MIshka The Wonder Pup!

in #posh2 years ago

It’s a boy! A friend asked us if we were interested in this handsome boy?


I mean… who could say no to that face? All we know is, he was in a terrible situation. Locked in a crate all the time. That’s no way for any animal to live. I couldn’t say yes fast enough. We lost Charlie(The goodest boy) about a year ago. There has been a hole here ever since the day he crossed the rainbow bridge. I miss him and it may sound weird to some but, every night, I look to his spot on the bookshelf where the box that holds his ashes and tell him “goodnight, buddy. Daddy loves you”. I also always thank him for watching the house while we’re gone. NO, I don’t think he can really hear me but… I love my boy.

Mishka, which is Russian for little Bear, will be a welcome addition to the house. I hope there will be peace or at least some kind of détente between him and the cats. One way or another, they will just have to figure it out. We need him as much as he needs us. Like 30 years ago, I owned a Shepherd/Husky mix named Sheba. I will admit, I was not a very good, or well informed dog owner. I like to think I have improved leaps and bounds since then.

He will have the best possible life we can give him here. This will include lots of walkies, a bonus for me, because I have to exercise more. Trips to the Park Bench Cafe, a dog friendly place set in a park. * more walks* and hopefully, Rosie’s Dog Beach in Long beach.


He comes home tomorrow night as long as the Good Lord’s willing and the creek don’t rise. You can follow his adventures and shenanigans on Insta

As always, this is just my .02¢ worth, YMMV

I love you all and God Bless,
