Super puppy dog has been running around getting into all sorts of trouble and being all sorts of amazing.
He absolutely loves to bring the ball back and put it in my hand so I can throw it again.
And he has been the bestest puppy dog ever. Well other than the entire barking of cats and bunnies.
Super cold out so he has been snuggling a little bit and we've been working quite a bit on heel training. My puppy dog is a little bit obstinate and strong-willed however he definitely does know exactly what to do it is just getting him to do it.
Oh you're starting to get the drool and flipping of drool when he shakes his head and flaps those slobber curtains around.
However he is all sorts of cute. I could do with a lot less talking back and mouthiness from him.
However I think I'm just going to accept the amazing puppy dog that I've got and just absolutely enjoy snuggling up with him. Well the times that he does acquiesce to my request of thermal warmth when it's absolutely frigid out.
I've never known a puppy dog that wasn't willing to snuggle and my last dog would willingly weasel his way to the bottom of the sleeping bag and turn around to come up and fit in under my buns.
And of course this dog refuses to do any of the above. Well maybe if it got a lot colder he might.
Well we are going to hang out over at my brother's house for a couple days. Try to keep warm!
May everybody have an amazing puppy day.