In this post we go over the win rates of the Chaos Legion Epic cards. We look at overall win rates in Bronze, Silver and Gold league, and for Silver and Gold we also look at how the cards perform when they are at their highest levels.
There are seventeen epic Chaos Legion cards. Three for each element, and two neutrals. Seven of the cards have magic attack, seven are ranged attackers, and only three melee.
This post uses data collected since the launch of Chaos Legion. This post is based on 3.6 million matches in Bronze, 5 million matches in silver and 1.1 million matches in gold.
Bronze league
Bronze league are mostly undeveloped decks and strategies. In such situations, cards that come with stats rather than situational abilities will always perform the best. This is very evident in the win rate results shown in the chart below:
Nerissa Tridawn, Tusk the Wide and Wave Brood do the best. These three are very tough cards that will have time to get some work done. Nerissa has an insane 72% win rate in bronze, and pretty much look like secure bet for climbing toward silver. On the other side we find Insidious Warlock. 40% win rate is pretty poor, and we can blame the Recharge ability for it.
Silver league
In Silver league we can expect card synergies to become important so that stats are not everything. However, Nerissa Tridawn is still the go-to card, winning 2 out of every 3 matches in this dataset.
On the losing side we find Hunter Jarx, with a surprisingly high play rate given that it is the epic card that does the very worst in Silver League. Tusk the Wide has dropped far from his rank in Bronze league, and finds himself among the middle group of cards. A card that has risen greatly in its success from Bronze to Silver is Forgotten One. This is probably related to its Immunity ability in combination with Noxious Fumes matches.
Silver league level 3 epics
Many of the epic cards gain an ability or a damage point at level 3. This is also the maximal level of epic cards in Silver leauge, so we examine how the stats change when we only consider level 3 cards:
Nerissa is still the best, but now has significant competition from several other cards. Acid Shooter takes second place, probably because it has really great stats for its mana cost at level 3. Dax Paragon has gained Amplify at level 2, and can be played alongside Pelacor Conjurer to counter magic decks. Igor Darkspear has even better stats than Acid Shooter, but no ability. Djinn Inferni has 4 magic damage at level 3, and sees great results with it. Note that Djinn Inferni has gained more value due to the release of Grum Flameblade, since he is a good target for the Giant Killer ability.
Gold league
Are there significant changes as we move on to consider the Gold league stats?
Not really. The top cards from silver league are also the top ones in Gold, but the order has been changed slightly.
It is interesting to see Weirding Warrior jump up to the higher ranks in these stats. In gold league, he can have Amplify, which can be played alongside several death cards to great effect. The worst cards are also quite similar to what we saw in Silver league.
Gold league level 4 and 5 epics
Considering now level 4 and 5 cards in gold league, we get the following results:
Again, Nerissa Tridawn takes the throne as the best epic card. At level 4, she gains an additional damage, which is likely the reason why she shoots up to higher win rates again. Next up are the two 2-mana cards. Acid Shooter gains Cripple at level 4, Dax Paragon gains Affliction at level 5. Insidious Warlock is a new edition among the top cards. The reason it jumps to such high success here is that it gains Blind at level 4. Blind is a very effective ability that counters melee and ranged teams.
Closing Remarks
When it comes to the epic cards of Chaos Legion, a few cards stand out as the best across leagues and mostly across their card levels. Nerissa Tridawn is among the top cards in all the categories. Dax Paragon, Acid Shooter and Igor Darkspear are also cards that are safe choices, and do well in most cases. The worst cards are generally Gem Meteor, Insidious Warlock (until it gains blind), Magi of Chaos, Hunter Jarx and Prismologist. At the very least, it is clear that these cards require more strategy and planning to use effectively.
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