The Daily Meme #745!

in #rewardpoolreap2 months ago

Are you interested in seeing hive succeed in the short term?
Would you like to see hive's ranking climb back up to the single digits where it should be?
Do you vote accounts that dump their rewards as quick as they get them?

Curators create the leaks that keeps the price in the pits.
When curators vote rewards to accounts that dump them we all have our holdings diminished.

Now, authoritarianism is not the best management system available to us, imo.
We shouldn't go all totalitarian with our efforts to stem the bleed.

So, I don't recommend flagging back all those rewards that the irresponsible curators let get dumped, but I would like to see folks holding onto a little more of what we give them.

To this end I have derived the following guidelines.
When an account's reputation gets to 60 it should have 1000hp.
When an account gets to 70 it should have 5000hp.
Once an account reaches 75+ it should have its rep x 100 powered up.

These number seem reasonable to me.
More savings in the beginning.
Less stringent requirements as the holdings grow.

IF every active account held 5000hp, there wouldn't be as much hive on the market to keep the prices low.
There also wouldn't be such an iron grip on who gets something from the pool by 'the whales'.
Control of the rewards pool would be diluted across more accounts.

There are only ~440m hive and there are more than 4000 daily authors.
The simple math says we have to have 110k hp to all be equal in power.
That isn't likely to happen.
Too many of us would have our lives irreversibly altered by that amount of money.
But, that doesn't stop us from doing what we can to take the pressure off the traders keeping the price above .1usd.

Every person on the planet needs a savings account.
At some point even blogging becomes impossible.
Each of us will get to that point in our lives.
Storing a portion of the wealth we can accumulate in hive is good for us all, imo.

It's becoming pretty clear in the normie world that crypto is here to stay.
Hive has the best fundamentals of all the chains out there.
No vc's that are guaranteed to dump at the high.
No fees, 3sec irreversibility, can be earned, stable coin built in, etc.

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You make total sense, Hive should be gravy money that we all play with. If you need to cash it in you shouldn't be here.

I find it real hard to believe that absent hive's presence in a person's life they would starve to death.
They all ate the week before they found us.
It's up to us to not vote rewards to dumpers.


Posted using MemeHive

I asked my Mom why ADHD runs in our family.
She said because it won't sit still.

Credit: minopoly
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