Does he think people are stupid?

in #politics10 hours ago

I'm serious here, because I don't see how someone can make this point and think it to be a smart one to be made.

Again, Trump with the whole Tariffs are beautiful, they are great, etc, etc, but this time he added not a cherry on the cake, but a shoe.


"We were the richest relatively -- think of this -- from 1870 to 1913. That was our richest. Because we collected tariffs ... we had so much wealth. Of course, now we give it away to transgender ... everybody gets a transgender operation."


Trump in front of his supporters making the case that the US is not going well, because we are handing out transgender surgeries like free candy on Halloween.

There is no way he thinks this is true, and if he does, he needs to get his brain checked ASAP, because there is no way his cognitive abilities are firing on all cylinders.

Two choices

1 - He thinks his supporters are dumb enough to believe the US is spending all it's wealth transing people (new word I learnt recently)


2 - He actually thinks this is happening.

The thing is...

I don't know what is worse here. He's either losing his mind or insulting our intelligence.



This is just normal Trump stuff.

Before he ever entered this political arena he said he'd be on the republican side simply because the rhetoric is easier to manipulate. His politics were democrat before that. He literally just strings buzz words together knowing that it doesn't matter how idiotic it sounds. He's been doing this the entire time; 8 years now.

This just has to be the case, otherwise we are not living in reality.

Yeah if you pay attention you can see how he weaves the buzzwords around and just taps into whatever people happen to be talking about that day.

I'm remembering this bit right now, and almost laughing...

Every political persuasion has it's own incantations. We (the big we) rant and rail over free speech and censorship and then we (the big we) proceed to say very little of meaning.

What percentage of people are able to withold opinion?
What pecertage of people can reason through from first principles to form a deliberate opinion?

Posted using Political Hive

He using a well established mechanism, a hyperbolic focal point. I can recall when "punching NAZIs" was a very important thing in political narratives. There was a distinct shortage of NAZIs to be punched though. Having moved from Hawaii to a relatively rural area in North Carolina, I've only interacted with one trangendered person in that two years. As a side note there are likely only 5-transgendered NAZI's in the entire United States.

Most people have been conditioned to act in a reactionary mode, even the people who believe themselves to be transgressive our acting out fairly predictable patterns.

Posted using Political Hive

Imagine being scared of less than a fraction of a percent of the population.. it's obviously what you say...

But it's red meat for the hateful bunch.

Almost everyone thinks they hate - what they hate is usually a caricature.
Everyone is manipulated to some extent by artificial or induced passions.

I'm somewhat more patient now with respect to political opinion.

He doesn't care and he's quite good at tapping into people's fantasies of what is the problem.