The Fork Is behind Me.. The Path Is Clear

in #stickupcurator2 years ago

Rock Glenn.jpg

Hello Friends

I did it!! I went into the belly of the beast and I made it out alive and well.. Hmm BEB lyrics me believes.. May as well share the link :)

I have been away working so that I could afford to take some time off (6 months haha) for some projects that I have wanted to finish.. Oh yeah!! Some good stuff coming out soon.

Lotsa big things coming. My path is clear and it feels like that pic I snapped a while back at a park I enjoy chilling at here and there.. Rock Glenn, Ontario, Canada
With any luck, the 6 months turns into 12 and the 12 turns into the rest of my days..

The show will be starting up again shortly "I'm Right On" and "From Out Of The Box as well"

Anyway, I'm glad to be back.. Keep your eyes peeled