Color Coding Conspiracy Theories?

in #proofofbrain11 months ago

My day was derailed by my credit score report showing me that I'd lost 28 points on the Richter Scale of TransUnion and Equifax because my debit card was compromised a couple of months ago and a payment was marked as 30 days late.
Lies and propaganda!
I had to shut er'thing down to get the debacle of debt incompetence steady.
Of course, I've gone through the proper channels to correct the situation but I was holding out to get a loan which won't happen now —drum roll— due to some hacker choosing my card for escort services in Thailand.
May they all get crabs. Everywhere. Even their armpits.

Now that we have assessed my mood, the rant I was initially lamenting over has now been ramped up to DEFCON L2 and it has nothing to do with credit scores. Unless it does, and I've simply overlooked it.

*Side Note: I wasn't trying to be funny, but a quick re-read of the last couple paragraphs 
did make me chuckle.

Moving on, my day was further derailed due to a message I received from a friend who "should know better" but she asked if this crap dance of mangled facts was true. Evidently I'm the knower of these bullsh*t things and may or may not have the final opinion that is held as a truth?

My head metaphorically slammed into my keyboard so hard that the Q W E R T Y of my demise may never be erased.


*Just in case the image doesn't show up, it's a picture of the Shriners logo and a red fez cap with the 
words: The Shriner logo depicts the star and crescent of Allah and the Egyptian God Osiris. The sword symbolizes the execution of heretics. Shriners are high level Masons who have sworn blood curdling oaths to Allah. 
Their fez cap is named after a city in Morocco whose streets became crimson red during an Islamic massacre 
of Christians. Thus their fez cap celebrates the holocaust of Bible believers. Ultimately the Shriners 
worship the Antichrist proven by their logo!
Original artist of image is unknown.

Typically, on crisp, lovely Autumn days such as today, I wouldn't be bothered by this nonsense. By the way, I'm well aware that some "nonsense" isn't nonsense. From time to time there are red flags that may or may not be waving at us from colorful chapeaus, red or otherwise. On this day though, I've reached full saturation and MY GOD!!! Aren't there other atrocities roaming the earth, especially the "exotic East" that deserve to be reckoned with before we fall down on this conspiracy path? Before we enter the Rabid Rabbit Hole of who worships what in secret?

Oh, Rabid Rabbits be damned inner villain wanted to regal my friend with more ridiculousness and I even contemplated throwing out some wild theories that would link the red fez to The Red Queen from Alice In Wonderland, that of course had nothing to do with menstruation, but definitely lays down the yellow brick road to Oz and Dorothy's quest with the red shoes snagged from the squished sister of the Wicked Witch of the West. And doesn't the Pope wear red shoes? Are they Prada?

With Israel 'expanding' ground activity in Gaza, why should anyone fucking care about the Shriners hats?

I took several breaks from my desire to fling bricks, yellow or otherwise.

And finally, I had my personal moment of enlightenment.
For a very long time (since 2004) I've been using Mandy Moore's infamous character "Hilary" in the movie "Saved!" as an example of how anything can be a weapon. Now was my chance to contemplate why I wanted to fling anything at my clueless friend.

She throws the Bible, shouting "I am filled with Christ Like Love!"

Stunning, isn't it?

There it is. The Weapon of Choice.
Use that which people hold sacred to make it profane. Shame.

Anything, A N Y T H I N G can be used to manipulate, and subjugate. To diminish and mitigate and that is how philanthropy becomes suspect if it's under a red fez.

Oh, let's go deeper.
You know, change a once "pagan" holiday with all its past colors and glory to make the "new religion/philosophy" more appealing. Because let's face it, if you can control what people eat and how they behave behind closed doors during the act of lovemaking? You got 'em.
You got 'em through shame and that's the key.

I finally responded to my friend with this link about the origin of the Shriners logo and hat with a short note: "People can do their own research and decide which side of the light they want to be on. Atomic Boom Light or 'hey, let's not be a jerk today' light. There are good and not-so-good people in every organization, whether they wear hats or not."

In other news, it's National Black Cat Day! @curatorcat will have something to say about that, I'm sure. I mean, Black Cats are bad luck, right?

All aboard the Q W E R T Y Express!

Thank you, so much, for reading and I always welcome your comments!
Take a look at @Labyrinths when you have a moment, and join our labyrinth community on HIVE if you're interested. We just started it, so there's not much going on yet, but if you're ever in the need for a "down to earth" (but not too earthy) psychic, you can find me online at Brigid's Aether.

Any images and graphics (unless noted) are mine.



This is such an interesting topic. I'm eager to know a bit more

Sucks your card was compromised! I know it’s annoying but I use a credit card for all my stuff for that reason. The banks fight harder when it’s their money they are fighting for not mine.

There are so many things in history that we simply don’t know enough about and what’s true versus embellished.

Conspiracies aside, your card experience is similar to someone close to me. He's from US and was also target of these hackers. It seems like dealing with such problem in the US is quite a chore and even asking the police of help is no use. It's insane how slow the system when dealing with these problem which really could affect your life. But really, I am curious, how did they get hold of your details? is it because in general the data is compromised or was it because something else?

gone through the proper channels to correct the situation but I was holding out to get a loan which won't happen now —drum roll— due to some hacker choosing my card for escort services in Thailand.

Also Just hope those hackers get more crabs.