Gnomeville's Mystery ~ Number 9

in #thealliancelast year

     What follows is the ninth part of a collaborative story written by members of The Alliance. To catch up on the previous parts, click the links below:


Part 1   by snook
Part 2   by grindan
Part 3   by enginewitty
Part 4   by wwwiebe
Part 5   by summertooth
Part 6   by slothlydoesit
Part 7   by bigtom13
Part 8   by willendorfia



     Eventually the earthquake subsided, and Gnome-one spoke once again. Only, the voice emanating from his mouth was that of a young child.

     "Gomebody knows the trouble I've seen. Gnomebody knows but Gome-one."

     Gnome-one started to giggle. The childishness of the laugh making it all the more creepy. Fred and Nerffin exchanged uneasy glances.

     "No more mushrooms for me," whispered Nerffin.

     "No more mushrooms! No more mushrooms!" The voice mimicked Nerffin in a mocking way. "No more mushrooms for anyone!"

     Gaining a shred of courage, Fred took a step toward Gnome-one, "That's enough, Gnome-one. We didn't come here to play games!"

     Again, Gnome-one giggled like a child seeing their favorite stuffed animal. "Daddy, it's me...Gwen!"

     "Gw...Gw..." Was all Fred could manage.

     "I've made friends with the mushrooms. Daddy, they're talking to me. They're telling me things., I can talk to you."

     "" Fred was still struggling to find his words.

     "The mycelium fibers travel everywhere. Once connected to them, I could speak through Gnome-one. I could tell you about the Megaloroom!

     Fred and Nerffin spoke in unison, "The Megaloroom?"

     "I'll show you. Come sit next to me." With her one hand still fully embedded in the fibrous wall, Gwen held her free one out for the confused gnomes.

     After a slight hesitation, they obeyed. There was no point in arguing anymore. All reason and logic, as his mother always said, had gone out with the dodo.

"For this to work, your minds need to travel to your happy places." This was no easy task in a place like the underworld.

     Fred's thoughts wandered to his time back in school. The time when he first met Emma. How they had so much fun working on projects together. Like the time they successfully created a cherry/grape hybrid. Or, the wild adventure where they tried to get accepted into a family of squirrels. The scars from that  one are still pretty fresh. Fred wondered if he would ever see Emma again. He quickly pushed that thought aside. He needed to focus on the happier ones. Like, the first kiss.

     Nerffin's thoughts drifted to his days playing gnomeball for the Gnomeville Gnats. That's right, Nerffin played gnomeball. He was actually quite good at it, too. His finest moment coming in the championship game against arch rival Gnomegrove. Nerffin scored the game winning goal after a beautiful cross pass deflected off of his face and into the net. With a stinging nose and a shower of rose petals raining down from the stands, Nerffin was carried out of the Gnome Dome on the shoulders of his teammates. He can still hear the crowd chanting his name. Nerffin! Nerffin! Nerffin!

     Seeing smiles on the faces of Fred and Nerffin, Gwen knew they were ready. "Both of you touch my hand."  Fred slipped his hand under his daughter's. It felt like the hand of a stranger. Nerffin placed his hand on top of Gwen's. Almost instantly, the mens' minds were filled with a pleasant white light. As the light began to fade, an image slowly came into focus.

     The image seemed to be that of a mushroom, though, neither gnome had ever seen one quite like this. It was monstrous. Bigger than any gnome home. It's swirling colors of purple, blue, and red danced across the surface of the formidable fungus. Spots all over the shroom appeared to glow, as if light by an internal source.

     Then Gwen began to speak again. "This is the Megaloroom. This is the source of the blue goo that many of you have been smearing all over your faces. The Megaloroom is the cause of everything weird that's been happening. You must seek it out and confront it before it gets too big. You will find it somewhere in the forest that is dead but is not really dead. Here, wear these. They will protect you from the Megaloroom's hallucinogenic powers."

     Gwen removed her hand from within the wall. When she did, the image of the Megaloroom quickly disappeared from the minds of Fred and Nerffin. In her now free hand, Gwen revealed two rings. The rings were made from the same fibers that made up much of the wall. Fred and Nerffin were each handed one and both slipped them on their fingers. The rings felt a little loose at first, until the fibers tightened around their fingers for a snug fit.

     No longer under Gwen's control, Gnome-one stood there staring confusedly at the three others standing by the wall. While Gwen occupied his mind, Gnome-one was unaware of everything that happened. He had the strange sense of missing time.

     Fred broke the silence. "Okay, we have to gather up all the supplies we can manage. There's no telling how long it will take us to find this giant mushroom. The forest is egnomous."

     Nerffin had an idea. "Gwen, sweetie, could you maybe reach back into the wall and pull out a few more of these rings?" Unable to speak through Gnome-one, Gwen just giggled. "Looks like it's just you and me, Fred."

     "Come on," Fred replied, "let's get out of this underworld nightmare. Gwen, take my hand." He noticed Gnome-one standing off to the side, perplexed. "Hey, Gnome-one!"

     No response.


     Fa'Koon Gnome-one glanced at Fred.

     "You coming with us?"

     "No," Gnome-one managed to respond, "I'm going to stay down here for a little while. I feel a connection to this place."

     Not wanting to stay down there any longer, Fred and Nerffin wished Gnome-one a hasty adieu and began making the nightmarish trek back to the surface with Gwen. Back to the world of the living.

     But, what nightmares await them on their journey to find the Megaloroom? What nightmares await them if they actually find the substantial shroom? Does any of this even make sense? I don't know! What I do know is that my jar of blue goo is getting low. Thanks for reading!


PART 8    -   PART 10



     Wherever we are, we are surrounded by nature. It's always trying to communicate with us. Take time to notice. #NoticeNature.

All gifs and images are my own unless otherwise stated.





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swirling colors of purple, blue, and red danced across the surface of the formidable fungus.

You are a pretty good writer my dude! That line really set the scene! Well done.


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@enginewitty just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @omra-sky.
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Thanks, Witty! I haven't written fiction in a while so I was really nervous about this one.

Who could have known that Nerffin was a star for the Gnats? (I think you are leading in the category 'gn' words. Was the other team the Gnus?)

What a great addition. I'm really pleased with your part and the whole story. Waiting on next!

Definitely the Gnus! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

A great addition to the story so far! Not many writers left, I hope they don't run out of goo and let the Megaloroom take over! Love the addition of some more backstory through the memories too! Loved it!


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Thank you! I'm really looking forward to seeing how this story plays out.

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@slothlydoesit just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @omra-sky.
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@omra-sky just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @willendorfia.
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They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


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$PIZZA slices delivered:
@enginewitty(1/10) tipped @omra-sky
willendorfia tipped omra-sky
slothlydoesit tipped omra-sky
samsmith1971 tipped omra-sky

Finally, the source of the goo is revealed! 🙌

Freaking great continuation, Omra! (The memory about the squirrel family had me 🤣).

Lord of the Rings missed out on a great opportunity. 'Ring of Shroom' would have fit in perfectly.😄

Thank you, Bris! Is there anything better than to be accepted by squirrels?

Those movies are like 5 hours long. They could have put a mushroom in there somewhere. 🤷‍♂


You must be killin' it out here!
@omra-sky just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @brisby.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


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Hard to top being welcomed into a furtastic fam. Once they offer their nuts, you know you're in.

Maybe the squirrel family didn't want to share the shrooms? 😜


You must be killin' it out here!
@brisby just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @omra-sky.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


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@enginewitty, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/3) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @omra-sky gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.

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tough act to follow! Great piece man! Megaloroom, wonderful!

Thanks! I'm happy to be a part of this hallucination.

haha, it's a fun time!


I miss your writing. 😻
Thank you for doing this. It means the world to me.
This was the first thing I saw and I have been awake for 10 minutes.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE everything about what you did here! You amaze me!! I am so happy you found time to be part of the story!!

okay, I might add more to this comment when I am awake but for now, I will stop gushing!


THIS IS SOOOO GOOD! I really dig your writing style dude, do you ever write short stories? Know we just recently met in Fam chat, but if I remember you do freewrites? Would love to see you do a weekly prompt post in The Ink Well, you got skills!

Anyhow, you probably gnome that already 😂 awesome installment!

Hey, thanks for the kind words. Yes, I used to do free writes back in the day. Perhaps I'll do a couple again. Happy Hiving!

Hello my friend! 😊

Oh, my land, Megaloroom...I bet that's a terrifying idea for someone allergic to mushrooms. That was a nice twist to the story, very cool. I can't wait to see where it goes next. Thank you for the journey you took me on. 😊

God bless you, all the other authors participating and the readers of this post. Have an awesome day my friend! 😊

Thank you for the kind words! I'm very happy to be a part of this wild journey. A pleasant day to you, as well.

You're most welcome! It has been very neat reading all the different installments/chapters, especially as they're all written by different authors that all take their own unique paths with them. It'll be very cool at the end to go back and read them all together. 😊

aha! And the thick plottens!!!... and I used to say... and still do !LOLZ

This progression begs the question... what is real? What is true? What is merely illusory and a figment of the imagination? Is the tree of knowledge alive and does it even exist? Are the trees really dying, or would someone have the gnomes on the surface believe this in order to make illicit gains? Too many creatures on the blue stuff if you ask me... me thinks they might be smoking it in secret! !PIZZA !ALIVE


A priest was arrested at a church
He was convicted for mass murder.

Credit: reddit
@samsmith1971, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @enginewitty


hahaha... right??? Doesn't it? I mean we have gnomes getting high on blue goo here 🤣🤣🤣 !LOLZ

What’s the best thing about Switzerland?
I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus.

Credit: thales7
@enginewitty, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @samsmith1971



@omra-sky! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (6/10)

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So many questions left to be answered. It'll be interesting to see where this goes. It's goo time!


You must be killin' it out here!
@omra-sky just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @samsmith1971.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


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Yep, blue goo time indeed !LOLZ

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