
Games have rules.

Agreed! the problem comes in how these rules are interpreted by everyone in a given moment.

10 months of being zeroed is alot.

Not only alot. But in my view, actually way too much!
As for those who really have the power and authority to stop, correct and prevent such abuses and arbitrariness have not yet done so.

Maybe you can make a time served deal with them, but you'd have to not repeat these infractions of the content policy in the hive.

They have no brains to reason whatsoever. And consequently the enforcers in charge do not have the slightest ability to decide what is fair, correct or necessary to save their sorry little ass.

Policy that needs to be questioned, it's shortcomings exposed, imo.

Yeah, that seems to be what all of them are looking for. Stay clearly exposed at the eyes of the whole world showing their incompetence and uselessness for the task. Consequently strengthening the remarkable evidence in the face of public scrutiny because their obvious abuses, biases, arbitrariness and lack of good judgment to do what is due.

At these heights of the game. To me, honestly, looks way more satisfying and profitable turn all my content into "Evergreen Content" telling freely my truths everywhere at the sight of the entire world and that everyone can reach their own conclusions on the matter by themselves. Whatever which needs to be changed for the betterment and wellbeing of everyone, undoubtedly needs to be changed and improved immediately with no delay.

It changes when we power up enough to overcome the challenges.
Until then, the status quo rules.

It changes when we power up enough to overcome the challenges.

That's true. The problem is from where are we gonna obtain the resources to power up enough to overcome the challenges?

Until then, the status quo rules.

Should exist another way. And I'm afraid that's what most of us are trying to find out! :)

The problem is from where are we gonna obtain the resources to power up enough to overcome the challenges?

We vote it to each other.
100 dolphins, acting in concert, can change the course of this platform.

We've had 100x that many folks dump and run, we could've taken power by now, but nobody wants to team up to get it done.
I'm looking at the skaters, there are beginning to be enough of them to make a difference.