I will attempt to be precise, but I admit I might fail in the attempt. You see, as someone who believes vigilantism should only exist in comic books, I can't be glad a CEO of a rotten corporation got killed. But, and I do not say this lightly; I understand.
For some reason the fact that we have a middleman mafia engrained into the system doesn't seem to bother people much. I mean, aside from those who make political videos about these types of subjects; the average Joe is just happy to have insurance himself.
All that being said, it's somewhat mind blowing to read all the testimonies people are sharing online. I mean, if there's a writer suffering from mental drought for a new Hallmark movie; Twitter or X as the kids call it these days, might be the place to look into.
If you dig a little about the subject, and you learn about these studies that have been published on the American phenomenon; you will find that even though we spend more than any other country in the world on healthcare, we rank #42 on life expectancy. Yes, it truly seems like we have a leak in the boat somewhere, and people are starting to radicalize.
Can't think of another time, aside from when Osama bin Laden died, when American people were united in righteousness about it. It seems like the symbolic nature of the assassination is the message most Americans were hoping to send the powers that be, but could not find a way to do so.
As you might know, he's been caught, caught in the most peculiar of circumstances. Up to a point, I'm having a hard time believing they got the right guy, more so because there's nothing about this kid's profile that would indicate such behavior. But, who knows what is going on in this kid's head. Who knows who he lost, or what triggered his obvious radicalization.
Is this the beginning of something? The beginning of systematic change?
Honestly, I don't think so, but I hope so. The way we are going points directly to radicalization, and if the people on top don't listen, things will only get worse.