Latest @splinterlands Updates: Land 1.75 , Spellbook Purchases, 18 Million Marketcap and Validator Testing

in #spt15 days ago

We have completed another Season with few more changes to the game and the back end. What we are not seeing any progress in is the price performance of the assets. @splinterlands managed to 100X its active player counts during the previous bull market and if there is more serious effort from DHF towards marketing rather than HODLing a stablecoin that is loosing 3% or more of its value due to inflation, we could start onboarding more users to HIVE.

Customer acquisition is one of the most difficult things a project end up having to deal with. An average product with great marketing can easily beat a great product with average marketing. We have seen this happen time and time again across many industries. Cryptosphere is not immune to the same influence of marketing. If that wasn't the case, we will not be seeing this much money and expertise thrown at marketing.

Land 1.75 Will Be Out Soon™

@cryptomancer has been working hard to create a polished Land 1.75 experience that add a lot more complexity to the game. Once released, this will create more demand for various assets in @splinterlands and create more engagement. Creating more articles, videos etc helps to improve SEO and contribute towards user onboarding.

I've pretty much wrapped up UI work on the various screens that need to show the new resource input information. In the week ahead, I will be turning my attention to the back-end coding to ensure that resource input requirements are handled properly when blockchain claim operations are processed.

Above is a quote from @cryptomancer in the Land Baron channel in Discord. Those who have 50 Plots or more can join to chat and have exclusive updates regarding the game. Buying Common Natural Plots at the current dirt cheap prices will get you in. It is only the number of plots that count.

This is a good summary for anyone curious about what is going on with Praetoria. It is even good enough to educate users who are not even aware about @splinterlands and all the amazing features it has to offer. We have feeless transaction, low barrier to entry, high decentralization, almost 7 years of battle tested mechanics and ecosystem and many more things. What we are missing is onboarding and user retention.

Converting Visitors and Game Updates

Getting people to try out a DAPP is not too difficult. What is more difficult is getting them to invest. What we are looking at is that 1 in 30 signups go as far as to invest $10 into the game. If we can maintain this conversion rate, what we are going to need is send more users to website. The above statistics are for the previous month. What I'm more worried about is the lack of Daily Active Users. We used to have around 40X more DAUs before.

Changes from The Last Update

🏋️‍♂️ Training Revamped!
🔹 Practice Mode has been replaced with a new Training Mode where you queue against automated opponents of varying skill levels (Easy, Medium, or Hard)
🔹 Works similarly to Challenges, allowing you to choose between using real cards or a Ghost set with all cards available.

This training mode is going to help players learn more about the Cards and the strategies available without risking their Rating. These small changes can go a long way.

General Updates
🔹 Minimum rental price increased to 1 Dark Energy Crystal (per passed proposal).
🔹 Armored Strike & Lookout ability descriptions updated for better accuracy.
🔹 New Dark Energy Land Management Page added! Accessible from the DEC Dashboard, showing all regions and staked DEC amounts.
🔹 New player tooltips! After receiving their first pack, players will be guided to the Mana Well through a one-time series of tooltips.
🔹 Guild Invitation Button added! Officers and Leaders can now send invites directly from player profiles.
🔹 Pools Page: Now includes additional external pools (not DAO-rewarded).
🔹 With bots removed from Modern Ranked play, we’ve re-enabled opponent visibility when a match is found.

Dark Energy Land Management Page reduce the amount of clicks users have to go through. Land has been made a tiny bit easier to navigate and manage. The tooltips have been one of the best additions to the game to make sure new players have all the necessary information on basic operations.

🐞 Bug Fixes & Improvements
🔹 Guilds: Officers can now access the Create Guild Announcement page.
🔹 Fixed an issue where "Seeking Opponent" display wouldn’t clear properly after a match.
🔹 Modern Ghost Card Challenges: Fixed incorrect Wild format saves (older challenges may still show incorrectly).
🔹 Referral Fix: Manually cleared referrals will now remain cleared.

Splintershards Dashboard
🔹Splintershards Dashboard: Removed Total Supply and updated Circulating, Liquid, and Staked SPS values.
🔶 Please note that the circulating supply does not include balances off-chain which is around 310M at the moment. (BSC, ETH, & H-E) 🔶

SPS Marketcap is Shown Incorrectly

There was a recent decision made to mint the total supply of 3 billion SPS. I was expecting this change to make Splintershards rank higher on platforms such as @coingecko. It does not seem like they have received the memo. The correct marketcap is shown on SPS Dashboard from the game.

The true marketcap for Splinterlands (at the moment of writing) is $18,113,892. We should be on the first page of gaming cryptocurrency list under the correct marketcap. Talking to these websites might get easier once SPS Validator Nodes are live. I have bought one of these and it is a pleasure to see community members test the software. We have a Discord Chanel for that. The software is open sourced under MIT Licence and anyone can go through the code on GitHub Page.

Happy Gaming! Happy Investing!

Posted Using INLEO


I think Splinterlands has been moving in the right direction again in the last few weeks. I was even more pessimistic in the middle of last year.

The best results will be seen during March and April when most of the new features go live.

Let's hope you are right! 🙂

Great summary. Thanks for keeping your finger on the pulse, mate.

Then I should try to do this more often.