This Week in Zeke - Cruising Into the Long Weekend

in #proofofbrain19 days ago


It has indeed become the Monthly Zekely and I could catch you up on a busy August but I won't! I will stick to the last week and foreshadow a huge "what I did this summer" update next edition.

In this edition, I am enjoying the late summer by having some fun while planning even more fun starting this weekend!

Monthly Zekely?


Previously, on the Zekely: I was out on the golf course for a little summer fun.


This edition has a similar starting a similar way with another round of 18! Maybe the first and last of the season but I hope we will sneak some late season golf in next month.

Summer Stuff


The gardens around town are popping off toward the end of summer. I do some social media for this place so I like to pop by often to snap pics for the folder of stock footage.


Inside, I can enjoy a pint and join the rest of the early supper guests. It is only starting to fill with the evening crowd and it is great to see independent businesses like putting their heads down and making the money in the busy season.


Back from a week at the cottage and a few days from a long weekend, I had to get some work done. Some of that was cruising around town delivering local news for a media partner for 10k @actifit steps in the sunny and 25. About as good as work gets really.



Summer is not really that short in Canada where we are, about the same latitude as northern California. Still, a couple weeks late and a couple weeks earlier than other part of the world means we have to pack all our fun in less time. Here, we are playing a little corn hole at a craft brewery. Corn hole meant something much different when we were kids.


Speaking of kids, "Don't yah just love farts" surely must have been added by someone with a juvenile sense of humour. I know because I got a chuckle out of it and so did the artist who was responsible for the original installation. Summer is for expressing yourself and making people laugh!


I also had the chance to get together with the guys and rehearse a couple times for a show we have coming up this weekend. Playing music with other people is a blessing and preparing for a show is special time you don't always get. The live show is the best and I will surely tell you that tale next week.


Speaking of summer music, we picked up a new gig promoting a show by Alan Frew who you might know from the 80s band Glass Tiger He has put together an all-star band and they are performing a bunch of 80s and 90s hits he likes. Happy to be able to bring a couple acts in to open and raise money for the events-loving local hockey team The Fighting Irish If I am in town this weekend, I will bring you with me.



I know summer isn't officially over until 3 weeks into September but I like to keep the good times rolling well into the fall. That being the case, we had a fantastic summer brewing our own IPA and this one is the last of the summer IPAs. Don't worry too much about that as we are kegging the next New England IPA this week and will enjoy it after the weekend. The last of a batch is a beautiful thing as it settles a little and gets to the perfect carbonation level. Wouldn't be summer (or a day that ends in Y) without a nice #beer.


The garden is still popping, and I have a few weekends of adventure already planned so I am definitely not mourning the end of summer. Before I get to that, I will bust out a special Zekely edition with the gr4eatest hits from a big summer!

Thanks for joining me as we cap off a fantastic Canadian summer and set up a big September!





How was your August?!


I have a lot of fun even in the busyness, beautiful places, the end of the post was very funny

Thanks for taking the time to let me know you enjoyed the update. Just wait til the next one!

Oh, you keg your brews? Every homebrewer I know simply bottles them. How do you do so?

Oh ya it is the only way.

This is next level brewing with the computer operated grainmaster system and brewing right from crushing the grain.


These are old cornelius kegs previously used for pepsi decades ago. We pour from the fermenter into the keg and carbonate using CO2.

The only way to go!

Hehe, that's an amazing purpose for the old kegs :) They must have felt full of junk initially, then empty for ages. And now, finally, they're something truly fulfilling ;)

Playing music with other people always put me in the mood to keep singing
It’s usually interesting
You had a nice week!

Good afternoon and greetings to all of us. All the images you show are quite beautiful and quite interesting.

Well thanks for riding along!

Okay. You're welcome, my brother. May the best always be with you.

NFL coming soon..


I can see great fun around you and also good beer, it's a way of unwinding.
I loved the sense of humor of the artists, of course farting makes us feel better.. 😁