Monetary Tools need to be Stable...

Our 1/10 ounce One Dollar Silver Coins will only be issued as "Collector Coinage"...
The above and below Coins are only being used as examples...
Our 1/10 ounce $10 Gold Coins will only be issued as "Collector Coinage"...

Our "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins will Range from $2 to $100...

Our 1/5 ounce Silver Coins will have $2 Face Values...

Our 1/2 ounce Silver Coins will have $5 Face Values...

Our 1 ounce Silver Coins will have $10 Face Values...

Our 1/5 ounce Gold Coins will have $20 Face Values...

Our 1/2 ounce Gold Coins will have $50 Face Values...

Our 1 ounce Gold Coins will have $100 Face Values...


Guess what we'll be using to "make change" for our New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...


It all seems very obvious to me, so I have to believe it's "also" very obvious to you...

Could you imagine being a Carpenter, using a Tape Measure with Numbers that keep changing from moment to moment...???

This is the main reason I don't believe Cryptocurrencies make good Monetary Tools...

Our United States "Electronic Coinage" will be Stable...

I have very good reasons to believe our U.S. Electronic Coinage will be the most used Monetary Tool, all over the World...

Our Electronic Coinage will be 100% backed by the Face Values of our "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...

It will take a Minimum of $2 in Electronic Coinage to obtain a 1/5 ounce, $2 Silver Coin...

A 1/5 ounce $2 Silver Coin will have the "Spending Power" of 200 of today's Fiat USD's...

I was able to come up with a Stable Currency, that will be 100% backed by the Face Values of our Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium Coins...

I picked "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins, over Silver and Gold "Commodities" stored in Vaults...

The Face Values on our Coins will be Stable, while Commodities tend to Fluctuate in Value...

Are you starting to see where I'm going with this...

I sure hope so, because I don't have a

I never know from moment to moment what I'll be writing next...

Don't ask me where all these words are coming from, because I'd have to say, "I don't know"...

Nothing I write is complicated or hard to understand...

I use numbers that Range from 1 to 100...

l'm not sure exactly when I learned how to count to 100, but I must have been very young...

We the People now have "Staggering" amounts of Common U.S. Coinage, with Face Values that Range from 1 Cent to 100 Cents or $1...

Because of the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate away from Fiat USD's, our Paper Coinage will have a Range from One Cent to One Hundred Cents...

They may even look like the Old Paper (Fiat) Dollars we've been Renting and paying Rental Fees, for their use, all over the World...

We won't be "Renting" Fiat USD's or paying "Rental Fees" for their use much longer...

That's "if" I'm correct about what I see heading our way...

The good thing about the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate is that "Physical" Fiat USD's "will not" lose any Spending Power because of the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

Each Fiat Dollar will receive One Cent in Sound Money, that will have the Spending Power of One of today's Fiat Dollars...

In other words, Fiat Dollars will be Exchanged for Sound Money Cents, with no loss of Spending Power...

Keep in mind that only "Physical" Fiat Dollars will be offered the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

Digital Fiat Dollars in Bank Accounts, insured by the FDIC will receive "up to" $2,500 in Electronic Coinage that will have the same Spending Power as 250,000 of today's Fiat USD's...

To figure out the Sound Money price of current items, just Divide the Current Price by 100...

If I'm paying 100 Fiat Dollars today, I'll be paying $1 in Sound Money on the "other side" of the Reset...

If a Can of Beans costs Five Fiat Dollars today, it will Reset to Five Cents...

If my Home is Valued at 500,000 Fiat Dollars today, it will be Reset to $5,000 in Sound Money...

If you have 10,000 Fiat USD's in Debt, that will Reset to $100 in Sound Money...

If you're Earning 50 Fiat USD's per hour, that will Reset to 50 Cents per hour in Sound Money...

If Bitcoin is at 100,000 Fiat USD's, that will Reset to $1,000 in Sound Money...

Are you starting to get the picture about what I see heading our way...???

I sure hope so, because I have good reason to believe we're running out of time to prepare...

Let me know what you think is heading our way, and what you're doing to prepare...



Thank you @pocketechange for this excellent post!

Cheers Shipmate!

Thanks for stopping by... I love questions, so feel free...

You received an upvote of 90% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Thank you for contributing more great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag.
You have created a Precious Gem!

Wow finally you shared the post... Would have come earlier to check but it was night time.....

First of all, really really beautiful coins man .. in my opinion Stable monetary tools are indeed crucial. The idea of backing electronic coinage with physical silver and gold coins seems like a smart approach to ensure stability. It's interesting how this could impact our current financial system and spending habits.

I shared my post...??? Those Coins are only examples of what our 1/10 ounce Silver and Gold "Collector Coins" might look like... Collector Coins will have Premiums attached... Circulating 1/10 ounce $1 Silver and $10 Gold Coins are too small with too much Spending Power for everyday use... Besides, we'll have the $1 Clad Coins and the $10 Silver Coins... I'm not sure if anyone's Spending Habits will change... This will be a One Time Transfer of Wealth... The last 1% Spending Power (still remaining) in Fiat USD's will instantly Transfer to our Common U.S. Coinage... I personally feel, this is a good time to be holding Common U.S. Coinage... Thanks for commenting...

I meant finally posted it.... This is most definitely the best time to hold the coinage good friend

I've been holding onto my pocket change for years now...

You're more than ready for this good friend... Can't wait to see you at the very top of it all when the moment arrives.. it's funny how people don't know still.. infact I wasn't aware of this until I started following you

Most people lost all respect for our Common U.S. Coinage... They'll be in for a Big Surprise when the Spending Power of our Coinage increases 100 Fold... The average person doesn't see this coming at all...

It's going to be one of the biggest surprises to them indeed

Please don't waste your up-votes on my comments... Use them for up-voting Posts only... At least until you're able to give 2 cent up-votes...

(Could you imagine being a Carpenter, using a Tape Measure with Numbers that keep changing from moment to moment...???)I understand perfectly what you want to imply in this sentence, so can you imagine receiving a salary that varies every fortnight, some more, some less, it would NOT be pleasant at all, I agree about stability, but I would have liked decentralization

Earning money is a different story... When I was working, my pay had a lot to do with the amount of hours, and Tenth of hours... There were Meal Penalties involved and Golden Pay and Forced Calls... Stability means everything when it comes to Monetary Tools... You never mentioned if Coins are used where you live...