Noteworthy battles series | Splinterlands Social Media Challenge

in #splintertalklast year


For this week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge I'd like to share some of my most fun & interesting recent battles. As those who know me are aware, I am insanely bullish on SPS, but the thing that keeps me coming back to Splinterlands every single day is that the game is FUN. And the point of this series is to exemplify how fun and interesting some of the battles can be. Let's dig in.

Battle #1: An Unexpected Turn of Events


In this battle, I went straight for cheese. I sandwiched Pelacor Mercenary between two martyr monsters and hoped he'd be the last man standing and that no dispels or cripples would be on the other side. Initially everything looked to go according to plan, with blast damage helping the bread around my pelacor sandwich get eaten up. But then, the merc dies, and this is when things get weird. Mycelic Slipspawn gets a last stand, and she's excited because this is a first. It's not supposed to happen when you're taunting. The enemy is roaring fiercely, goading on the slipspawn with the >5 attack damage. WAIT A SECOND! "Hold my beer," says Slippy to Llama as she proceeds to annihilate the entire enemy team.

Battle #2: 25 health is a bit much


Keeping on the a similar thread, we have another Pelacor Mercenary Martyr Sandwich special. With poison, target practice, and rebirth, my mouth is literally watering as the battle starts. I look at the other side, and there's no dispel - phew! Right off the bat, my Spirit Druid gets killed. Dangit, that's one less revive! No matter, carry on. The battle goes as planned and merc becomes a god. Could've been more godly though if the druid hadn't been the first to go, so we'll have to try again next time.

Battle #3: It has rabies

Noticing a theme? If you can't tell, I like Martyr. And I especially like it when it turns a little guy into a BIG GUY. In this battle my opponent brings an Almo and a strong team hidden behind by Lily. But I bring a werewolf, who's about to get fed because he's hungry. As the battle rages on, Vulguine slowly but surely turns into an absolute monster, eventually eating up everything in his path.

Battle #4: Sthispa for the win!

Let's face it, Sthispa needs friends. Best place to look? Others who also need friends. Sthispa, meet Vampire Bat. In what was probably extremely frustrating for @yuexn, the bat proceeds to dodge and devour her way to victory.

Battle #5: New-school redemption team

This is one of my all-time favorite line-ups, and I got to use it on @stever82 which made it all t he better. The gist is to combine redemption with weaken (-1 Health) and armor reduction. The trick is to ensure the redemption monsters die first, which is why I like to have the slime at the front and life sapper on the other end. In case the enemy brings an opportunity monster, that'll also target the slime which is important. In this lineup we see Astral Entity and the Lich providing revives for extra redemption hits.

That's it for this edition, hope you enjoyed and see you in the next one!


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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121