I found this heavy rock years ago...


It weighs about One Ounce, if I remember correctly...

I found it about 100 Miles North-East of where I found the Microscopic Gold...

I never went back looking for more, but there could be more of the same, where this one was found...

I spotted it laying on top of the ground, in a Desert Dry Wash...

Where you find one, there's always a chance of finding more...


Other than that, I have nothing new to write...

This forces me to use a few of my same old thoughts...

Only a few in the Silver Gold Stackers community, seem to be interested in U.S. Crypto-Coinage...

Also known as Electronic Coinage...

How else will the United States become the Crypto-Capital of the World...???

I had it figured out, long before any mention of the United Stages becoming the Crypto-Capital of the World...

Only a few seem to want to get in on the Ground Floor...

I thought someone would be interested, but so far, nothing...

As you may have noticed, I changed the name of Electronic Coinage to Crypto-Coinage...

Everyone seems to be into Cryptocurrencies, so how about one that's "Stable" and 100% backed by U.S. Gold Coinage...???

United States Gold Coins will range from $10 to $100...

This tells me, $1 in U.S. Crypto-Coinage will have plenty of Spending Power...

People all over the World will be using U.S. Crypto-Coinage to Buy and Sell, pretty much "everything"...

I personally think it will be a Big Hit, all over the World...

I'll probably turn most of my Future Gold into U.S. Crypto-Coinage, since it will be so much easier for me to spend large amounts of money, and pay my never ending bills...

I will be using my Paper Coinage, for everyday Spending...

I like the Privacy Factor when it comes to Paper and Common Coinage...

I'll be able to drop a Quarter Dollar Coin in a Machine to obtain a Card loaded with 2,500 Decimal Cents worth of U.S. Crypto-Coinage...

That should last me a while, paying for amounts that are "less" than "One Physical Cent"...

I can always add more Decimal Cents to my Crypto-Coinage Debit Card when needed...


I suppose I could mention Silver and Gold Coinage in this blog...

Our U.S. Silver Coins will be used to back our Paper Coinage and Common Coinage...

Our U.S. Gold Coins will be used to back our Crypto-Coinage...

I figure our Paper Coinage, Common Coinage and Crypto-Coinage will be 100% backed by our Silver and Gold Coins...

U.S. Banks will be required to have a minimum amount of all of the above on hand...

Once our Crypto-Coinage is issued, it can be obtained using our Paper Coinage, Common Coinage, Silver Coinage or our Gold Coinage...

The only way to obtain "New" U.S. Crypto-Coinage will be with Gold...

One Ounce of Gold will get me $90 in Gold Coins or $90 in "New" Crypto-Coinage...

A combination of the Two may be requested...

Our Gold Coins and Crypto-Coinage will be in "Perfect Balance"...

We will use that Ounce of Gold to mint $100 in Gold Coinage and issue $100 in "New" Crypto-Coinage..
Feel free to comment...


That thing is cool! You really gotta find out what it is! I mean, I really want to know xD

I know the Dry Wash where I picked it up... Which reminds me of another Rock I picked up in the same area...

You received an upvote of 80% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Thank you for contributing more great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag.
You have created a Precious Gem!

Wow! That's an amazing find! You got lucky there.. I'm curious the second picture, is that the same rock? The colour seems so different but that may be because of the background colour.. or is it a different rock?

It's the same Rock... Different angle and lighting... It's very heavy, but I still don't know what it is... I should go back with a Metal Detector some day... There's no telling what's below the surface, where I found this one... I'll probably never get around to it... "Sorry, I keep spotting typos"...

Oh so it's not gold? I thought it was and that it looked different because of the angle and lightning etc in the second picture. I always wanted to have a go with a metal detector maybe I should see if I can find one somewhere in the future.. But I should probably first read up a bit about this area if there's any chance to find something.. But I guess tourist areas always have a shot at finding lost jewellery etc on the beach..

I'm thinking it may be one of the Platinum Group Metals, but I'm not sure...

Sorry for smiling at the part where you say that nobody is interested so far.
What can I say, the truth as always, I think it is NOT easy to accept what you say since the economy moves in a different way than your vision, a currency could appear that represents several countries, but the blockchain is becoming more and more relevant.
You keep doing what you want, as I always tell you, the others are the others, the important thing is YOU

How else will President Trump be able to Make Americans Great Again...??? Crypto-Coinage is the answer... Plus we're going to stop using the Central Banks Fiat Dollars... That's a Big Plus...