Why I think Donald Trump was and is one of the best president of US

in #politics3 months ago

The first reason is that he, like me, is in favor of the death penalty.

Donald Trump is totally right. Murderers, terrorists should not be spared. Murderers and terrorists must be given the death penalty because only then will true justice be served to the relatives of the murdered victims. Because arguing about their right to life, keeping them alive in prisons is just a mockery of the relatives of the murdered victims. Europe and my native Lithuania do not want to restore real justice - the death penalty for murders, terrorism, which is just disappointing and shows that all European institutions are not on the side of justice, but on the side of murderers and terrorists.

I also think that murderers should not only be given the death penalty, but at the same time, all his property should be confiscated, preventing it from being inherited by the relatives of his murderer/terrorist. Then sell that property to other private individuals and assign the received income to the budget income. That would be true justice.

It's disappointing.

The second reason-his presidency saw abortion bans tightened in most states and ultimately overturned by the supreme court Roe vs Wade precedent Ending nearly 50 Years of Abortion Rights.I again totally support this decision because: ABORTION IS MURDER.


The third reason-Donald Trump's war on the media has shown the media and journalists their place and that they should be less involved. It has long been necessary to do this not only in the USA, but also in all European countries, including my native Lithuania.

The fourth reason-Trump Signs Executive Order on Social Media, Claiming to Protect ‘Free Speech’



The fifth reason-again for supporting death penalty and just before his term ends in 2020 he approved federal death sentences and the murderers got what they deserved for allowing real justice to be served.

That's why Donald Trump is one of the best presidents of US in all history and I hope that he again will be elected president of United States of America.