What's cooking?

in #ruthphotostories2 years ago

When you want something with a scent of junk food on your plate but with a little healthier twist what can you do?

It's easy! Just combine it with nutritious vegetables!


That's what I did here! I found some sausage in the freezer and since I only cook it in the oven or barbecued, I thought it would be a nice idea to mix it with some green and red peppers. Thick pieces of tomatoes went in there to accompany the cubes of potatoes and a dressing of a little olive oil, mustard, hot ketchup, thyme, oregano, pepper and paprika added some extra flavor.

In less than 45 minutes at 190°C, our healthy with an unhealthy touch lunch was ready!


Of course, Trumpman abstained from anything colorful as he considers it too healthy for his taste.


Me, on the other hand, tasted the whole deal. Unfortunately, the green pepper was a little bitter and I had to leave it to the side, but the tomato was so juicy, the sausage tender and the potatoes really scrumptious!

The only thing missing here was a glass of cold beer or even some good tsipouro. A slice of freshly baked bread was there to soak up all the juices from my plate and a little goat cheese completed this colorful dish with all the summer aromas.

Do you like to prepare healthy homemade junk food? Do you have any other syggestions for me to try? I'd love to hear about them and why not, experiment with them.

I'll be waiting for your ideas in my comments!!

Original content by @ruth-girl - All rights reserved


The food looks delicious!! Perhaps, I should also start posting on food, must just remember to take photos when preparing it!!

Here is that !BEER you were missing.

I am already salivating I must confess

Looks so good and think test is also good.

Junk food is not good for health.
Doctors do warn about it.
So no suggestion

Posted using Proof of Brain

That looks really good with all the fixings in it. Not so much Truman’s plate….🤣
I do a dish that I call jumble. Because it’s got a whole bunch of stuff jumbled together. I’ll do a post on it, maybe over the weekend.

Hey @ruth-girl, here is a little bit of BEER from @rynow for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.