How do you spend a lazy, rainy #sublimesunday? Doing as little as possible, enjoying naps, and getting dragged around by Sprinty McIdon'tgiveashitifitisraining of the we are going anyway breed. 100% chance of grey, wet and cool for anyone fool enough to head outdoors.
It was a muddy one indeed. Dog and boot prints alike were left in the soft spots and I am glad I wore my boots.
Not only were the fields and trails mushy and muddy, you can probably almost smell the slime in the stream that runs through the dog park. My little brown dood loves to run through this shit and only a full bath will wash it out. Might be a long dark stinky weekend!
Even thought it is neither warm nor dry, it is still great to see the ground get soaked to push the permafrost down. Green is hesitantly popping up everywhere and is hinting at a big boom soon.
There is even a crack in the clouds to shine some sun on tiny little raspberry sprouts hugging the roots of a big tree.
A quick check on our back woods condo shows no permanent occupants yet. I can think of better places to live as a bird than 4 feet off the ground in a dogs park but there is no accounting for taste. Looking a little closer, there is an addition built off the back of this home that may be where the feathered in-laws might stay?
The clouds actually thinned out from overcast and drizzling to late afternoon sun with a little warmth in it. Perfect time to go blazing around the park, running full tilt through every puddle to be found. Water flying from his face as he changes angles to go sprinting past.
Returning home, the sun is still out though setting over a lawn that actually might need mowing soon. I still have to pull out all the dead grass from last year, till the soil and prepare the garden boxes for this year's garden. Goo thing it was raining all weekend and I might be able to leave it til next weekend.
A little beer and my favourite Indian restaurant dish Dansak with Naan is just the perfect way to cap off a weekend. So sweet and spicy and bold like the beer!
I hope your Sunday was as relaxed as mine was and the sun shone on you despite a gloomy forecast. Charge up for an #HPUD week of adventure!