Splinterlands: Gwen's Glint Shop - Olivia of the Brook!

in #splinterlands24 days ago

Olivia of the Brook AI art

In spite of the ever growing danger, Olivia’s resolve has never wavered. She and her snow leopard, Cloudy, have become symbols of freedom. Her actions have shown the people of Lyveria that, if a young girl can have the courage to stand against an empire, they too can find it within themselves to rise up and fight for their freedom.

Epic Draw

Today I went shopping at Gwen's Glint Shop and spent 7500 Glint on an Epic Draw reward.

Let's see what I got:

Olivia of the Brook

Olivia of the Brook

  • Quantity: 1
  • Epic Life Monster
  • 6 mana, 3 speed, 4 health
  • Melee damage: 1
  • Magic damage: 1
  • Opportunity

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Thanks for your time!

Gwen's Glint Shop