Todays Random cool Silver Item! - 200 year old half crown with a difference...

in #silvergoldstackers2 years ago

Years ago I stacked silver, I quickly found that for me it is not the right investment tool and living in the UK gold being VAT free is at least 20% cheaper on the metal price than silver (unless you buy scrap) so I fell out of love with stacking, However I never feel out of love with cool collectable things made from silver!

I have a few bits I have picked up over the years and I will be sharing some of them on days I am not posting investment portfolio updates..

Today I'm going to share a curiosity that has had me stumped since I bought it about 6 years ago..

half crown split (4).JPG

Nothing out of the ordinary so far, wear as you would expect for a 200 year old coin, the other side is where things get interesting..

half crown split (3).JPG

As you can see the coin has had another cut and spliced in with it! I do not know why. At first I wondered if it was a magicians prop, contacting the magic circle did not bear any fruit and was not something they had seen.

Then I wondered if this was a silversmiths apprentice project to show the skill of their workmanship - cutting and splicing the coin like this is not an easy thing to do!

half crown split (1).JPG

Or maybe just maybe this was a conman's piece for gambling or winning a few bets down the local tavern..

half crown split (2).JPG

I still have no ideas but this was certainly of enough interest to make it into my collection. As always if you know anything about this peice please let me know!


Your guesses are good.

Very interesting coin. I haven't seen anything quite like that before.

Thanks for sharing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for stopping by!

I've seen plenty of strike error coins so it has to be deliberately made for a reason. Put me down as a guess for a Conmaan's coin. I hope you can one day find more information.

Thank you, I hope so to!