Hello community, I share a battle from the game Splinterlands, facing the respectful Summoner Scarred Llama Mage combined with the incredible Kron the Undying.
This attack duo is not easy to destroy due to their abilities, but considering that the opponent will use this combination it is possible to counter attack but it also depends on the Mana capacity that the battle allows and the set of Splinters available.
Knowing that the opponent will use Kron the Undying in the last position of the battle, we can intensify the Sneak attacks to try to eliminate him before he reaches the front line of battle. But for that to be possible it is necessary to protect our front line with strong cards against Magic attacks to protect the Sneak ability cards from reaching the front line and losing Sneak attack power.
We can also reduce the opponent's Magic attack and use a card with Taunt ability on the defensive line combined with Triage ability and on the front line a strong card with Double Strike attack, for example, Grund or Carnage Titan and combined with Tank Heal ability.
In fact there are some possibilities of being able to face this duo, but it is still a fearsome duo and very difficult to face.
For this battle we had 36 Mana points available where all cards gained 2 Armor.
So I understood that Byzantine Kitty would be the best Summoner for this battle, because it would increase the speed of my cards, heal my tank card and also allow my cards not to make mistakes with their attacks.
To lead my team I chose Djinn Oshannus having Void ability is good card against Magic attacks, and his high health points gave Byzantine Kitty a guarantee to heal his Health every round.
Because Mana allowed it, I still chose Merdaali Guardian to give a boost to Djinn Oshannus' Health healing.
I was taking a risk because the opponent could choose a card with Affliction ability, and so my strategy was meaningless, but in battles you have to take risks and take chances in order to make a difference.
In the third position Axemaster with Double Strike attack could cause good damage to the opponent's tank, and in the fourth position Halfling Alchemist besides causing damage with his attack, allowed to reduce the attack damage of the opponent's tank, although Scarred Llama Mage has Buff to clean the negative effects on the tank card, the increased speed of Halfling Alchemist gave the possibility to get the effect of his ability Halving.
In the fifth position Merdhampir could cause damage to the opponent with his attack, and would increase one point of his Health whenever he reached the opponent's card Health, important card if the opponent used Sneak attacks, because as I in the last position I chose Doctor Blight could not suffer attacks.
Doctor Blight is important because of its Affliction ability, however it is not guaranteed to apply the ability, and it is a little frustrating to want to apply Affliction and see the rounds go by without being able to apply it, it has happened to me that I was able to apply it on the first round, but only on the fifth round of the battle.
In this case, the Scarred Llama Mage Summoner would also clear Affliction due to the Cleanse buff but could only heal on the next round of the battle.
Seeing the opponent's formation for this battle, their attacks are all concentrated on my tank card, and that's good for me that allows my defensive cards to be able to attack while my tank is in battle.
Let's see if this strategy can eliminate the opponent's formation.
Because of my Summoner's Buffer my cards are the first to attack and don't miss with their attack, where all together they can do 9 attack damage.
Halfling Alchemist reduces the attack damage of the opponent's tank, while Doctor Blight cannot apply Affliction, allowing Flesh Golem to be healed.
However due to my tank's high speed, Oaken Behemoth misses his Melee attack, and due to being able to heal 2x Djinn Oshannus' Health he starts the second round with his Health points at maximum.
In the second round the high speed allows him to attack first and consequently eliminate Flesh Golem and thus Oaken Behemoth takes the front line of battle.
So far the battle has been favorable for my cards, where the opponent doesn't have enough strength to eliminate my tank card due to my healing abilities, and the strength of all my cards manages to do quite a bit of damage to the opponent's tank card.
In the third round Doctor Blight manages to apply Affliction and thus prevents the opponent's tank from being healed, with the battle approaching the key moment of Kron the Undying taking over the tank position with his increased attributes.
During the fourth round, Kron the Undying gains the Last Stand ability, but because my tank has the Void ability, it does reduced damage, and my healing cards allow my tank to have enough health to not be eliminated. I could only lose or draw this battle due to the cards suffering fatigue, but for that to happen my cards would have to miss with their attacks to do less damage than Kron the Undying can heal, but that is not the case due to my Summoner's buffer, True Strike.
And so in the seventh round Kron the Undying ends up being eliminated with the help of Affliction which allowed him not to be healed in some rounds, and I end up winning this very demanding battle without having lost any cards, meaning that my strategy had an effect in the face of the opponent's strategy.
Although Scarred Llama Mage combined with Kron the Undying are a formidable duo in low Mana battles, in battles with some Mana and with the new cards in the new editions, it is possible to create formations that eliminate the formidable duo.
All my formation was thought to detail and had an effect, from the choice of my Summoner, to my tank, where the ability Tank Heal with Void allowed my tank to stay in battle, and of course Doctor Blight with Affliction allowed the battle to last less rounds, and the fact that the opponent concentrated the attacks on my tank, allowed the attack strength of all my cards to be superior to the Health points that Kron the Undying could Heal.
Thanks for reading until the end, i hope you liked my post.
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