I think that while sometimes the unbeliever sees the universe and asks for proof, the one who wants to believe must simply keep quiet and observe. Perhaps there is plenty of proof everywhere, we're just not used to recognizing it. We are surrounded by so much beauty, so much sublimity, so much... exactitude, that sometimes we are simply not able to see it. It is like the fish that is surrounded by water, yet does not know what water is. Sometimes I think you just have to be aware and be present. Be present here to see it. The universe is a more magical and mysterious place than we are used to admitting. It is not difficult to see something deeper in it, for those who want to see it.
I think the universe is talking. Everytime and everywhere. If you look at the clouds there it is, in the flight of the birds and in the stars. Even in the mud in the water, and in the earth. You just have to be willing to listen to it. Why do you think the ancients interpreted these kinds of things for signs? Maybe they knew something. The modern mind does not believe in this kind of thing. What does the movement of the stars have to do with me? I don't know. But when you look at the stars, you touch them with your eyes. You and the star are one. There is no division. There seems to be, but there isn't. Everything is a big gear that moves in harmony, from the largest to the smallest, and perhaps it is not so crazy to think that we are simply synchronized.
But I am not arguing for the interpretation of the stars. I don't know. I'm just open about it.
I think whether you look at the sky, or the sea, in the trees or on the ground, in every place you will find a message. It's telling us something. Only sometimes we are not listening. Sometimes I think that even on human-made devices, on the computer or TV, wherever, you can see the message.
Have you heard of synchronicity? Although I am not familiar with Jung's works, it is defined, at least ordinarily, sort of as a meaningful coincidence. A simultaneity that has meaning. Many people experience them sometimes, sometimes not. In my opinion, these coincidences are there all the time, we just don't realize it. Because we are not aware enough. And we're not present. But I think if we're in the right state of mind, we're going to pick it up.
I think that, intuitively, we get the message, just as animals do, but we are completely unconscious. We are unconscious of many things, including what is going on in our own psyche.
They say that the divine is always present. In every place. In every moment. It is in nature. But it is also in the city. The thing is, we don't see the forest for the trees. Also, we are more accustomed to intuit with our eyes than to see with our intuition, so to speak. There are many stories in many different religions about how the gods disguised themselves as beggars and roamed the city. Yet no one recognized them.
I think sometimes we know what's going on up above because of what's going on down here. We can see it all around us. If we didn't see it, why would we believe in what's above?
Of course, it is more than just that, but nevertheless one might ask that question.
It's like something that is happening on an invisible level, yet it manifests in everything we see. We just have to pay attention.
The universe is talking, but the question is, are we listening?
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