The One Reason My Memecoin Is Not Like The Others

in #proofofbrain9 months ago


One Reason Why FOMO Support Is Different

According to CoinMarketCap, the entire crypto market adds up to 2.47 trillion dollars. That's a lot of value. The number of cryptocurrencies count up to 2.4 million plus. Narrowing it down more, you find that there are already 22 tokens with FOMO in the name somehow. By the end of this article, you will understand what makes FOMO Support different from everything else in the market.

We Are Not Different Because Of OKX

The FOMO Support Core Team launched somewhere special, yes. But we are not different for it. There are many projects on X-Layer, the new L2 built by OKX. There are less gas fees to pay, yes. And airdrops to gain, if you hold $FOMOS and read our articles.


We Are Not Different Because Of Our Work

We supported the decentralization of another project, $TURBO. It's true we created governance for their holders to lead their project. In fact, we leveraged AI to accomplish our task. While you would be right to say we did those things, this still is not our key difference.


We Are Different Because We Support

What do we support? I can tell you we don't support rugpulls. We don't support scams, either. We are different because we support you, the average crypto user.

You want to know how. You aren't convinced. Read on. We covered upcoming airdrops. We offer yield-farming opportunities. We share knowledge, of all kinds. Best of all, we open a world of possibility.

To you.

When you hold $FOMOS, you have our backing. All people have in the industry is their and their word. We give you and everyone we work with both. That's why OKX invited us. That's why Rhett Mankind named us a big help.

The Reason FOMO Support Is Different

It's simple. We support crypto by supporting its users. We can spot you, but you have to put in the work.

Unlike other memecoins, FOMO Support does not promise returns. Your purchase will grant access to more detailed articles, book recommendations, resources and limited-time opportunities.

Join the FOMO Support Group, the first community to care for the average crypto user. Act now, because I'm afraid this opportunity won't last forever.


I wish you the best man, but most people are just concerned with "wen m00n?"

They can ask future-based questions. It’s a speculator’s market, after all. Doesn’t mean I have any answers…

If it's a speculator's market, what drives speculation AND value propositions for the user base? Hive does a great job at this.

I’m glad you asked.

As the value proposition is insight, I don’t have to promise much. I also have plenty of contacts in my network who deliver their own content.

I am the bridge to my city’s DAO, their Ethereum conference (this month), and more.

I know a guy who makes mental health content, another who does deep dives into memecoins. I’m in conversation with head of development at OKX, as well.

I’m confident something can happen. Hell, if I keep writing like this, I could get people into HIVE, too.

I'm just trying to help spin the wheels man. You don't have to convince me. I know the game.

😂 You make good practice ! If I get a question that’s under 2 syllables though, I’m not answering it. I’ll pay for a chat bot at that rate.

You wanna help me dev one? 😂

Brother, I've been way to busy for that, but the summer may open up some. I will be broke and in Cambridge.

Ah. Reminds me of college. Luckily, you’ll have a friend and a guide. Cambridge ain’t one of the best places to be broke, but it’s one of the best for meeting your boy 🤝

But till now, I still believe there is still hope in memecoin and one can still pursue it to succeed

You can accomplish anything with a solid plan.