Hello friends! I saw the post about the new daily theme of Slow Living Sunday in The Minimalist community, so I thought I would take a crack at a post. It's about how you find calm and peace in our loud and chaotic society.
On the one hand, I keep peace in my apartment by limiting background noise. I technically have an old CRT television with a VCR attached, so I can watch old movies or play on my Wii if I want, but it isn't hooked up to any TV service or the internet (and the Wii is too old to speak to my modern internet modem! I actually tried and found that out on a troubleshooting page). So even when it's hooked up (it normally lives in the closet), it's for that purpose of watching a movie or playing a game. I'm not having it always on the background like some folks do.
When I listen to music, I listen with intention. I sit down and put headphones on and don't do anything else while I'm listening. On rare occasion I might listen to a podcast or YouTube video while doing something like cleaning, but not often.
One of the calming activities I do do, is knitting. I recently finished my third bandage for the doctor in the Philippines who asked knitters and crocheters to make some for leprosy patients, as they work better than the traditional gauze kind you can buy from medical suppliers:
The first two I did were 3" wide, and the new one is 4". I saw the doctor post that she was getting a lot of 3" ones, so I started doing the wider one after that.
As you can see in that photo, I do generally watch a YouTube video or DVD while I knit. I don't like to just sit there and watch something; I like to keep my hands busy. So this is what I do to relax. I like crafting for a cause, it makes me feel useful, and it's meditative and calming to knit. :) And this way I am not just rotting my brain in front of a screen. 😂
Many thanks to @millycf1976 for the new topic, and thanks for reading! 😄 Have a wonderful day, everyone.