Ugochill Music release, track Reason to Stay available as Music NFT in the Rising Star Game Record Store.! (First batch sold out, second and the last one on sale.)

in #risingstar9 months ago


Hi everyone.

Thank You so much on your love and support. It means world to me, especially in these crazy times.
So happy to see @risingstargame and community still going strong even when 2023 was not an easy year.
Let's hope 2024 will be bullish on all levels.
I for sure have many things to look forward to.

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Track Reason to Stay was originally recorded some time ago but I did not release it for a wider audience. Upon revisiting it I realized that this melodic/melancholic guitar instrumental deserves much more than to remain obscure and unreleased. It is an intimate track with an intimate message, and for my part true collector's item that I can offer for Rising Star Game.

(Full track preview on Audius)

The first batch of 25 is almost sold out and this track will be minted in maximum of 50, so one more to go.

Of the other two released tracks within the game one has been sold out for some time already and won't be minted anymore (Livingston). The other track (The Whale Song) first batch is also almost sold out and I will be minting second batch next week.

I was thinking, should I tag each and every person that purchased Ugochill tracks but I realized that would be literally tagging dozens and dozens of people.
Perhaps it could be seen as spam, so I won't do it, hoping that most of you will be able to see this post.
Thank You again for your support.
Words cannot always convey a feeling of deep appreciation. I like to talk more with deeds, and will continue to support Hive, Rising Star Game, other Artists and community best that I can.
Thank You.!

Rising Star Game is one of those truly awesome, ground breaking projects. Appealing to both gamers and artists. It is my honor and joy to be personally involved from the beginning and as a supporter, player and content provider.

If you like gaming, music, crypto I'm pretty sure you would be enjoying this game just as we do.
You are more than welcome

"Start as a lowly busker and work your way up to global mega star! Earn STARBITS playing Rising Star, the Hive Engine NFT music career game!"

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very cool!

Thank You.! :)