The next promo card

in #splinterlands3 years ago

Waka sprit blade
Hello everyone,
it has been over a week since the waka spirit blade came out, and I want to put some points down to note.
As we all know the first 500 copies of the card were sold out in less than a minute and this shows how many people wanted the card so badly, I was part of those sets of people and I didn't get any copies.
Due to slow internet service in my country and my formal laptop being slow I only got to see the sold-out button statements. but still, there is another opportunity coming up forgetting even the gold version of that card. I never knew the price of such an exclusive card will be this cheap but I am not mad at all. I still like to get the gold copy of that card. I don't know how promo cards were sold in the past but the way this card has been a great sale I have a feeling that the past once would have been sold out quick as well although not as this one.

The next promo card

With my experience on splinterlands, I know that promo cards are not just expensive but some are very powerful as well.


The cheapest promo card is GOBLIN CHEF this card is sold for $0.93 for a combined copy that ends up at level 4 and a single copy is $1.35 it doesn't mean it's cheap either as a maxed-out version is now $499.69.
What am I trying to say? This will be a good time for me to save up for the next promo card and be ready with good internet data. I have changed my laptop now so I will not be having slow laptop issues anymore for now. $2000 is what someone with no vouchers before the will be looking at. It's time to save up the vouchers beforehand dec or credits will be safe in workerbee as this mines bee token these small savings can prove to be good for most of us now.
There are also other things we save for and I just have to add this to the list.
Thanks for your time.

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