Dinosaurs are gay

in #politicsyesterday

It would have been quite difficult for us to imagine only ten years ago the current world that we live in. These so called communities that get behind the "new influencers" and gobble up everything they say. Some of these online personalities have amassed a gigantic following, and it's easy to understand why, but some enjoy a success that I can't for the life of me understand.

Exhibit A: Candance Owens

Screenshot 2025-01-29 083336.png

At this point you probably went back up to the title of this post and asked yourself what is going on, but allow me to explain my hot take title.

You see, I'm not saying dinosaurs are gay, I'm simply stating the fun fact that Candance thinks so, and had absolutely no issue sharing with us this amazing insight about dinosaurs.

Ohhhh Candance

When she was part of the daily wire team she seemed a little more normal, I have to say. It might have been the case that her informational output was controlled by her would be editor, her boss, but these days caution has been thrown into the pigsty.

Her descent into conspiracyland has been fun to watch, but also alarmin, because instead of reducing her audience, it's done the opposite.

Everything is a conspiracy to her. The dinosaurs are a gay plot to erase Jesus, she uttered with no self reflection and then took a sip off her diet coke.

I'm willing to consider that she's audience captured, but that excuse is simply not enough, and it shouldn't satisfy people with a working brain inside their skulls.

Her latest project

I don't follow Candance, but she's hard to miss these days, because she loves to get into fights with people. She's had fights with tons of people on the right and on the left, and her public aggressions usually become viral.

Lately however, she's turned her focus towards France President Manuel Macron. More specifically Macron's wife, who Candance is convinced is a man.

Don't understand the obsession and probably never will. Even if Candance was right. Why does it matter? Who cares? How does that affect anyone living on this side of the planet?

Bigotry Apologetics

To me it boils down to that, just excusing bigotry, disguising it as "hard hitting journalism". The idea that if a president of a country is gay would result in said country being destroyed is predicated on disgusting bigotry that has absolutely no merit.

Her antisemitism is so blatant these days, that all her old friends have had to distance themselves from her, but she's not letting that slow her down at all.


But it seems this is precisely why she's gained such popularity. Because there are people out there who would love to continue being bigots, but not feel bad about it; She gives them the way!

The Apostate Prophet

I've been following this guy for years, for being courageous enough to speak against extremists. A mission of love, I have to say, but I never imagined he would take on this new mission.

I doubt it will work, but he's been trying to give Candance a taste of her own medicine.


The snowball effect he created is starting to make waves on twitter, but this doesn't mean that Candance will find her "come to jesus" moment.

As senseless as this question may be, I feel like asking it.

When are her 15 minutes of fame over?