Rising Star Self-Made Millionaire 250,000 STARBITS!

in #risingstar3 years ago


This is a series of shorter posts mainly for myself. I’m going all in trying to become a STARBITS Millionaire and these posts will keep me accountable to myself and are mainly to be thought of as journaling my journey for my own archives. You can follow along if you want to. No hard feelings if you choose not to!

My Progress

Another step in the right direction! 250,000 STARBITS accumulated through completing missions, participating in giveaways, and picking up a bit in the market whenever prices looked decent.

25% done on my journey!

I’m thinking about changing up my stately for teaching 1,000,000 STARBITS. I’m trying to find a balance between time spend and money spent. I set out the goal of not spending external fund (from outside of Hive) on Rising Star.

Largely, I’ve kept true to this goal, but I have bought STARBITS every now and then using leftover SWAP.HIVE which part of definitely came from deposits of external funds. So, likely I’ll think I’ll start throwing out a few orders of STARBITS to speed up my process.

My two fold brain struggles a bit with this decision. My gamer brain want to just keep grinding and play the game, and my investor brain want to frontload the STARBITS that I need so that I can start earning back more STARBITS per day.

I’ll put my thinking cap on tonight and try to rework my approach a bit.

My Stats Today

Level: 52
Starbits: 251,600

Permanent Fans: 1950
Luck: 475
Skill: 8252

One day closer to reaching my goal of becoming a STARBITS Millionaire!


If you haven’t yet, you can sign up here: Rising Star

Rock on!


This is not financial advice. Do your own research. You are responsible for your own personal decisions and your own personal economy.

Hive SBI

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Blockchain Gaming

If you’re interested in Hive blockchain gaming, here are some games that I’m having a blast with. You could check them out through my referral links:
Rising Star