in #vyb3 years ago

Thanks for sharing this story. Surprisingly most of us can relate to being ignored... part of the reason we stayed on blogging here.

And the faces. I think "Where to now" is special. It looks like it belongs on a record album. Taniqua came alive somehow. I wonder if he would like to become a Muppet. And Fakour... I can hear him saying, "Merely a flesh wound." A healing balm !WINE

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Taniqua is actually Fakour's wife. Chicks have beards there. It's just kind of how it is.

My earliest days here, I had a decent sized following on Stumbleupon, so I'd load my content links up to that service and have hundreds, sometimes thousands of views. Could be a post showing it's worth a dime, but I had 500 views LOL. But then stumbleupon shut down and I lost that following.

Thanks for the song by the way. First time hearing it.

Thanks for setting that straight... It has been a while since I saw Taniqua posting. She was looking for some hands to help her husband fakour with a favor. I hope she is not offended that I thought she was a guy. I guess the reason she has no cleavage is because she is more reptilian than mammalian. I see now said the blind man to his deaf son.

On another note, I'm glad you enjoyed the song. I had the album when I was a kid. Something happened to it. I think it got left behind in a move. As a child I would look at the album thinking Garfunkel had a mustache. The two just blended in my eyes.

They lay eggs. No need for cleavage whatsoever. Fakour's hair is just a wig some meth heads glued on while he was blacked out on drugs and alcohol.

Song was cool. I probably heard it years ago, just not ringing any bells. Actually searched Youtube for an hour looking for covers but couldn't find anything modern that wasn't awkward.

Yeah I heard about Fakour's meth allergy. I hope he finds his way home.

I bombed pretty hard with that post when I released him. LOL!

I wonder why your post looks like this from the vyb front end


Oh I see now. The payout is in 4 days. That is cool.

I'm not sure what's happening there.

Sometimes it's all about timing...

Something seems to flop but later finds its place.


What do you call moving from the west coast to the east coast?
A depression.

Credit: theabsolute
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