Quote of The Day (Day 9)

in #proofofbrain2 years ago

Have you ever heard of people talking a lot? Those who speak the most tend to share the most? For those who feel that way they themselves may personally not speak much. There is this saying, "Let other's speak so I can learn to be better." I tend to like that thinking.

The reality is we can share information through writing and speaking. For many years it has been through oral communication that we share and learn from each other. It remains to be so to this day even though we have technology to write and distribute infinite amount of information. Yet a lot of the information is useless to us since its either not applicable or we can not apply it to our lives. We tend to need to stay quite to hear it all either through writing or oral speaking.

Bottom line is if we just observe what others have to offer we tend to figure out pretty quickly how things in the world can be much clearer than we first imagine. Take for example teachers teaching kids or someone explaining something to you. The unknowns are quickly removed with the knowledge that is spread. Then there are those false pretenses we have through information that we gather. We have the choice to either believe it is real or false, but in any regards its no longer a mystery to us.