Let the rapture begin!

in #politics2 months ago

I can't truly say when it was that I learnt about the unusual connection that American evangelicals have with Israel. But I'm going to assume it happened as I got more acquainted with American politics.

two thumbs up!

I thought this dynamic, this awkward "love" that American Evangelicals profess for Israel was obviously polluting our politics, our ability to see the picture clearly; But... I truly had no clue of how deep the rabbit hole goes.

I hope that before anybody jumping the gun on this subject, they take the time to hear us out on this. My wife, an Israeli, has a perspective that bears hearing.

A super touchy subjective, a controversial one, for sure, but one that we should not be afraid of learning more about.



Yeah, it must be a weird feeling when your strongest supporters want you to start the Apocalypse...

If I ever start a debate channel, I will also have to marry a Jewish woman. 😄 We don't have this level of table talk in my family.

hey... table talk is a good name for the "show" (its not a show) thing we are doing.

also... its anecdotal, but

I will also have to marry a Jewish woman.

I do recommend.