Source - Thanks @katharsisdrill for this great artwork!
Trauma locks in an identity controlled by emotions and emotional impulses.
Identity based on emotions is not in control.
When trauma happens collectively it has a congealing effect on the group mind - it is a way to unify the mob into a single celled organism.
The only way around this trauma unified reality is to give up fear.
To culture an identity not based on fear or on a reaction to emotions.
Not to repress emotions but to be able to stand separate from them within, and willfully choose whether or not to participate in them.
The mob - as it continues down the path of greater and greater shared trauma - becomes less and less rational.
This is the phenomenon we are witnessing at present.
People with a higher purpose or people that have done a large amount of self-work in that they have cultured an identity without fear are immune to this narrative that is twisting the group into this unification through the trauma of lockdowns, threat of an unseen threat, insecurity, paranoia and fear-mongering.
The average human that agrees with taking endless boosters of an experimental injection no longer has the capacity to see truth and/or to act on it - its first resort for a possible solution is 'what is the group doing'. The definition of truth has been distorted to mean something dynamic - solid objective reference points have been twisted to mean something fluid and ever changing.
The people have lost control.
Their only foundation for objectivity being the social environment's collectively agreed information.
Whereas when fear is discarded and an identity outside of fear is cultured and maintained we can have the opportunity to see what is real and what is not.