Currently our map looks like this:
It is time to continue with the random dungeon generation project, using Appendix A from the first edition Dungeon Masters Guide. Here is the Link to the previous episode.
As with the previous days we will need our random tables:
Last time we had quite a bit of interesting developments, a secret room, a gas filled corridor, wandering monsters, and a new chamber with a couple exits. The two corridors exiting room 9 are getting close to the southern border of the map, we are probably going to have to make some of those discretionary decisions we discussed on day one. On that note I think it is best to see where the most eastern passage in room 9 leads...
So starting in area 9 we will need to roll on Table I.
- Check on Table I (Periodic Checks) = (18); Result is "Door".
Now we need to check on the location of the door on Table II. - Check on Table II (Doors) = (16); Result is "Ahead".
Now to check what lies beyond the door also on Table II. - Check on Table II (Doors) = (2); Result is "Parallel Passage or 10' x 10' Room if door is straight ahead"
So this passage is a 10' x 10' room behind a door, this is how it will look:
Now we will begin checking on the next passage leading out of room 9.
- Check on Table I (Periodic Checks) = (1); Result is "Continue Straight for 60'." This is a problem since we would continue off the edge of the map. At this point I think we should use some discretion and force a turn. I will roll for direction (1-10 = East, 11-20 = West). I got a (2) so the passage turns East. Now we check again on Table 1 to see where it goes.
- Check on Table I (Periodic Checks) = (20); Result is "Wandering Monster" We now need to check immediately again on Table 1 to see where this monster is coming from.
- Check on Table I (Periodic Checks) = (2); Result is "Continue Straight for 60'." We better check again to see what lies further down the corridor.
- Check on Table I (Periodic Checks) = (5); Result is "Door"
Now we check again on Table II for door location. - Check on Table II (Door) = (16); Result is "Ahead"
Now we check again on Table II for what lies beyond the door. - Check on Table II (Door) = (15); Result is "Room"
Now to check on Table V for room size. - Check on Table V (Chamber and Rooms) = (12); Result is "20' x 30' Rectangular".
This corner of the map is getting congested so we will not check for exits from this room and simply have this be the end of these corridors.
Here is the updated Map
Now we can move on to the passage heading to the Southwest. This passage is also getting close to the edge of the map so I think it is best to ignore any results that would turn us towards the East. Back to Table I.
- Check on Table I (Periodic Checks) = (7); Result is "Side Passage (see Table III) check again in 30'."
- Check on Table III (Side Passage) = (3); Result is "Right 90 Degrees."
We will continue in the Southwest direction to see where the main passage goes. We are very close to the edge of the map so we will ignore turns to the East or South. - Check on Table I (Periodic Checks) = (14); Result is "Chamber (see Table V)"
- Check on Table V (Chambers and Rooms) = (5); Result is "20' x 30' Rectangular"
Now to check for number of exits on Table V.C. and exit location on Table V.D., and finally exit direction on Table V.E. - Check on Table V.C (Number of exists) = (15); Result is "Zero(0), Check for secret doors"
We will only check the west wall for secret doors since I don't want to go East or South. Secret Doors are indicated on a roll of 1-5 on d20. - Roll the d20 twice = (12) and (2). So we have one secret door in the west wall. Now we check what lies beyond the Secret Door.
- Check on Table II (Doors) = (5); Result is "Passage Straight Ahead" So I will draw a passage 30' ahead.
We will label the two rooms numbers 10 & 11.
The Map now Looks like this:
Now I want to go check out that side passage we passed by a bit ago, the one heading to the northwest. Once again we roll on Table I.
- Check on Table I (Periodic Checks) = (20); Result is "Wandering Monster" We now need to check immediately again on Table 1 to see where this monster is coming from.
- Check on Table I (Periodic Checks) = (19); Result is "Trick or Trap (see Table VII), passage continues - check again in 30'."
The wandering monster might have somethin to do with this trick / trap lets see what Table VII says... - Check on Table VII (Trick / Trap) = (7); Result is "10' Deep Pit, 3 in 6 to fall in"
Ok so there is a 10' deep pit and a wandering monster in this passage also note the passage continues 30'.
This is interesting maybe the monster and the pit work together. You could have a small invisible creature (like and Imp) that manually triggers the trap, or maybe the monster is in the pit (Nothing like dropping a hero into a pit of green slime, haha).
Ok once again we will check on Table I to see where we are going...
- Check on Table I (Periodic Checks) = (10); Result is "Side Passage (see Table III), check again in 30'."
- Check on Table III (Side Passage) = (15); Result is "Passage 'Y's"
Ok this is cool the passage will head to the north and to the west
Here is the updated map:
That should do it for today. Next time we will adventure north.
Images are from my copy of the Dungeon Masters Guide by Gary Gygax 1979 - TSR Games
If you would like to get a PDF copy of this book or the other AD&D core rule books go to Drivethru RPG and check them out.