Splinterlands: Rebellion Rewards Cards Recommendations #4

in #splinterlands2 months ago

Splinterlands: Rebellion Rewards Cards Level up Recommendations: Rare Cards.

This is my fourth post of this series of how I recommend level up the Rebellion rewards cards, at what minimum level you should try to get the cards so they are useful even in maxed out battles, this is mostly for people that are not sure if they will be able to max out everything, like my case , currently I don´t have much time so I playing just for 2 days them rent my SPS and rest for 7 days, playing just around 4 days per season, so for people like me or players in middle levels that not have so much Glint or for new players this recommendation series should be quite interesting and useful, if someone disagree with the cards levels recommendations showed here, feel free to put yours in the comments what would you recommend on that case, in this way players can check both or more ideas and have more information to make their owns ones.

All Commons cards has been reviewed in the past posts, now is time for the Rare cards.

You can check my first post to see my general strategy that is mostly ignoring the legendary cards and going for the others 3 rarities, you can also check the first posts of cards recommendation, between the first 3 post there are all the commons cards level recommendation:

First: https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@caimanx/splinterlands-rebellion-rewards-cards-recommendations

Second: https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@caimanx/splinterlands-rebellion-rewards-cards-recommendations-63b256cf4a8c3

Third: https://peakd.com/splinterlands/@caimanx/splinterlands-rebellion-rewards-cards-recommendations-6ad9578d14023

My current Rare Collection:

Thunderhoof Nomad

Level 6 You will want her second magic attack, Reflection Shield is always an interesting ability for Magic attackers because Magic Reflect is a very common ability, also will help you with Blast, you can put it close to your Taunt or your Tank, max level is also interesting, you can use Triage to heal a Taunt you have put in the back , Earth already have low mana cost Triage but you can put all together making the Taunt almost unkillable for so much heal.

Quilliun Legionary

Level 4 where it gets his Void ability, just in this level it gets mostly of hi important stats, there is not too much difference between level 4 and max level, the only thing is the Bloodlust ability but in most of the battles you will not seen activated because of his low damage and speed but when it finally kills something he will make a big difference and can snow ball as others cards with the Bloodlust ability, on max level you could use him as a back line tank and if the opponent was using an sneak melee you will probably win the battle.

Commander Slade

Level 4 One of the best rare card of the set, even just in level 2 this card can help you in maxed out battles, specially when the ruleset give you Enrage, the Reflection Shield may not help too much with Blast unless you give this unit Reach and used in second position, but it will always help preventing damage from Thorns and each Health/armor point is pretty important for a tank, this one is one of the cards you will want to max out , the extra speed plus the Back Fire increases this card power level a lot both stats are suit a lot this unit.


Level 7 you want his 3rd attack at least otherwise is not very relevant, it may look very weak for most and a card you may want to skip but the True Strike is a premium ability one of the best abilities, still it does not safe this card , with his 3 attack it can help a little but his Void ability is complete irrelevant, in my opinion this is the second less interesting Reward Rare card, only could seam some use because having more cards with True Strike is always good.


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Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar