Wallets (at the end of this Bonus Round)

✅ Commanders who report single #Ping's [🔴 or 🟥] will accumulate Comet Tokens ☄️ in their Hive Engine Wallets.

✅ Additionally, Commanders will be awarded Ping Badge's (the same badges awarded to them during the first part of Operation #Ping) and these will adjust upward as will the Ping Consoles (dashboard.) on their ships as #Ping Missions are processed. Any Commanders who manage to #Ping 80% (or higher) of their Authenticated Follower List will get the full Ping Console (dashboard) view of their accounts social FOR FREE!

This is our way of thanking you for participating in Operation #Ping (and this Bonus Round!) and for helping us gather the data we all need to understand the social forces at work on the Hive Blockchain! 🙏


Let's say a Commander with 100 Authenticated Followers previously (during Category 1, 2, or 3) reported Mission Reports for 50% of their list. During the Bonus Round they managed to #Ping another 45% of their list of which 20% converts to #Ping Backs from their followers [🔴🔴 or 🟥🟥].

...This means that they will be rewarded a total of 25 Comet Tokens and 20 #Ping Tokens for their efforts during the Bonus Round of Operation #Ping!


Once @Comet.Ranker HQ receives your 'Ping Mission Report' (here on this post) we'll update your total 'ping score' in Comet Ranker's Computer Systems.

Single #Ping's will be registered in our systems and those numbers will populate to your ships consul (dashboard).

If you are reporting a #Ping Back we will confirm and notify you of the total #Ping Backs you have received from start until that very moment in time using Operation #Ping's dynamically generated badge.


ALSO! Please remember! The same as before... Only 1 Mission Report per. comment!

One more thing! Once this posts reward cycle expires (7 days from the publication.) it will be no longer possible to register your #Ping Missions for this Bonus Round! Make sure that you have all your Mission Reports in by that time! (You can also check the Bonus Round's official countdown by viewing this post from the PeakD front end. 👉 https://peakd.com)


AND! Always remember... should you need support or have any questions please notify us bellow in the comments or over at HQ!

We are 100% here for you! Should you require any assistance let us know!

When your winning we are all winning!

© Comet.Ranker 2022


Encourage a fellow Hive member to stick with it


Reporting a follow up for this follower


Reporting a follow up for this follower


Internal Systems Note:
Double #Ping

Really!!!!! hahahahahahahaha


Reporting a follow up for this follower


Note: Double #Ping

Reporting a follow up for this follower


Reporting a fresh ping back


Ping Mission Practice Report
An insightful post on abuse in relationships
https://ecency.com/hive-105727/@kei2/my-take-on-abuse 🔴🔴

This one looks GREAT! Keep going @kemmyb! (And don't forget... you can still Mission Report your Single #Ping's as well!) That's how we will eventually get the best view on your social... It's going to be invaluable information going forward. Believe you me!

Comet Ranker

Reporting a follow up for this follower


A great place to find something to do, or let others know about a fun activity that you enjoy on Hive!



Hilarious, must read and it will only take a few seconds!


🟥🟥 https://ecency.com/aseanhive/@rafiyel0403/workmates-for-keeps

Member could use help in how to present content


Reporting a follow up for this follower


Oh man... this one's so concerning and the fact that she hasn't checked in... it's worrisome! I hope that she's alright! Does anyone know any of her other socials?

Oh... and just for reference sake... This follower didn't #Ping Back... 🙁 so this would only be a single 🟥 code Mission Report.

These #Ping Missions only count during engagement events. We would like to encourage a point of connection during Operation #Ping so rather than referencing off of a past event we want to hit the reset and hope for something good to happen.

SO! If yourUP for it... You can #Ping this follower again! If anything, perhaps, when they see that you have checked back so many months later they will be encouraged to #Ping back... or maybe these #Ping's will lay fallow until the right time... Who knows... but effort is always rewarded more broadly.

Let me know if you have any questions about this Wrestling!

Comet Ranker

P.S. Hi @pappyelblanco! I thought this might be a really good one for you to take a closer look at! These are the sorts of scenarios you will come across eventually. Now you have another one under your belt! 💪



This user responded after the deadline.


Annnnnnd another #Ping Back conversion @wrestlingdesires!

It was after the fact but I'm letting these count as everyone is winning Comet and #Ping tokens during the Bonus Round! If this was like Phase 1 of Operation #Ping then I would have to be more exacting. Winners being determined by how many people got #Ping Backs during their Category Window! SO! That's the fun part about the Bonus Round! Everyone WINS!

And yes...

I'm still processing Mission Reports! 😅

Comet Ranker


Be sure to check out the winners, and come back on Friday for a new prompt 🙌

Hi @pappyelblanco !

With this one (having 71 comments under the post!) it would have been ideal to use the 'Control + F' key search function! Hopefully you had the laptop for this one! That really makes things a lot easier! 😊

Comet Ranker


Reporting a follow up for this follower



@wil.metcalfe, @iskafan reached this user once more in periods before the bonus round and expertly I must add.

Her conversations are so beautiful to read.


Hi @pappyelblanco !

This Mission Report was previously reported to @comet.ranker . This can be seen by looking at the Authenticated Follower List. Just search the followers name and look to the right of the account name where you will see either a blank space (meaning the follower hasn't yet been #Ping'ed), a number 1 (by it's self meaning the Commander attempted a #Ping during phase one), or two number 1's side by side (meaning that the commander received a #Ping Back during phase one).

So in this case you can see that the Commander successfully #Ping'ed the follower account but didn't get a #Ping in return.

Checking the post that was #Ping'ed shows that 3 months ago a #Ping was attempted. Further scrolling down the comments also confirms that the Commander did not attempt a second #Ping during the Bonus Round.

Probably the best use of time (unfortunately... 😓) but if a second #Ping had been attempted then a Comet Token would have been earned.

Still! The data has been compiled and we appreciate @wrestlingdesires thorough Mission Reporting none the less!

This is enough data to inform the system and determine a social outcome for Wrestling's Hive account.

So Mission Accomplished... but no need to Front Run.

I hope this makes sense! As you can see... the Bonus Round has been a little more complicated to sort through! I really appreciate you taking the time to understand the ins and outs of all this!

Next time (Operation #Link) it's going to go a whole lot easier (once we have generated the lists that is!) so we can look forward to that at least! 😅

Ok! On to the next one!

Comet Ranker

P.S. There is likely to be several of these sorts of Single #Ping Mission Reports. I won't go into detail each time we run into this scenario but I did think that I should at least let you know about them as they are a bit tricky to spot. 😁

This ones good @iskafan and @pappyelblanco! ✅

Look at us developing team work here!

Thank you guys!

I know it's tough to stay on point like this! Talk about and engagement marathon right!?

Comet Ranker

Learn how to make some quick dishes eaten in Africa!


@funshee reminds us that we need to take care of ourselves!




This account have a lot of people running it. This is why I often get response from different people instead of the name on the account.... I'll still report this as a single ping though.



Hi @iskafan !

I have decided to give you the #Ping Back on this one! Your right. This account is run by quite a few people and I am familiar with the project. So! There you go! Yet another #Ping Badge! You now have managed to connect with 83% of your followers and that's 106 #Ping Backs! WAY TO GO!!! 🙌

Comet Ranker

Hey @wil.metcalfe
This user was reached in the first operation but no response to the ping was gotten then and now.

Successful ping 6 months ago: https://ecency.com/hive-174578/@flurdecar/who-am-i-an-introduction

User turned out to be a plagiarist

Alright! I have noted this account in the system as SPAM. (We just label it generically at Comet Ranker... It all endsUP being different shades of the same thing...)

Reporting a fresh ping back


Reporting a follow up for this follower


Wonderful effort @iskafan, but this comment wasn't during the operation #ping bonus round period.

Hey @wil.metcalfe, please help me take a look with your ever so watchful eyes.

Another talented newbie has returned, let's all make him welcome 🙌


Operation #ping is back!!!!

Yes. We. Are. ☄️



I missed out on Operation #Ping. 😞 Any chance for me in this Bonus round, @wil.metcalfe?

You can join in for fun and just go into rapid engagement mode with all your followers.

It is so much fun.

There certainly is @kemmyb!

Thanks to @pappyelblanco asking me at HQ this morning I decided (for current #CometCrew already present at HQ) that we could include you all in this Bonus Round as a Practice Round!

You wouldn't earn badges or have ships consuls provided to display your social results... but you would be able to earn Comet Tokens & #Ping Tokens for every Practice Mission Registered here on this post!

I saw this as an opportunity to get as many people as possible practicedUP for future missions!

So! Tell me... Are you in or are you in!? hahaha! 😁

Comet Ranker

Bonus Round response that came after the deadline



I'll be checking these tomorrow Pappy! Thank you for being so eager and efficient with these Mission Reports! You got them in on the very 1st day! How AWESOME is that! 🙌



Good to hear from you and nice to see this second initiative. I am glad to support sir @wil.metcalfe. How can we get the authenticated list of our followers? Thanks again sir. This indeed a nice initiative @comet.ranker

Yayyyyyy! @adoore-eu! I'm so glad to hear from you and also glad to see that you are still keen and raring to go! 🙌

Jump over to HQ (Comet Ranker's Discord) and click on the '@commanders' channel. There you will find your Authenticated Follower List that you will be able to use during this Bonus Round! This is a LIVE and ACTIVE FREE FOR ALL... and we are already 1 day in!

It's not like last time where people waited for their Category Window!

Sooooo don't wait to long ok! 😉

Seeing as your follower list has been pared down from all those BLANK and SPAM accounts... Your going to feel a whole lot more efficient and hopefully this will be a whole lot more fun for you this time around!

Let me know if you have any more questions ok! You know that I'm always here for you! 👍

Comet Ranker


A brilliant motivating Actifit post by mintfinch >> 🔴🔴 https://peakd.com/hive-193552/@mintfinch/actifit-mintfinch-20220406t090638143z

Hello @queenstarr, I noticed you have began bringing in reports, great job!! I have always known you will make an expert engager.

Please each report is meant to come as a separate comment so that it counts.

Thank you very much and keep up the good work.

Ok! I love to see this Mission Report already here! And it's an Active #Ping Back as well! Nicely done @queenstarr!

I'll be checking over the reports tomorrow and @pappyelblanco will be 'front running' to make sure that everything pans out the way it should!... just an FYI!

Yayyyy! I'm so excited!

Comet Ranker


Hi you guys! @wrestlingdesires @pappyelblanco 👋

Just another learning opportunity! (Whew! Yes! I'm a thorough and consistent one... at least I really hope that I am because I'm doing my utmost here to keep our data on point! 😁)

Here's the adjustment...

Because this follower's last post was 3 months ago the red code should indicate that this is a #Ping Back from an account that has now lapsed into the 'inactive' status!

So this is what the red symbol code should look like 👇

🟥 🟥 https://ecency.com/hive-173286/@occultis/gu-mythology-series-n6-lysander-champion-of-light

Ok! That's it for now!👌

Comet Ranker



Bonus Round: Ping that missed the Ping Category

🔴🔴 https://ecency.com/hive-188409/@thegoodbi/my-most-terrifying-calamity-story




She shares her beautiful journey and experience on hive, I found it inspiring and humorous by our fellow at HQ Nkema🤗 >> 🔴🔴 https://ecency.com/hive-153850/@nkemakonam89/my-blogging-experience

Excellent @nkemakonam89! I'm glad you managed to #Ping this one! You are now sitting at a 97 #Ping rate meaning you have intentionally gone out of your way to #Ping 97 percent of your follower list at the time your follower snapshot was taken!

I realize that it's been several months since this follower went dark... and you have waited 2 days for them to respond... But we still have a few more days until the Bonus Round wrapsUP! Are you sure that you want me to enter this into the system yet?

I understand that you are also managing your time so whichever way is good! I'll enter into the system right away. Just thought you might want to know about the timing thing. We can always 🤞 right!? hahaha! 😅

Comet Ranker


I really would have loved to eat that pancake too



AWESOME! Would you look at this! 🤩


A gripping story about a man who wants a better life.




A zapfic, they are harder than they look. Try one!




An Interesting short fiction story by Trashyomen >> 🔴🔴 https://ecency.com/hive-170798/@trashyomen/the-blossoming-of-the-century#@trashyomen/re-queenstarr-ra1qev



Informative post about a free new NFT game.


🟥🟥 https://ecency.com/luv/@luvshares/about

Check out an awesome project that you have already seen around ♥️


This is such a wonderful initiative and I'll love to be part of it.

You are very much welcome.

Hey @wil.metcalfe, can you help him out with directions of being a part of this?

Hi @vickoly!

I just love your excitement and eagerness to throw yourself into what we are all doing here at @Comet.Ranker! BigUP's from me my brother! 🙌

I would like to officially invite you to HQ over on Discord! This is an invitation only Team Initiative and your initiative has set you apart! We need more people who are willing to jump into the engagement trenches just like you are doing!

Please add me over on Discord and I'll send you the invite link! Here's my account name: wil.metcalfe#3506

Looking forward to seeing you over at HQ!

Comet Ranker

Although I didn't took part in the previous edition, permit me to hop in real quick 🤗

Try and hit @wil.metcalfe to see if you qualify for a spot

Hi @repayme4568!

It's been a busy Bonus Round! I'm getting to you (4 days later) no less so I'm sorry about the delay! 🙏

Comet Ranker engagement events are signUP events and we are growing the #CometCrew at HQ with a careful onboarding program. If you are interested in joining us I would love to get to know you better!

You can reach me personally over on Discord by searching my user name: wil.metcalfe#3506

I look forward to connecting with you!

Comet Ranker

Ping Practice Mission Report 2
User wrote about how she found a family on Hive. An inspiring post. 🔴🔴




A tasty garden can be had anywhere :)

I'm really glad you #Ping'ed this follower wrestling... however because this is a newer follower it isn't compiled your Follower Snap Shot or Authenticated Follower List. I still gave you 100% UPvotes though!

@pappyelblanco Just make sure your referencing off of the Commander's Authenticated Follower List for these ones before verifying. I drew a blank on the system with this follower as it's not (yet) in the system.

But yes!

Carry on! 😊

Comet Ranker

Ping Practice Mission Report 3
Author examines difference between solitude and loneliness.. 🔴🔴
