A couple of gold pick ups this week!

in #silvergoldstackers2 years ago

Greeting fellow stackers and people looking to preserve purchasing power in these turbulent times! Today I thought I would share with you a couple of pickups I have bought this week!

Firstly we have a 1/10 gold Britannia from 2020, not a rare coin by any means but a stunning design that is hard to beat IMO.


Next up for something a little different I bought a proof britannia from 2010, this was a one year only design. it has a mintage of only 1250! I bought this for bullion premiums as its not perfect but to the naked eye its just fine and a nice coin to hold (carefully by the edge!)



The best things about these coins for me as a Brit is that these coins are "Capital gains tax exempt" ie No tax to pay on profits ever!

I paid for these by getting rid of a load of scrap silver stuff i had, much of it I was unsure of purity so sent it upto the refiners. This is much more appealing and takes up less space:D

Until the next piece!


Yep, preserve purchasing power in these turbulent times by soring your wealth in gold!!!
Yes, yes!
Stack on!

Cheers silversaver888!

No tax to pay on profits ever!

I Like the sound of that, all gold and silver should be tax-free.

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I wish it was! just gold coins here in the uk.

Same here on Canada no tax on fine gold and silver , would love to here more about this silver scrap you trade for these gold coins

I have a sideline in trading silver jewellery, I buy in large lots and things I pick up cheap, but sometimes the authenticity or purity is dubious - So these things I save and then send up to a trusted refiner to sort for me. its a nice bonus once in a while!

The Gold coin is beautiful. 1/10 oz are just so collectible !

I agree a great size! premiums usually a bit high but this one was cheap.

Nice addition to your collection. Looking nice

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Gold is at a fantastic price point, well dome.

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