Report All Category 2️⃣ #Ping Missions Here!

in #ping3 years ago


Attention all Category 2 Commanders!

👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀

Operation #Ping is now LIVE in...

5...4...3...2...1... AND LAUNCH! 🚀
All ships #Ping Portals are now ACTIVE!

🌀___ 🌀___ 🌀___ 🌀___ 🌀___ 🌀___ 🌀___ 🌀

Commence with engagement protocols!

Welcome to @Comet.Ranker HQ!

Here is where you leave your mark Commander!

Report all #Ping Missions to this post!

Remember! Only 1 mission report per. comment!

As well! Once this posts reward cycle expires (7 days from the publication.) it will be no longer possible to register your #Ping Missions for Category 2! Make sure that you have all your Mission Reports in by that time!


AND! Always remember... should you need support or have any questions please notify us bellow in the comments!

We are 100% here for you! If you require any assistance let us know!

When your winning we are all winning!

Over and out,


Once your Operation Ping category launches, the following are steps to add a ‘ping’ to your ping score:

1. Copy your entire follower list into a document or spreadsheet such as Google Spreadsheets, Microsoft Excel, or even just 'notepad.' The @Ecency front-end is the easiest platform to copy your follower-list from: . (These followers are people who chose to follow you, fearless leader, so let’s treat ‘em right!)

2. Visit each of your follower's Hive Blogs, then take the time to read their most recent post & leave a well-thought-out personal comment. (This is what it means to 'ping' someone, simple, right?) Your followers / passengers have likely been in stasis for awhile, so here's your opportunity to warm up those connections one 'ping' at a time! Do NOT copy & paste a cookie-cutter response or ‘phone it in.’ That is NOT the point of Operation Ping.

3. Record each ‘ping’ on your Follower-List Document that you created earlier using ONE of the following four methods:


  1. 🟥 = 1 ping from you, but no ‘ping’ back or response from them.
  2. 🟥🟥 = 2 pings total, one from you, and one in response from them.

  1. 🔴 = 1 ping from you, but no ‘ping’ back or response from them.
  2. 🔴🔴 = 2 pings total, one from you, and one in response from them.

(Note: An 'inactive follower’ means that your follower's most recent post is older than 14 days. An ‘active follower’ means that your follower’s most recent post is 14 days or newer.)

⚠️ AND you’ll also want to copy a ‘link’ to each post that you comment on.

4. Report your 'ping results' to the @Comet.Ranker Mission Report post for your category before it concludes it's 7 day reward cycle. This is done as a comment and is called your 'Ping Mission Report' and should consist of only one 'ping result' per. comment. Make sure you include the appropriate red symbols and a link to each follower's post that you 'pinged'.

⚠️ If you don’t receive an immediate ‘ping back’ from a follower, remember to report your initial 'ping' to @Comet.Ranker before the Mission Report Post for your category's 7-day reward countdown expires. Once the 7-day reward cycle is completed ‘Ping Missions’ may no longer be registered within your category.

Whoever gets the most ping back responses (points/symbols) in their category, wins!

As Operation Ping progresses, you (the initiating commander) will ping as many of your followers as possible in the week allotted for your specified category.

Each ping report will result in one of four possible outcomes [🔴 or 🟥] and [🔴🔴 or 🟥🟥].

The Commander able to score the most ping backs (replies) [🔴🔴 or 🟥🟥] will have accumulated the highest number of pings on his / her Ping Badge and Ping Console (dashboard.)

This is how the winners for each category will be determined.


Let's say the commander with the highest Ping Score for mission category one converted 71% of their followers into ping backs [🔴🔴 or 🟥🟥]...

...This means that they will win a total of 71% of the tier one prize pool. That's 355 Hive to the winner, not counting the extra that will be awarded from the sign-up fees from their category.


Once the @Comet.Ranker crew receives your 'Ping Mission Report' we'll update your total 'ping score' to your 'badge.'


© Comet.Ranker 2022


Nice one, we ready


I'm so glad to hear that you are #Ping Ready @pro-elina!

I hope that your missions to connect with your followers / passengers is going well!

Let me know if you have any questions!

I'm right here!

Comet Ranker

Hmmmm... Just double checking the logs! It would appear that you never registered for Operation #Ping as a Comet Commander! I don't know why I thought that you were on the registry for this engagement event @pro-elina! ...but I guess it should be no surprise! When these Categories go LIVE all madness breaks loose! hahaha! 😁

But hey! I just wanted to double back here to connect anyways!

If you have any questions about Operation #Ping or @Comet.Ranker please don't hesitate to ask!

I'm here to assist and be a part of the change we want to see on this social blockchain!


Comet Ranker

Congrats guys. Go, go, go get the prize👏👏👏. We are here to support you all. Put in your best


Ok! One other pro tip!

If you can point your URL Link to (only) your followers post that would be ideal! It's much easier for me to verify the posts age if I start at the very top and then scroll my way down to your comment! I like to get a sense of the content in the post and also see how much overall engagement happened on it as well! A quick scroll from top to bottom does just that!

Hope this makes sense but if not I'm only a #Ping away!

Comet Ranker

Go dear, you can do this. 👏👏

Hi @iskafan!

Just a quick check in! At the time of your sign-up for Operation #Ping a list capture of your followers was done. As it turns out, because this is a new follower, they are not on the list and will not count towards a #Ping Back. This is done all across the board in the exact same way (with all commanders) so as to keep things fair and making implementation smooth and simultaneous.

You have managed to get quite a number of new followers recently! Congratulations! 🤩

So having checked you follower list here on @Comet.Ranker's systems your list begins with the following follower: "bukolajiboye"

I thought that this would help to inform you of where @Comet.Ranker's list (of your followers) begins and your list ends!

Sorry if this meant some extra #Ping's weren't recognized! But at least you know what the "❌" symbol represents now.

Good luck with all of your missions!

Please let me know if you have any questions along the way!

That's what I'm here for!

Comet Ranker


Whoa!!!!! Category 2 is buzzing!!! Next time around I hope to have grown enough to chill with the big girls and boys of category 2.

Good luck all category 2 commanders. Let's make the comment section a livelier place.

Well done for your part



Dear @wil.metcalfe

I have copy a link in comment, I don't know is it to going to right way

Hello... I saw the report you gave. That's a really good start, but you missed attaching the symbols to it.

Take note of these;


In that particular link you submitted, the post was made 3 days ago and you got a reply so, you need to make your report with the post link (like you already did) in addition to this symbol 🔴🔴.


Because he is an active follower and you got a ping back. Hehhw

@wil.metcalfe will answer more when he gets back from the Headquarters 😂😂😂. We are really giving him a mouthful of reports. Haha.

Enjoy ✌️

Hi @masoom!

Nicely done! I'll be coming by to verify all #Ping Mission Reports each day and throughout the day over here at @Comet.Ranker HQ. So! Make sure that you are reporting your #Ping #Back's (and later your Single #Ping's) to the official Category 2 Post!**

You will receive confirmation from @Comet.Ranker with the official Operation #Ping badge! AND it has dynamic feedback built right into it so you'll always be in the know (as you go along) and this will be great for competing with yourself and with the other Commanders if that's something you like to do!

Let me know if you have any questions (like this one!) and I'll do my best to fill you in.

Comet Ranker

**I see that you have been making some Mission Reports! That's good! Buuut! Don't forget to include the appropriate red symbol codes along with the link!

When I get to your Mission Reports I'll do a quick explanation. How does that sound?

Hello... Heheh.
Good to see the symbol attached to your URL.

Did you notice that the URL is not clickable?


Ahaaa... You missed something at the beginning.

Try to edit and paste the proper URL

Thanks @kenechukwu97
Check it out now?

Ok! You got the formatting right now @masoom! Now if you just run with this you will do well for the rest of Operation #Ping!

Only thing, unfortunately, is that because this is a new follower they haven't been captured to your follower list when your Sign-UP was processed. (I also explained this in another recent comment.) So, although I'm glad that you made this effort to connect with them, this Mission Report will not be entered into the system.

I hope that you understand but if there are some questions you might have about this (or anything else) please just ask! I'm here to 100% support your engagement efforts during Operation #Ping!

Comet Ranker


Hi Sammy!

This one looks like a single #Ping? Before I register this Mission Report into the system I figured I had better double check with you as the code indicates a #Ping Back.

Let me know and I'll double back here!

Comet Ranker


Hi @queenmeiko22!

I'm just awarding #Ping Badges and I was wondering... this link doesn't seem to point to the right post? I don't see a comment (or return #Ping from yen1503). Perhaps you included the wrong link?

Let me know how to proceed with this one alright! 😊

Comet Ranker

Sorry about that 😁


Hey, @wil.metcalfe, for this particular report, the user hasn't made a new post in the last 5 days.

However, I had read his last post and left a comment before now. Finding this, I am moved to ask if it counts or not.

This is the reason I am not attaching a symbol to it until you approve or disapprove of it.

I hope you understand my question.

Yes! This is a great question that has actually comeUP a few times during Operation #Ping! Thank you for double checking!

Did your comment happen right before the Category 2 launched or did you comment after when your Category had already launched?

If this is a comment from before your Category launched you will need to #Ping again to check in with this follower / passenger before your Mission Reporting window expires. If, however, this is a comment that you made after Category 2 launched then, YES!, it counts for a #Ping Mission! 👍

Let me know how this went and we'll go from there! 😊

Comet Ranker


Hi @lebey1!

It looks like you stumbled into the right place! If you are interested in boosting your social capital by engaging with people on the Hive Blockchain then here's a great place to start! 🤩

Operation #Ping is already in full swing... but would you like me to put you on our notification board for when @Comet.Ranker hosts it's next engagement event?

Let me know... and in the mean time! Follow along and you will learn all the basics for how this works!

As well... Here's some home work! (Yes! I took your inquiry seriously! hahaha! 😉)

This post is all about Operation #Ping (and, FYI!, has been translated into Spanish, Filipino, and Hindi!).

And this post is all about our previous engagement event (and the launch of the @Comet.Ranker Service here on the Hive Blockchain!) called #CometWeek! This post is pretty epic actually! It's called the #CometWeek White Paper!

I look forward to hearing back from you should you have any questions along the way! 👍


Comet Ranker

Sorry , but what is actually ?





Hi Sammy! Keep em coming!!! Your doing GREAT! ☄️

Just a quick pointer though...

Make sure the link you provide points ONLY to your followers post.

It's a lot easier for me to verify how old the post is and then scroll to your comment getting a sense of the content in the post and how much engagement happed on it! Top to bottom right!

Ok! I'm going to continue processing these Mission Reports! 🤩

Comet Ranker
