Dear Accelerincel - Responding to "The Modern Philosophy of Accelerationism"

in #pob11 months ago

Dear accelerincel,

Your three page missive titled "The Modern Philosophy of Accelerationism by Discreet White Org" has enough merit to warrant a response, so I'm responding to you with my feedback and criticism. I ask the accelerincel author to not take my criticism the wrong way, because you do exhibit skill at writing and as mentioned by another anon, rhetoric. But I think you have to exhibit more than rhetoric when dealing with grand narrative-type topics such as the grandest narrative of all: good vs evil.

What's inspired me to make a detailed critique is the example you unintentionally exhibited of what I'm recently witnessing online, in greater volume and faster velocity than ever before. I've not fleshed out a fully sculpted definition of what I'm witnessing yet, but it's best summarized as a kind of pathologized failure of effort.

The expenditure of effort and wastefulness of failed efforts can be witnessed every day. But what I'm seeing as pathological is how wasted efforts can guarantee repeating themselves. Observing the present day and "our journey" towards "our future," then reading the three page missive which is the subject of critique for this article, I'm unequivocally black-pilled into believing that wasted efforts are guaranteed to repeat themselves.

You've alluded to various mechanisms that stack the deck against your favour in this so-called Game of Life. So you aren't ignorant of them, nor how crucial the continued functioning of these mechanisms are in sealing our fates.

What you are seemingly ignorant of is History. You display a grand naivety of historical context so I think your presented arguments consistently fall short. Due to not referencing any specific examples to bolster your arguments (of which there are many), I can't take your take on using Accelerationism as a viable reaction to fight against global homogeniety. In fact, I believe that by the mere mentioning of Accelerationism in your argumentation, an outcome can be computed through a formula utilizing typical predictive scientific analysis in the style of cybernetics.

This is one facet of what I called a kind of pathologized failure of effort and I hope my critique challenges you to better yourself, or at least to reflect upon the importance of historiography and how your U.S Army Military Doctrine of Lessons Learned could be far more helpful, constructive and positive for disrupting the #5GW Cognitive Warfare Memory-Holing loop you find yourself in.

The Modern Philosophy of Accelerationism by Discreet White Org.

Modern industrialized society is on a path to self-destruction.

Through the futile effort to force an unnatural social order on ‘The West’, the governments of America and her allies have robbed their future generations of the quality of life which was available not a hundred years ago.

The lack of historical context substantiating your opening argument is a glaring omission, and weakens any potential impact in convincing audiences comprising of skeptics and the disillusioned.

With Hollywood,Television News, and Social Media constantly imprinting this motif into their minds: that the future is dystopian, you will have less rights, and you will obey authority under threat of force; people are being subconsciously groomed into taking this scenario for granted as it is set up right underneath their noses.

Correct, but by providing examples of predecessors (of which there are many) would easily prove a historical context for your argument. For example:
"Long-term goals to subvert traditional morals and values upon which societies were built do exist, and the existence of such goals predate the appearance of Hollywood, Television News and Social Media. Subversive concepts are effortlessly spread through the popularization of specific works of art or literature, and there's numerous examples of how spreading such subversion has been rooted deeply in socio-political goals spanning many decades, centures and even millenia."

"Imprinting a motif of a dystopian future into the minds of many was achieved by tried and true socio-political methods. There are endless examples of this throughout history that can be cited as evidence for influencing our present day cultural norms. But in today's post-scamdemic world, the two most readily available and relatable are evidenced by the resurging popularity of two fiction novels; 1984 by George Orwell and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

"For further insight, research Fabianism & the Fabian Movement"

Macroeconomic equilibrium which could effectively eliminate poverty is purposefully not sought by the powers that be in America or any other western nation.

Debt and credit, Fiat Currency, Fractional Reserve Lending. What's the relevance of "macronomic equilibrium" in relation to these preconditions for debt slavery and arguably, an eventual collective state of global poverty for debt slaves?

One need only look to the falling value of the U.S. Dollar since 1913; and to the constant exporting of American jobs and opportunities to see that the mighty capitalist empire of the “greatest country on earth” has been gutted from the inside out.

As an American, you should be referencing 1971 instead. It's more recent

The American economic system has been a carefully crafted time-bomb from the start which has already robbed future generations of the ability to do things like own a house, own a car, and send their kids to college all on one income.

This is a good point, presumably one that many in your audience could relate to.

In reality in 2024, private banks own virtually all assets through loans bearing interest. This practice (known as usury and thought by many to be unethical) has turned American production into a game of speculation, where a loss becomes a burden on the taxpayer, and a win becomes a megayacht in the tax-free Cayman Islands.

Kind of. I'd argue that the velocity of money, (a.k.a. debt/credit) is a bigger factor. The velocity of debt and credit exchanged as fiat currency during every minute of every day represents a planet-wide problem for humankind. Far bigger than the U.S economy faltering due to a recent absence of its typically zealous Military Industrial Complex warmongering at every opportunity.

Everyone knows that these bankers are “too big to fail”. Everyone knows that no matter how
many raises they get, it will always take them 30 years to pay off a house and 5 to pay off a car.

"Everyone knows x2." Stop assuming that your audience is going to relate to your assertion.
"Too big to fail." Proving your historical naievety and more critically, a kind of pathologized failure of effort. . Any opportunity to educate receptive audiences should be made the most of - by espousing old rhetoric and tropes, the author pathologizes the failure of their own efforts, and contributes towards perpetuating the memory-holing phenomena for anyone actually seeking knowledge.

In 2024 50-year mortgages and 7-year auto loans are no longer uncommon for more high-end homes or vehicles. Everyone knows “times are tough”; but not everyone knows that the buying power of the dollar is 3% of what it was when the Federal Reserve was founded. Not everyone knows that the Federal Reserve is not even a part of the federal government but rather a for-profit, private institution; enriching itself off the backs of working men and women.

"Not everyone knows x1." Rhetoric at its worst. Come on, Man! A single reference or citation could draw readers into further researching, it could spark their own curiosity about what not everyone knows.

Only those who have researched this topic at length know the truth: that this institution is part of
a centuries-old structure of banks which gain their power and wealth by lending money to governments at interest and then collecting their profits off the top of the nations product. These banks have worked in unison to start wars and depressions in countries which don’t cooperate with them. Over multiple generations, a class of individuals has emerged who make their money by speculating on the values of things others have built instead of producing anything themselves. These people are a parasitic, unnatural plague on western nations whom should be eradicated in a practical and emotionally-detached manner.

Perhaps the fractional reserive lending system should be eradicated? Perhaps the U.S. Federal Reserve should be audited?

The problem is readily apparent to anyone with a set of eyes and a proclivity for truth.
The solutions are harder to paint an exact picture of.

"The solutions are harder to paint an exact picture of." Good. Wholeheartedly agree.

Revolutions such as those fought in France and America in the 18 th century are presented in
movies as an open struggle between the nice, orderly civilians who just want to be left alone and the boogeyman himself. This particular motif manifests itself in every artistic reenactment of historical colonial revolutions as well as fictional films. In ‘The Patriot’, the colonial militias face off with the cold, dead-eyed ‘lobster-backs’ and their particularly ruthless cavalry troops. In ‘Lord of the Rings’, the young hobbits from the green, happy Shire leave their pot-smoking and dancing behind to confront the manifestation of evil, the All-Seeing-Eye of Sauron and his gruesome orc army.

Why didn't you explore what inspired the author of "The Lord of The Rings?" Is it because his inspiration could be a source of inspiration for your readers too? This omission is noteworthy, and in line with the core ethos of Accelerationism; nihilism, rootlessness and the destruction of humankind's entire civilization history.

In ‘Star Wars’ the farm-boy and the princess defeat the Galactic Empire that seems to only exist for the purpose of squashing rebellion and blowing planets up.

Star Wars was also inspired by mythology, folklore and grand narratives that had persisted throughout humanity's trials and tribulations.

The commonality is that in every film depicting revolution against authority, the situation is this: In a revolution, everyone knows who the good guys and bad guys are, the bad guys make themselves easily identifiable, and the general public knows when they see good guys acting against bad guys.

Everyone? I'd counter that no one knows who the good guys and bad guys are but they do know the signs, symbols and scripts which are meant to make both sides easily identifiable.

This could not be farther from the case, historically. Every government that has ever been in
power on Earth has used every available means to secure that power. In the information age, this has manifested most commonly in the form of disinformation. While history books tell us about the
atrocious tyranny of King George, the likely consensus at the time was not that America could have
won an armed conflict against the mightiest empire in the world. Most civilians..

Most civilians? But not most Freemen? or Freemasons? or...?

..would not have wanted to get involved in any kind of illegal, guerrilla activity such as the Sons of Liberty did during the Boston Tea Party. In reality, the fear of being arrested, jailed, hanged, or just murdered by musket fire in the streets was enough to deter the vast majority of Americans from participating in the revolution until they had a full-scale war on their doorstep.b

I doubt your assertion in its entirety. I would however, be very receptive to any material or rciveferences provided for further education on the subject. As a non-American, I have a gap in knowledge here yet in reading your assertion, I think I'm not receiving any education on the topic.

This situation is the same today: that while being knowingly being abused by a government,
people will not only accept the treatment voluntarily but will also accept the labeling of their
revolutionary-minded compatriots as terrorists, criminals, anarchists, psychopaths, lunatics, etc. The style of disinformation-campaign that designates political dissidents as extremists or threats to the entire nation is a characteristic trait of every tyrannical power structure since the beginning of time.

A good argument with a significant point but because your observations are half-formed at best, no insights as to why this is or how every tyrranical power strucuture since the beginning of time can be gained.

The Sons of Liberty were terrorists. The Cubans that rebelled against Castro were terrorists. The
Russian Christians who met a gruesome demise at the hands of Bolshevism were terrorists. The I.R.A. were terrorists. The Freikorps were terrorists during the Marxist occupation of Germany. Every single organization that takes a rightful stand for its citizenry to have the natural right to self-determination in their own ancestral homeland is labeled a terrorist organization by governments who try to oppress and eradicate them. In the 2020s, the US Government has labeled White people, Christians, and Nationalists as terrorists. If this describes you, welcome to the right side of history.

So Freedom Fighters are labelled terrorists. OK. Understood.
What is the right side of history? The one you cannot expound upon? A side of history that can't offer a contextual understanding of the present day by studying it?

We have discussed that the general impression of the technological future which can be
gathered from American film and TV is a depressing one to say the least. Without expounding too
much on ideas such as mass consciousness, we will only state that there is a real, tangible utility in
being able to change what huge numbers of people expect will happen to them and the world.

Yes, correct. And it's as much an ancient mystery school tradition. An occulted knowledge protected and proscribed by an Elect. A promise made by the Selected through the taking of an oath. And only once oathbound into secrecy shall those promises be rewarded.
It is as much all this as it is a science, a religion, an instinct and a necessity for the continuation of human consciousness.

There is even greater utility in convincing the masses that revolution against authority is only necessary when Darth Vader himself steps out of the shadows.

Darth Vader? Who? The Anti-Christ?

The average person who gathers his world-view from movies and TV believes that he would recognize the signs of a government gone mad with power and would sympathize with a modern-day Jedi on a lone quest to fight the darkness.

Kinda half-arsed assertion here, written like you don't even believe it yourself.

It is said that the way to boil a frog is not to drop him into a pot of boiling water as he will jump
out; but rather to place him in a pot of warm water and slowly dial the heat up until he cooks to death, not realizing the water has changed temperature at all. This is what has happened to White Civilization.

"It is said that.." Who said it? Check out that date of publication!
Drop "White" as it has connotations of Theosophy, Aryanism, Alice Bailey. You do know what they are, right? And what they really intended to achieve by using terminology such as "The Great White Brotherhood?"

The threat has not come in the form of storm troopers but in a gradual undermining of our nations’
abilities to defend our borders, build infrastructure, educate our young, enforce laws, manufacture our own goods, and defend the culture, values, and ideals that built the greatest civilizations man has known.

"..defend the culture, values, and ideals that built the greatest civilizations man has known."
There's a lot historical naivety in this statement.

It is already here, and it is importing military aged males by the millions from foreign lands while doing everything to suppress White birth rates. It revels in the fact that most White people are too distracted by pro sports, trying to make ends meet against inflation, or wallowing in some form of addictive struggle with a substance imported into the country by our intelligence agencies.

"..white birth rates."
Showing your age with this statement. Are you too young to remember the year 2015 and Angela Merkel's opening the gates to Germany wide open? Do you even remember Alt-Right starlette Lauren Southern's forays into the same polemical racial and ethnic arguments and The Great Replacement?

To put it plain and simple, the foreign-controlled governments of White nations are attempting to exterminate White people. 95% of White people will never realize what is going on until the time to act has passed, and the mathematical chance of survival has diminished to zero. As long as Whites have tolerable living arrangements in their communities, a job, beer, and football every Sunday, they will continue to have a false sense of security which makes the situation not seem so severe. Who could blame them?

'White' is too superlative a label for an audience to treat it sympathetically. 'White' doesn't allow the audience to treat your arguments with the kind of nuanced approach it may deserve. Nor do I believe that "white" allows an audience to sympathize through their own lens of traditional identity. Ancestry, folklore, ethnicity, tribes: all things you kill a natural human interest in by utilizing the 'White' terminology.

The reality is that common sense and history books are less exciting than football.

Best point made so far. History books should be compulsory for the maintenance of a reality built on common sense.

White Genocide is a threat but less of an immediate one than the bank taking your house if you don’t pay that mortgage next month.
The clock is ticking on this most critical of issues. That being said, the best time for action is sooner rather than later, while the numbers and demographic balance of our nations allows for it. The enemy only becomes stronger with time and we only become weaker with time.

Non-committal. Again, ignores recent history of Pan-European migration and sadly omits a vital historical reference for context here, i.e. "The Kalergi Plan"

Voting will not work. Asking nicely will not work. There are no political solutions left. The inevitable long-term conclusion of the events currently taking place is extinction and eventual erasure from history of ‘Whitey’. The only way that comfortable, complacent, middle-class Americans will ever realize what the System has taken from them, is if the System is deprived of its ability to provide the distractions and security that it currently is.

"..only way comfortable, complacent, middle-class Americans will ever realize what the System has taken from them, is if the System is deprived of its ability.. and security that it currently has."
The movie They Live comes to mind.

This is not such a radical philosophy. How much longer would people tolerate traffic stops if the criminals ran absolutely rampant through their neighborhoods every night? Would they trust or respect police if videos of officers getting ambushed and overpowered started going viral on social media?

I'm not sure what your point is here because I assume that comfortable, complacent middle class Americans probably have little regard for police, or harbor a mindset which keeps them "trusting" and "respecting" police.

How much longer would people tolerate property taxes and high utility bills if the utilities were constantly shutting off? Or if the roads and bridges were impassible? Agitation of the masses is directly proportional to what we’ll call ‘revolutionary social conditions’. This is the duty of the Accelerationist.

Agitation of what masses?

Everyone knows things will come to an end for the degenerate west. It is not a matter of
IF but WHEN. The WHEN is crucially important as the survival of the White Race into the future
depends on this 7% of the world’s population realizing what has happened and what will happen if
action is not promptly taken to secure the existence of our people. It is time to take the band-aid off. We don’t need the NFL. We don’t need reality TV. We don’t need multiculturalism.

The problem with multiculturalism today is that it defines the means of displacement, the method of making a melting pot.

We don’t need safe spaces for everyone who isn’t White to cope with our existence in our homeland. We don’t need homosexual acceptance or glorification. We don’t need any of these things which have made the White Man a soft remnant of what he once was. What we do need is to create a future for White Children.

All races and ethnicities must take action to secure the existence of their peoples. I find the iconoclastic photo of George Lincoln Rockwell at Black Muslim Rally in Washington DC, December 1960 has immense impact and still remains powerfully fascinating today.

The Accelerationist is the band-aid remover. By deliberately causing destruction and chaos he shines a glaring light on the government’s inability to protect its citizens and property. Better
we realize it now than 5 years down the road at the hands of millions of migrant invaders. It is also a plus that the knee-jerk reactions by the governments often come in the form of overtly racist attacks against White people. Thus, the cycle actually creates more individuals who have ideologically broken away from the two-party-system and mainstream accepted thought. The name of the game is: Agitate, Educate, Organize. The Accelerationist must do all three of these simultaneously to build an effective resistance front. If done properly however, he will have created dedicated fighters whose personal life experiences have driven them to a cause for which they will enthusiastically give their lives.

Accelerationism is a non-modernist (post-structuralist?) philosophy that industrializes the typical goyim-baiting trope of Ordo ab Chao / Hegelian Dialectic / Gnostic inversion and Hermeticism.

A lazy method being popularized for its 'ease-of-scape-goating' any adherents to its core tenets, which coincidentally centre upon ensuring failure.

Accelerationism is a readimade ideology for generation of endless patsies and stooges.