in #travel3 months ago

"slow lane" on the right

That tangled my brain for a moment til I rememered where you were XD

This driver apparently didn't hear anything from the loose cargo, didn't feel any strange scraping and vibration, and didn't see all the lights. They were utterly oblivious.

Just how.

Had to giggle at the semi rushing to catch up, probably did break a few rules but one of them up your arse is kind of hard to ignore XD

Are your interstates well lit or do you just not have things like kangaroos that like to wander across the road? I have only done country driving at night once in a "safe" car to do that in (a very large Toyota Landcruiser with a roo bar) and saw the roos with plenty of time to take my foot off which gave them plenty of time to look and then realise maybe getting the hell out of the way would be a capital idea) and hated every second and that was only a 10min drive or so from the small hobby farm we were visiting to the centre of the tiny country town XD


We have moose. Checkmate. That said, the major interstates are usually free of wildlife. If I'm on state highways or county roads with no barriers, I slow down and keep my eyes peeled.


Yeh I guess meese are kinda colossal too.

I know that's not the plural but it's just so fun to say
