Splinterlands: Gladius Case pack opening, June 30 - Captain Katie!

in #splinterlands6 days ago

As a member of the TryHard Gaming guild, I purchased a Gladius Case from the guild store and opened it. Let's see what was inside!

Captain Katie

Captain Katie
  • Rare Life Gladiator
  • 7 mana, 2 speed, 6 health
  • Magic damage: 3
  • Snipe, Bloodlust

Witch of Warwick

Witch of Warwick

Whistling Damon

Whistling Damon
  • Common Death Gladiator
  • 3 mana, 3 speed, 3 health
  • Ranged damage: 2
  • Snipe, Bloodlust

Bertrol Gobson

Bertrol Gobson

Hugo Strongsword

Hugo Strongsword
  • Common Life Gladiator
  • 5 mana, 2 speed, 3 armor, 6 health
  • Melee damage: 1
  • Bloodlust, Shield

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