This week's challenge is Briar Patch.
⚔️⚔️ Let's hit on the game ⚔️⚔️
You can watch the battle here
📜📜 Battle Details: 📜📜
48 mana.
All splinters except life can be used. Modern cards.
Briar Patch: All monsters have thorn ability.
Courterspell: All monsters have magic reflect ability.
🤜Lineup Details🤛
Summoner Thaddius Brude: Since we are running Briar patch and Counterspell we may see more ranged monsters used. Thaddius can drop the magic power and some health as well. Best would be Quix but i didn't have it in big level.
1st position: Dark Ha'on level 3
I wanted a big health monster as a wall. This is a fast bird with Taunt attribute and void. So only ranged monsters will do a big hit on him.
2nd position:
Djinn Muirat level 3 is an amazing card. Both magic and a wall of shield. So perfect fit for second position.
3rd position:
Riftwing level 8 on third position. A powerful card which has headwinds and backfire.
4th position:
Queen of Crows level 6 on fourth position. A card that has it all, headwinds and slow are so important in this game. It gives me the ability to hit first and lower the attack of the enemy.
5th position:
Soul strangler level 6 in fifth position. This is a powerful ranged but low health card so i tried to protect it as much as i could.
6th position:
Lira the dark level 3 in sixth position. This is an opportunity card that is perfect for unprotected games and gives a speed up to all my monsters. Perfect card for last position.
Playing in the Briar patch you need to think that you will probably face cards with magic and ranged attacks. You need to be ready to mitigate those attacks. Counterspell, in relation with Briar patch, games need a lot of ranged cards and be ready to get hit by them as well.
Well, this was definitely a fun battle. See you next week with another exciting post related to the brand-new Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!