Battle analysis: Ilthain EN-US/PT-BR

in #spt2 years ago

Ilthain Capa.png


The Riftwatchers Set was introduced to the game and with it came a number of powerful, high MP monsters. Along with them, new epic Summoners were introduced, with Ilthain being the Life Splinter summoner:

Ilthain Lvl 06

Ilthain was a great addition to Life Splinter, becoming a card that will be among the most used Summoners in Set Riftwatchers, unlike its counterpart General Sloan in Set Chaos Legion. Part of this success is due to the speed boost provided by Ilthain, which is usually a low attribute among this Splinter's monsters, but the main thing is certainly providing the ability to reflect the ranged damage, since there are few monsters with this ability in this Splinter. This way it is possible to place monsters with Magic Reflect as a tank to also return ranged damage, being possible to assemble teams focused on damage reflection as well as those assembled with the Lir Deepswimmer (Greengineer, 2022). Next I will present a battle that was won using practically only indirect damage.

The strategy before the battle

The battle had the Weak Magic and Holy Protection rules, had 28 MP available, and only Water and Death Splinters were disabled.

I tried to assemble a team in which the tank had 03 forms of indirect attack, being Magic Reflect, Thorns and Return Fire. If I was in the Diamond league I could do this with Lord Arianthus, but in the Gold league he doesn't have the Return Fire ability. Using the Ilthain card it was possible to solve this problem.

So, having chosen the Summoner and the Tank, I sought to have a monster in my backline with the Thorns skill to protect it from monsters with the Sneak skill. For this role I chose the Crystal Werewolf that besides Thorns had the ability Silence. To increase the reflected damage received by my enemies I put Dax Paragon in second position with Amplify. To take advantage of the Weak Magic rule I placed Truthspeaker in third position and Defender of Truth in fourth position with Protect. In fifth place I put Adelade Brightwing with Repair and Resurrect, both very useful skills with the Weak Magic rule active.

Once assembled, the team was hoping that my opponent didn't abuse monsters with the Opportunity skill with Melee attack and luckily for me that didn't happen:

Ilthain Início.png

The battle

My opponent came with Summoner Tyrus Palladium, with Silvershield Paladin as a tank with Shield and Magic Reflect. He also had Divine Healer in second position with Tank Heal and Slow. In third position was the Silvershield Assassin with Double Strike, Sneak and Poison. In fourth position was Venari Crystalsmith with Tank Heal. In fifth position was Halfling Alchemist with Halving and in last position was Crystal Werewolf with Silence and Thorns.

My opponent's team also had magic attack reflection in first position and Thorns in last position, but it didn't have Thorns in first position and no Return Fire. As my attacks were all magic it wouldn't be a problem for him. Also he had two monsters with healing and I didn't have any monsters with Affliction, which would make his tank last a few rounds. Lucky for me, there were only 02 monsters from my opponent that could damage my tank and this damage would only hit the shield, which could be repaired by Adelade every round. Also, I would be able to get rid of the monsters with Tank Heal as they attacked me and received their damage back.

In the first round, no monsters were killed. My Crystal Werewolf was poisoned by the Silvershield Assassin.

02 Round Ilthain.png

In the second round the Silvershield Assassin killed herself with Thorns damage when attacking my Crystal Werewolf.

03 Round Ilthain.png

In the third round, Silvershield Paladin and Halfling Alchemist committed suicide by attacking Lord Arianthus while taking damage from Thorns and Return Fire, respectively.

04 Round Ilthain.png

In the fourth round my Crystal Werewolf died from Poison damage, but was resurrected by Adelade Brightwing. Then the Divine Healer was killed by Dax Paragon's attack.

05 Round Ilthain.png

In the fifth round the Defender of Truth delivered the final blow to Venari Crystalsmith.

06 Round Ilthain.png

In the sixth round, my opponent's Crystal Werewolf withdrew from the match with Thorns damage, granting me the victory.

06-2 Round Ilthain.png

The passive damage strategy guaranteed me 04 direct kills and weakened the other 02 enemies for my allies to finish them. Ilthain proved to be a very interesting Summoner, bringing one more defensive way to use the Life Splinter, with the advantage of increasing the movement speed of your allies.

I hope you enjoyed the game with the new Summoner, to follow it in detail just click on the link in Greengineer (2022-b).

PS: Sorry if there is any error in the above writing, as English is not my mother language.


@greengineer (2022-a, March 12). Battle analysis: Magic Reflect/Return Fire + Amplify is dangerous EN-US/PT-BR. PEAKD.

@greengineer (2022-b, September 27). Battle Link. Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle!.



O Set Riftwatchers foi introduzido no jogo e com ele vieram diversos monstros poderosos e com alto consumo de MP. Junto a eles foram introduzidos novos Summoners épicos, sendo Ilthain a Summoner do Splinter da Vida:

Ilthain Lvl 06

A Ilthain foi uma ótima aquisição para o Splinter da Vida, se tornando uma carta que estará entre os Summoners mais utilizados do Set Riftwatchers, diferentemente do que ocorre com sua contraparte General Sloan do Set Chaos Legion. Parte deste sucesso se dá devido ao aumento de velocidade proporcionado pela Ilthain, que normalmente é um atributo baixo entre os monstros deste Splinter, mas o principal com certeza é fornecer a habilidade para refletir o dano à distância, visto haver poucos monstros com esta habilidade neste Splinter. Desta forma é possível colocar monstros com Magic Reflect como tanque para retornar também o dano à distância, sendo possível montar times focados na reflexão de dano assim como os montados com o Lir Deepswimmer (Greengineer, 2022). A seguir apresentarei uma batalha que foi vencida utilizando praticamente apenas dano indireto.

A estratégia antes da batalha

A batalha contava com as regras Weak Magic e Holy Protection, tinha 28 de MP disponíveis e apenas os Splinters da Água e da Morte estavam desabilitados.

Busquei montar um time em que o tanque tivesse 03 formas de ataque indireto, sendo eles o Magic Reflect, o Thorns e o Return Fire. Se eu tivesse na liga Diamante conseguiria fazer isto com o Lord Arianthus, mas na liga Ouro ele não possui a habilidade Return Fire. Utilizando a carta Ilthain era possível resolver este problema.

Assim, escolhidos o Summoner e o Tanque, busquei possuir um monstro em minha backline com a habilidade Thorns para protegê-la de monstros com a habilidade Sneak. Para esta função escolhi o Crystal Werewolf que além de Thorns possuía a habilidade Silence. Para aumentar o dano refletido recebido pelos meus inimigos coloquei o Dax Paragon na segunda posição com Amplify. Para me aproveitar da regra Weak Magic coloquei a Truthspeaker na terceira posição e o Defender of Truth na quarta posição com Protect. Na quinta posição coloquei a Adelade Brightwing com Repair e Resurrect, ambas habilidades muito úteis com a regra Weak Magic ativa.

Uma vez montado o time era torcer que meu oponente não abusasse de monstros com a habilidade Opportunity com ataque Melee e para minha sorte isto não aconteceu:

Ilthain Início.png

A batalha

Meu oponente veio com o Summoner Tyrus Palladium, com o Silvershield Paladin como tanque com Shield e Magic Reflect. Ele também contava com a Divine Healer na segunda posição com Tank Heal e Slow. Na terceira posição estava a Silvershield Assassin com Double Strike, Sneak e Poison. Na quarta posição estava a Venari Crystalsmith com Tank Heal. Na quinta posição estava o Halfling Alchemist com Halving e na última posição o Crystal Werewolf com Silence e Thorns.

O time de meu oponente também contava com a reflexão de ataque mágico na primeira posição e com Thorns na última posição, mas não tinha Thorns na primeira posição e nem Return Fire. Como meus ataques eram todos mágicos isso não seria problema para ele. Além disto ele tinha dois monstros com cura e eu não tinha nenhum monstro com Affliction, o que faria seu tanque durar alguns rounds. Para a minha sorte só havia 02 monstros do meu oponente que conseguiriam dar dano no meu tanque e este dano atingiria apenas o escudo, que poderia ser reparado pela Adelade a cada round. Além disto eu conseguiria me livrar dos monstros com Tank Heal conforme eles me atacassem e recebessem seu dano de volta.

No primeiro round nenhum monstro foi abatido. Meu Crystal Werewolf foi envenenado pela Silvershield Assassin.

02 Round Ilthain.png

No segundo round a Silvershield Assassin se matou com o dano de Thorns ao atacar meu Crystal Werewolf.

03 Round Ilthain.png

No terceiro round o Silvershield Paladin e o Halfling Alchemist se mataram ao atacar o Lord Arianthus com o dano de Thorns e Return Fire respectivamente.

04 Round Ilthain.png

No quarto round meu Crystal Werewolf morreu devido ao dano do Poison, mas foi ressuscitado pela Adelade Brightwing. Na sequência a Divine Healer foi morta pelo ataque do Dax Paragon.

05 Round Ilthain.png

No quinto round o Defender of Truth deu o golpe final na Venari Crystalsmith.

06 Round Ilthain.png

No sexto round o Crystal Werewolf de meu oponente se retirou da partida com o dano de Thorns, me garantindo a vitória.

06-2 Round Ilthain.png

A estratégia de dano passivo me garantiu 04 abates diretos e enfraqueceu os outros 02 inimigos para que meus aliados os finalizassem. A Ilthain se mostrou uma Summoner muito interessante trazendo uma mais uma maneira defensiva de utilizar o Splinter da Vida, com a vantagem de aumentar a velocidade de movimento de seus aliados.

Espero que tenham gostado da partida com a nova Summoner, para acompanhá-la em detalhes é só clicar no link em Greengineer (2022-b).


@greengineer (2022-a, 12 de Março). Battle analysis: Magic Reflect/Return Fire + Amplify is dangerous EN-US/PT-BR. PEAKD.

@greengineer (2022-b, 27 de Setembro). Link de Batalha. Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle!.


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