Now today I will be talking about Harklaw, currently a Legendary monster that you can get from daily rewards. Recently I have been browsing around to look for good deals to buy, and this Monster is definitely a beast in the right hands! Now first of all, at just level 1 it has Shield, which allows it to take half of any physical damage. Now if we were to combined with this current season's summoner, Thaddius Brood which reduces opponents magic attack by 1, this means that the Harklaw would be a very very very sturdy tank with extremely long longevity!
And that is not all, at level 2, Harklaw would also have Immunity, meaning it will not receive damage from Poison as well.
But hey, if you realise we have this guy, Almo Cambo which is a Legendary monster without any attacks, just because it has the Immunity ability.
And yet, Harklaw at just level 2, has Immunity as well as Shield, and Armour and Damage too! So wouldn't this be a way better deal?
Best of all, because it is a Rewards card, it is ridiculously cheap, the cheapest Legendary monster that is on sale right now.
Better grab it all while we can, before it goes out of print!