The Daily Meme #747!

in #resisttyranny2 months ago


You can read the story and determine your own opinion, dear reader, but you won't be changing mine.

IF I could hand you a contract you didn't agree to, and get it enforced by the local armed thugs in clown costumes, I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror, but this is every day in the land of slave.

Thank you for your compliance.


2000usd is not worth traumatizing this lady to death.
If you think that the 'rule of law' needs to be respetted you have gone off the deep end.
Stop embracing your enslavement, please.
You are making freedom harder to maintain for the rest of us.

The banksters that foreclosed on this poor lady's house piss away that much money on fancy food and clothes.
It was a rounding error in their books.

If you only knew what has been stolen from you by people far better informed of the reality than you, you would be very emotional.
Pitchfork and torch emotional, imo.

IF that sheriff gave two shots about that lady's well being he would have stopped this before it killed her.
He literally deputized two 'ladies' that worked at the local mental institution to put hands on an elderly widow.
An elderly widow with more courage than most 'men'.

But, he knows who makes the donations to his campaigns and who doesn't.
It was all about his grip on power.
He knew who could keep him in his clown costume, and who couldn't.

We don't need humanity anymore, we have infinite dollars printed from nothing and taking their value from everything.

An attack on one is an attack on all.

source of pic

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy.

Death to Discord!
Long live Sting!

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Everybody cares about their own interest, let the rest be turn upside down.

I shall dispute that... I surely care about Humanity on Our beset planet, and all My work is towards solving for the problem of psychopaths in control.


Posted using MemeHive

Breaking news: a pygmy shaman is being pursued by the authorities
That's right be on the lookout for a small medium at large.

Credit: reddit
@antisocialist, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of holovision



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The "rule of law" merely means the supremacy of the legal system, a ghastly and psychopathic system We are told is "law" when none of it is Law. There are only three Laws. I do not consent to that whole system!

Calling a Legalate a Law (article):

Just Stop Consenting! (article):

_Three Laws (1).png