Right In the Heart of The Ukraine-Russian Crisis

in #ukraine3 years ago

My hands are shaking as I type this in. I have no idea how there'll be internet or how long will I be here to constantly update this post. The explosions are getting closer.

It is ironic. I never thought the "eulogy" part from my bio would come true, but here we are.

I will record every event I witness and go through during this invasion and forever store it on the blockchain.

It could end up being an incomplete record, and in that way it will turn into part of my eulogy.


  • Woke up to a shaking room with shocking, loud, explosion like sounds at sharp 5:00 A.M.
  • A barrage of calls and messages floods my phone as I try to put things together (but deep inside I already knew what has happened)
  • I look out the window and I can see clear streaks left by missiles or projectiles on the sky, followed by a faint remenescent of smoke coming from the site of impact.
  • After that it was almost an hour of calling around, replying texts, and scrounging the internet for more information.
  • None of the news outlets had anything posted about these sudden explosions, but I think all the residents already knew what had begun.
  • Decided the best route of action was to gather essential items and head out for the western side of Ukraine.
  • Started looking for available bus tickets, train tickets, and cabs.
    Everything is either sold out, or getting removed as quickly as they get listed.
  • Have another hour long discussion with friends and family about viable options while packing.

  • Go out to the Train Station in person as I can't find tickets online and also gather information.

  • It is complete chaos outside. Everyone is running. Where? I don't know.

  • Someone has 1 bag, some 3, some none. Some Babushkas are crying as they run, some children are crying as they hug their mother's shivering hand tightly, some running around like a headless chicken with no specific goal in mind. That was a scary view.

  • Immediately the first thing that caught my eye was the huge queues at the ATMs. A wave of flashbacks from 2014 hit me.

  • Another set of huge queues at the water terminals and storefronts. Big sign of things about to go from bad to worse.


  • Metro working as usual. The lady screaming "wear your masks!". Made me chuckle. Inside the station were people with bags, luggage, and some with pets, all heading towards the train and bus stations.

  • The train station was another kick of reality on the shin. More people than I could even see. All gathered around the ticket booths, some shouting over their lungs, some on calls, some weeping on the sides.

  • Walked towards the bus station where a similar view welcomed me. No bus tickets available. Private buses are booked. "Money doesn't matter anymore", that is what one of the drivers told me when I told him I had 15 people ready to pay any amount to get us out.

  • Looked for private cabs and more options, gave up after getting "no" from everywhere and the crowd only kept getting bigger.

  • Now it is 8:30 AM, only 3 and a half hours after the first explosion. There are officially no more buses and trains leaving to western Ukraine for the next 2 days.

  • Get a call talking about water shortages happening around the city. Head to the metro to find water cans without the queues.

  • In the metro I see water fountains being installed as well as extra benches. The underground metro stations are being turned into bunkers.

  • Lots of people inside the metro. 5x the normal. A lot of weeping kids, scared parents, fragile old people, lost passengers. All of them taking shelter and looking for answers inside. Also, metro and other transportations are declared free and without fare.


  • Head to one the busiest places in the city to only find it completely deserted. A scary view.


  • All shops and businesses are closed. Including supermarkets and grocery stores. ATMs still have a huge queue.


  • Seeing a lot of police officers and armed soldiers on the street and in the metro stations.

  • I want to make a final few purchases to store at home since I'll be stuck there for who knows how long. But the queues are very big.

  • People are fighting to get inside. Shelves are emptying by the second. Managed to get a couple of bottles of water.



  • Reached home safely. A lot of disappointed people coming back, too.

  • Sounds of explosions begin again. Streets are now empty and whatever few people are remaining out there are running to find shelter.

  • News emerges of tanks infiltrating the border and making their way into the city. A few buildings have been destroyed and they are firing indiscriminately.

  • Sounds of explosions have become louder now. I think they are coming closer and closer.

  • I have mapped out all the bunkers in the area and am going through the signals. One beep = warning. three beeps = evacuate and hide in shelters.

  • Another set of explosive sounds. This was very close. Felt my room shake.

  • Contacted the embassy but no realistic solution or guidance is being provided.

  • Another explosion. Can see the smoke directly from my window. Closest one yet.

  • Ex-landlord now a good friend called. He is worse than the Twitter trolls. Thinks the shelling is a made up conspiracy. Bruh I can feel them! I can see the smoke!

  • Considering going to the bunker. But it's overcrowded and I'm worried about thieves and looters.

  • Made it to a bunker under the building. More people are coming through. A few explosions can be heard outside. No clue what's goin on.

  • Everything is quite for now. Curfew has been imposed. Fear and anxiety is rising among some people, including myself, naturally.

  • Six continous explosions have shooken the place up.

  • A lot more people are rushing underground and bringing their pets along.

  • Some more people have joined us in the bunker. They say explosions are frequent and very nearby. Hoping for the best.

  • It's cold. Very cold. There's no heating down here and not enough blankets to go around.

  • Trying my best to catch some sleep. Who knows when will I get another chance to. However, it feels impossible. Can't sleep a wink. I'm cold and scared.

  • Exactly 24 hours have passed since the beginning of the invasion. Tensions are high as rumors of a air strike is passing around.

  • People are tired. Some have given up and left the bunker to go back home. I got only 2 hours of sleep, others got maybe lesser.

  • Blackout. No electricity suddenly..
  • Electricity keeps dropping frequently. In general, there is a regular current.
  • I went out to stretch my legs and heard explosions. I can only assume it happened all night.
  • Everyone's heading home. Some are going out to buy things or simply walk.
  • A lot of chaos right and left. I am trying to contact red cross, UN, and more organizations to see and find some medium to leave the city and head to the Poland border but the results look grim.
  • Looks like there may be a train that goes to Lviv. However, it is not certain if moving by train will be safe or not. But it is a risk I am ready to take.
  • Contacting other people who are stuck here and want to leave.
  • Many people are heading towards the train stations are there are rumors emerging of trains arriving and leaving.
  • Have to drop the idea of traveling now since I got some news about Lviv not being the safest place as of now and also the Poland border isn't letting people in yet.
  • Went out to look for a working ATM since I'll need more cash in my hands.
  • I have decided to nest all the younger citizens of my country stuck in Kharkiv under my wing. They are all heading towards my location now.


  • What beautiful weather! Something that finally gives me some peace. Fewer people outside than yesterday. No one's walking, everyone's jogging.
  • Unfortunately, most of the ATMs are still closed or do not have money in them. In total, I have walked to check 7 ATMs.


  • There are a few newly formed entrepreneurs on the street standing next to the ATMs. They'll give you cash if you transfer money into their accounts for a 10% "service charge".
  • Finally found a working ATM with cash in it. Huge queue but worth the wait.
  • My body feels like wet spaghetti. My feet are sore. I feel exhausted. The mental pressure is insane. I'm going home now and will try to freshen up, shower, and hopefully eat something but I have no appetite.

  • Couldn't completely freshen up. Continuous multiple firing making my room shiver. We are running to the bunker now.

  • The most recent ones were extremely loud and felt close. Turns out they are around 7km away only. Can't confirm this information. But very probable considering how loud it was.

  • Way too many people for the bunker to hold. We are going to find extra space for them in the metro or other basements.

  • Everyone has ample space now. Heard a few more explosions but not as frequently. Spoke to my family, finally. 'twas good.

  • A loaf of bread now costs over 100 UAH, previously 12-14 UAH.

  • Finished a newspaper interview and a TV news interview. Ended them with requests to the foreign ministry and my prime minister to get us out.

  • Two more interviews and looks like it triggered a reaction. I got a all from a member of the embassy. However nothing productive came from the call. The advice is to stay low and wait for some sort of peaceful period when we can move.

  • Latest news from around the country is evoking mixed emotions in all the people in the bunkers with me. Uncertain future.

  • Right bois. This looks bad. Went out for a fresh breath of air and saw a rocket fly by in the distance. Looks like things are heating up. I'm gonna hunker down. Hopefully there's internet for me to come and add to this log. I'm sitting underground and I feel and hear the impacts.

  • Relatively good news. The sounds have become fainter meaning they aren't nearby. New info suggests things will get more heated up here on.


  • Went out for some fresh air. All lights are off. No shops are open. No one outside. Not a single noise. Very eery.
  • Next update will be in a day or two. If not, then expect the worst. Thanks for the wishes and prayers.

  • The worst isn't here yet. Quite the opposite... Maybe. Full details coming soon.

  • Made it to Poland. I'm safe. Many people still stuck and trying to get out of Ukraine.

  • Took a car to get out on 26th Feb. Reached Poland on 2nd March. It was not easy in any ways. I'm currently looking for resources and information in Warsaw, Poland. I have a lot to say. And I will complete this log as soon as I get the opportunity to write down everything that has happened since the 26th.

  • Spoke to guilty and Gandalf. Just having someone to talk to is worth more than gold right now. Thanks guy! Slava Ukraina!

From 26th Feb to 2nd March

  • After doing all I could do, I decided to get out of Ukraine. The original plan was to take the morning train from Kharkiv railway station to Lviv and from thee figure out the rest. I was well aware I could have to walk 30 kms to the border in the freezing cold but it was better than dying like a sitting duck.

  • I reached the station late, there were sounds of explosions. I had to wait for the noon train which would either stop at kiev and I would have to take another train to lviv, or the train would go Uzhgorod. Nothing was clear.

  • There were mostly foreigners on the platform. Some familiar faces, a lot of people who knew me directly or indirectly, and many people that I hadn't seen before.

  • Everyone was standing, although the train still had hours to make it to the platform. Obviously everyone was anxious and scared. I found a group of friends who eventually decided to make the risky drive to the border instead of waiting. In retrospect, it was probably a bad decision.

  • If we took the train we would directly reach Lviv or Uzhgorod and could find a way to make it to the border. All it would take was a few hours of waiting, and after leaving the train a few hours of trying to get to the border.

  • Going by car was riskier because there was no guarantee we would ever make it. We didn't know which routes were safe and how would we drive almost 1700 km.

  • We started strong. We were scared. However, almost on every major street we came across check posts guarded by the army and the general mobilization. They checked our cars, documents and let us go.

  • This was very good. They were there to recommend us safe routes and tell us what to avoid and how to go. Some stations only had the general public who were not army but volunteered into the general mobilization. They were holding rifles with pretty much nothing else. But I could feel their intense will power.

  • On the road I saw a lot of things. There were times we could hear shilling not too far away from the road and even feel the vibrations. We also saw a burning vehicle which wasn't shot too long ago. It was scary. Every minute of it.

  • The cars were all crowded. For most of the part I was sitting on a suitcase. It was very uncomfortable and having so many people in the group made it worse. We had to constantly take breaks for fuel, bathrooms, energy and so on.

  • On the night of 27th we had to take a huge break. All of us were very exhausted. Almost impossible to keep our eyes opened. We decided to take a break when we reached what was then considered a "safe" city.

  • To reach this city we were guided to go through a "back road". Basically it was a cleared road through a forest that didnt exist on the map. It was a very rough road and we were told to go as fast as possible. We thought our car would break into pieces there.

  • After reaching the city however, we couldn't find a place to rest. So we rang up the emergency number and they did find a place for us.


  • Through a very clever security clearance system of multiple layers through calls we were directed to a shelter not too far away from Kyiv. Kyiv was then the main focus of all attacks.

  • We did think we were safe. But no. My friend and I stepped out of the shelter for namaaz when we saw a fighter plane fly right over our heads. In the dark it was impossible to say which side the plane belonged to.

  • Not too long after the sounds of shelling and airstrikes filled the air. At around 2 am, I woke up completely paralyzed. An unending constant sound of airstrike or shelling or shooting filled the air. It went on for almost 30 minutes and I was paralyzed thinking this was it. I am going to die now.

  • Next morning we discussed and decided the noises were richoceting from Kyiv. We then recouped and continued the journey.

  • The routes we used to reach until this point were now closing up. Turns out the attack was getting bigger and harder and the roads were getting affected. The people would have to find different routes now.

  • We reached around 300 km close to the border from Lviv. We decided to buy some water from a shop nearby. I decided to go to the washroom. Suddenly the sirens went up. There were a lot of shouting voices telling everyone to leave.

  • We all went outside hurrily as the women screamed in fear and children cried loudly. We stood in the parking of the shop. All of us. Under open sky. With an imminent air strike on its way. Can you imagine what that felt like?

  • We stood there in a group. Maybe a hundred people. No one left the parking with their cars since the roads are a bigger risk. No one went inside the shop since it could collapse on the head. So the open parking was the only relatively safer option.

  • After a very long 20 minutes which felt like a lifetime ended, we were told its safe now. We forgot about the water and straight started driving again.

  • We again reached a road which was packed. It was about 7 kms long but took us 30 minutes to clear through. After we cleared that road we were told to go through a village as the road ahead was overpacked.This was another rough road but better than not moving at all.

  • As we got closer to the border area the checking in the check posts got more thorough. They took their time to see through the documents and check our cars.

  • Finally, almost one whole day of driving we reached within 50 km of the border. But it wasn't easy. From night till the next morning we only cleared 15 km as the line of cars was moving very slowly.

  • Then there was another check point after which another long line of cars. We were swapping drivers every few hours to keep our energy up. But eventually we were 30 km away from the border.

  • This was the line of cars that was both a relief and scary. We heard rumors of this line taking anywhere from 2 days to a week to clear. There were also rumors of the army picking out men from the line (all is bs as none of this happened). So we were pretty scared.

  • There was no way of understanding why the line was taking so long. Only after we crossed the border we realized. That 30 km. It will forever be imprinted in my brain. The shit I have seen there. I cant forget. I am tearing up just thinking about it.

  • All the cars were told to drive on the extreme right hand side to leave space for "emergency vehicles" in the middle of the two laned road. There were polite, army, ambulance, luxury vans, and some private cars with police escort rushing through that space. It was hard to understand what the private cars and vans had that they could pass through the special lane.

  • Tensions were very high and people were emotional and impatient. There were 3 instances were cars tried to cut in front of us. The cool thing was, even if we were foreigner and the line cutters were locals, the locals came to our help and together we successfully made them drive all the way back.

  • But after we cleared 1 km and reached a check point the real scary things began showing up. Taxis and some mini-vans carrying passenger were not being allowed further. The passengers were now forced to walk all the 30 kms to the border. In the cold.

  • We also caught glimpses of empty cars being driven away from the border by Ukrainian men with tears in their eyes. I could only guess that they dropped their family on the border and were driving back to join the army.

  • We also saw many people, including locals and foreigners walking towards the border on foot after being told their taxis/vans cant get in. The worst thing I saw was a family of four with the youngest not older than5 year old walking. Saw another foreigner whos luggage handle was broken and the wheels were gone. He tied a piece of cloth to the luggage and dragged it.

  • I got tired of all this waiting and with a mixed emotion of anger, frustration and exhaustion I approached a police officer what was going on. He looked at me with a smile and put his hand on my shoulder and said the cars going through the middle were either emergency vehicles, people with special needs, and delegations/dignitaries and that everyone would be let out we just had to wait a little longer. Somehow I was shocked that he responded to me so nicely given my approach. But I think he's seen many like me.

  • That last 30 km took us 1 and a half day to cross. Theres one last small town between the long stretch and the final stretch. We stopped there to exchange our Ukrainian UAH for PLN. We could only get 100 USD and 100 PLN. Sucks, but better than nothing.

  • The last stretch was 7km long. All along the final 30 km were Ukrainians who had set up stalls for free food and water. It was incredible how much the people were helping each other. There were people running around with pampers for those who needed. It was incredible to see all that. Hot tea and coffee, soup, pirojki, water. Anything and everything to make the last 30 km a little easier.

  • Just 5 km away from the border was the last check point. A huge group of people that came walking were waiting there to be cleared to go through the 5km into the immigration. Most of them had the look of death on their face. I do not know how did they make it. But they did. On foot. In the cold. Some were sitting, some still standing, some lying on the floor out of exhaustion.

  • We stopped there for a bit as we recouped and distributed the free tea to the people that walked there. Man. I cant think of all this forget writing it forever on the blockchain. These memories are so disturbing. But yeah, we distributed tea, we gave away some of our UAH to the volunteers and drove to the immigration.

  • The immigration was smooth but took some time. At a time just about 4 cars can pass through the immigration. And the same on the Polish side. Then there are the walkers. They had to be cleared to. Only now it was clear why the lines were so long and slow.

  • On March 1st, a journey that began on 26th February finally came to and end. We cleared the immigration and were finally inside Poland.

Thank you Poland. Stay Strong Ukraine.


Wow!, man my prays are on you, stay safe, and hopefully the world won't leave you alone.

your prayers, wishes, and thoughts were very valuable. They have helped me a lot. The world hasn't left me alone. I have the hive community and the general public too!

Thank god you are in the bunker ! I keep you in my prayers and I will watch the blog. Keep safe friend

thank you britt. your prayers have worked in incredible ways. I am now in a safer place and got out of Ukraine. There are still people in Ukraine that need our prayers. You have been a kind friend, always. I really appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

Ohhhhh I am so glad I have been so worried about you and priyan , thank god you are in a safer place , and indeed that is not for all of our brothers and sisters. Stay safe and hopefully we will have a seas of war and peace again
Love from Holland

We are praying for all of you there! Stay safe and always have water with you!

YEs! Water! when i began the exit journey i had almost no water intake. Maybe a gulp every 12 hours. It was bad. but the stress didnt let me drink. I am safe now, thanks to your prayers!

I don’t know what to say

thank youuuuuu! your prayers worked! I really appreciate it. It was your prayers that has led me to safety and peace.

If it's okay I join and pray with you to double our well wishes

thank you beeber. your wishes and prayers have come to life. I am not sure if I would have made it without them. You have truly helped me.

Hi good to hear from you! Did you get out of the War zone? I think So often of you all, although we dont know each other. This has to stop and I really hope all our prayers will make a difference because its all we can do at the moment.
Feel embraced and stay well 💚

Stay Safe - as You can!
Being ex-military I can tell You, as soon as they can they will,
"Stop All Water"
Keep this in mind while moving around!

I really appreciate your well timed comment. Just after I read this I immediately brought out the buckets and filled them. I was in a false sense of security when I thought I had enough water when I had only 3 cans. The reality could have been worse but your comment made me take action. For now, there has been no news of water shortage. Thank you for the support!

The water thing is a military deal to control populations...
If I think of anything else I will mention it!
"Iodine", if possible and "bleach",
You can purify water with these...
Stay Safe and Strong!

Djięjukemy za informacja podane na żywo. I zdięcie tesz.
(Sorry Polish is not my first language but I can understand Ukranian).

I have followed your account and look forward to your further updates. Stay 💪 and alert!

wish zou all the best!

@tipu curate

thank you! Your wishes are really valuable and have led me to safety!

I'm short of words. I'll be praying. Please be safe.

Thank you @deraaa. Your prayers and wishes have really helped me get out of there. Thank you so much for keeping us all in mind.

Are you out to a safer place now?

I hope you are well and safe. Prayers for Ukraine 🤍

Yes I am well and safer now. Your prayers mean a lot. Lets all pray together for the people still in Ukraine.

Sending love and prayers from the Philippines 🥺

Try to get a bike, food for several days and get out.
Biking is probably the only way to get out in a few days.
Good luck

Thank you for the wishes. I know you only meant it positively but I hope no one followed the bike part of the tip. Kharkov to Poland border is almost 1080 km. Simply getting out of kharkiv on a bike would take a lot of energy and time. Not to mention the super high risk of a random missile or stray bullet ending the journey preemptively.
At the end, I have reached safety and your well wishes have empowered my journey. Thnak you !!!!

Happy to hear that.
Take care of yourself.

Stay safe and don't panic, and I am really sorry you are stuck in the middle of the conflict.

Thank you for the kind wishes. It was hard not to panic but I am now safe and helthy.

That's really good to hear! 🎉

I'm so sorry this is happening to all of you. :(

This has been going on for at least 8 years, why are people just now talking about it? I noticed that many simply hype against the backdrop of these events here, speculate and write comments that it is beneficial for them to pass off as the truth. #stopwar

I don't know, I have no idea about what's going on in Europe or the world in general. All I know is the civilians don't deserve to be bombed. Children don't deserve to be traumatized like this (and everyone else really). Whatever politics is happening there it's really sad seeing especially the innocent children suffering and likely scarring them for life... :(

So point the finger at the ones responsible for the last 8 years, who have been terrorizing people, not at the people standing up to this Ethnic cleansing. Those Russian Soldiers have families too.

wtf are you talking about and who tf in here are blaming the citizens?

So point the finger at the ones responsible for the last 8 years, who have been terrorizing people, not at the people standing up to this Ethnic cleansing. Those Russian Soldiers have families too.

What part of that did you not understand.. Or what the fuck are you confused about?

And, what the fuck, how do you figure that I was talking about blaming the citizens or that I'm saying that the person I responded to said that?

To clarify: the Neo Nazi regiment Azov operating openly and freely in Ukraine, the follow up Political Party directly connected to Azov and the National Police that is also directly connected to Azov and as the party have an Extremist Racist Neo Nazi ideology, openly suporting a complete ATTACK on Russian speaking and Russian ethnic Ukrainians, and these Openly racist people are not only Deployed to East Ukraine to literally shell and kidnapped and everything in between as they have engaged in trench warfare for the last 8 years and has claimed 14000 lives, they are the ones to blame, the ones that after they agreed to lay down their weapons have engaged in warfare and made joke of negotiations. These same neonazi mercenaries were hired by the US in a clear Coup of their Democratically elected President. There is zero blame on Russian Troops or Putin.

Or what the fuck are you confused about?

cos your reply is directed at me? lol maybe reply to the right person

Huh. So now I'm confused about who I'm responding to?

Are you fucked in the head?

You said:

I don't know, I have no idea about what's going on in Europe or the world in general. All I know is the civilians don't deserve to be bombed. Children don't deserve to be traumatized like this (and everyone else really). Whatever politics is happening there it's really sad seeing especially the innocent children suffering and likely scarring them for life... :(

To which I said

So point the finger at the ones responsible for the last 8 years, who have been terrorizing people, not at the people standing up to this Ethnic cleansing. Those Russian Soldiers have families too.

Because, as you initially said:

I'm so sorry this is happening to all of you. :(

Implying that these people aren't responsible for their situation, for their own actions or inaction, and as if those liberating are Doing it to them, but clearly not liberating, you're sorry for the children. You don't give a fuck though, not even enough to inform yourself. Those Russian and Chechen Men liberating these people from Neo Nazi all over their country who have been waging a war in Eastern Ukraine for 8 years, you ain't sorry for their family and friends, it's those poor Ukrainians who allowed the Nazis to wage this war, and their children. They are powerless victims. Powerless to call out bigoted, racist, intolerant Fascists. They are also powerless to Mad Evil Genius Putin, and seemingly they are powerless despite the Billions given, and billions being given by the US, despite their ethnic Jew President, they are powerless to gain any support from their Hero America, to deal with the fascists and oust them from power, instead, he, like his people, which incidentally can't be said for Eastern Ukraine, which isn't represented, only Ignored, Whitewashed abroad and conveniently, completely Ignored by Kiev. Because this is SIMPLY HAPPENING. Powerless. As if they can't do a damn thing. O yeah. Fight the Enemy to the Last One, No Surrender, No Negotiations, Kill Kill Kill.

O fuck. You don't fucking care. You don't have the capacity to care, fuck you just the same and your nil sympathy.

The videos I am seeing of women and children suffering is heartbreaking. It soothes me a little seeing all the help being provided at the borders. EU has been really kind and good to all of us. Thanks for the support and well wishes. It has truly helped me in ways I cannot express!! Thank you!!!

I feel for ya my friend. I wish you the best.

Do you see this act as understandable from the Russians, an attack on your sovereignty or something else?

it is more than an attack on sovereignty. It is inhumane. There is so much I could say about all this and I will. The truth will be broadcasted. Thank you for the wishes, they have really helped reach safety and some peace.

this is a sad news, because I don't expect it from both parties that involved in this crisis.

it is a very difficult situation. I only pray that all the others be safe.

I can't imagine what you feel right now. But I just hope you stay safe wherever you are.
War isn't a joke or meme....I've quite a lote of people that joke with it on the internet which is so disheartening.
Hang in there and stay safe. You're covered

Thank you for your wishes and support mate. It truly helped me get out of there safely and reach a safe country. Yes there are a lot of jokes and memes some are funny too. But the biggest meme of the country President Z has turned into an icon now.

This is so lovely 😍 💕....I'm so happy to hear the you're safe.
A friend of mine called me last week that she's safe in Poland too and I'm so happy to keep hearing that people are going safe.
This is good news, we hope for God's intervention in this crisis and you'll safely be back in your country in peace and not in pieces.
Keep your head up dear, you'll be fine.

I consider the people of Hive my family, I have come to love them deeply. And to see you suffering a war saddens me deeply. Please be safe.

Thank you! Hive is family! 100%!

My heart goes to #ukarine hang tight buddy! It’s will soon be over soon!

I also hope it ends soon. but there are no signs of it. I am truly heart broken.

Me too mate🥲

Надеюсь с тобой всё будет хорошо. И со всеми нами... хотя какое там.

Сил. Удачи.

you know the truth, and so I hope you stay safe. those who know and broadcast the truth over at your place are not being treated well.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

I literally had to go to your profile to figure out what came true. I am sorry, you have to be careful and take care. Please, be safe.

thank you @iskafan i am now out of Ukraine and hoping to get back on track with life

Oh that's great news. I wish you all the best.

Remember that the Russian citizens are not responsible for this attack, it is their crazed dictator. Just be mindful not to harbor resentment toward the entire Russian people because of one maniac.

That's right. Russians were protesting by the thousands and Putin pulled a 'Trudeau' on them. With all the forces in Ukraine, you never know what can happen!

Please dont blame all on Russians. Putin pushed Russians to fight for him and young blood-thirst putism boyz are driving the tanks right now. Now we can pray for the war to stop. No more killing included children!

Lol yeah, the neo Nazi Ukrainians that are bombing Ukrainians have no blame in this lol.

Their President is exterminating the neo Nazi Ukrainians that have waged war for 8 years against their own Russian speaking population. Now preach to me about harboring resentment you fuckfaced idiot.

but who then sits in the tanks that go on our roads?

Russian dictators do not represent the will of the Russian people.
Russia = slavs under tyranny of dictatorship
Ukraine = slavs trying hard to be free from dictatorship

Lul, and what about the neo Nazi Ukrainians? What are they just trying to do?

They are the exception. The majority of Ukrainians only want democracy and free markets. And the autocrats of Russia fear as hell a prosperous and democratic country near their dictatorship.


Thanks so much for taking the time to post this. I can't find much actual news that I trust this morning so it's good to read and find out what's happening there here on HIVE. Please stay safe and check in when you can.

Till now the news is muddy and unclear. Mainstream is also finding it tough to filter between actual news and propaganda. However, I am still receiving some real time footage and news from my friends and acquaintances stuck there. Thank you for the wishes! It truly helped me get out of there safely.

might be the most heartbreaking post I ever seen around here, It's crazy how the world is letting this happen, please stay safe!

The reality of all the sad situations in the world should be on hive. Libraries have always been destroyed to hide the truth, but not with hive. things will be different. Thanks for the well wishes, I am now safe. You have empowered me!

I felt every fear reading this post.
Stay safe out there

I am sorry that was not my intention.
I am safe now. Thanks to your support and well wishes.

Praying for you and all people in the path of this invasion. Many, many people are praying for a swift end to the shelling.

Thank you. Your prayers have helped me reach safety and many others too. There seems to be no near end, so lets all pray together and wish for peace. Thank you!!!

Amen...The prayers continue. Stay safe and may all who seek refuge find peace and security.

Stay safe!

You do have 2 legs, don't you? Start walking. acquire a bicycle or something even. youre going to die if you don't gtfo of there, my dude.

this account was created just to comment this. I am sure you meant the best. Thank you !!

Hoping you post soon from Poland or Czechia.

your thoughts and wishes have worked like magic. I am now I poland. Thank you!!

Hoping you stay safe and this crisis is over quickly.

yes I am now safe in Poland. Hopefully the crisis is over soon but it doesn't look so.

That's some scary shit. Please stay safe!

it is scary! it still is. Thanks for the support. I am in a safer place now.

Prayers for all of you there. 🙏🙏🙏 Hope you can find a place, somewhere safe.

Praying in Jesus name that this will end soon. Sorry that you all have to go thru this. Please stay strong.

your prayers were heard. I really appreciate your prayers and thoughts. They have helped me in ways I cannot explain.

I'm so sorry that you and your fellow Ukrainians are in this situation 💔 Hoping that you are able to stay safe, wishing you all the best 🙏

thank you so much. a lot of people have traveled towards safety. Lets hope that the people that are still stuck in Ukraine may also stay safe and live through this nightmare.

We pray for you and all people of Ukraine. I hope you were able to leave and that you are safe now.

Thank you for praying and thinking about us. Lets all pray together for the well being of the people still stuck in Ukraine!

Stay safe! All my prayers for you.

your prayers have worked. they are worth more than anything. I want us all to pray for the people fighting for ukraine and those who are still stuck there.

My thoughts are with you and the ukrainian people!

Stay well

Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts. It has helped many leave the war zone and it could be helping people in Ukraine stay safe. I am also a direct beneficiary of your thoughts and wishes. Thank you.

Thanks for sharing your experiences, glad to hear you're good so far! I hope this madness stops soon!

I hope things will work out for you and that you can leave for safer areas.
All my thoughts and prayers go to you and the people of Ukraine.

Thank you for the thoughts and prayers arcange. They have helped in immeasurable ways. The people of Ukraine need more prayers now and lets hope they get out or fight to win. I am now safe and cannot thank you enough for your support and prayers.

Glad to get some news from you. I was a bit worried given that I didn't see any activity on your account since your last post. Take care!

As much as I wanted to, there just wasn't enough time to update. I resorted to adding a single line to this log or tweeting. But now, I am in a much better place. Sorry for making you worry. Lets pray and wish the best for the people still stuck in Ukraine.

Stay safe... This is very sad. No words!

Thank you for keeping me and the Ukrainians in your thoughts!

This is quite deep and thought provoking:

Money doesn't matter anymore.

I wish you guys safety and an end to the problems of war.

Thank you for the wishes and thoughts.

Stay safe.

It has to be awful and I'm sorry for your homeland. Please do not post pictures of your location, be careful and make sure your metadata are wiped off the pictures. Be safe

I should have done that, true. But I didnt do it. But at least I didnt take and upload pictures anywhere that could put me in a bad position or the Ukrainan army. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts!!!!

ohhhh man! This is so fucked up! Please stay safe! You are in my thoughts

Thanks sassy!!!!! I am safe now. Thanks for worrying, wishing, and keeping us in your thoughts.

That are great news. I am happy to hear that

Pls stay safe @blind-spot from Nigeria. I pray this crisis stops. May God save the people of Ukraine ❤️.

Thank you for your support and prayers. They truly helped me stay safe and reach Poland where I am now safe and do not have to fear for my life that much.

Strength to you and yours. You and your country are in my thoughts

Thanks for the important updates. Keep safe sending reiki vibes to you all 🙏🏽

Thanks for the vibes and thoughts. It truly helped me stay safe and get out of the war zone.

Glad your out 👍🏽. Mad and scary times. Hope this will be over soon and life can begin repairing 🙏🏽

yes I am now. Thank you for thinking about us.

Hope peace returns soon.

wishing the same!!

Hey! Are you ok? We haven't heard from you for days. I hope you were able to catch the train our of Kharkov yesterday. I hope you are safe. Stay strong!

He arrived in Poland

thnk you for updating while I couldnt....your thoughts and wishes have helped me in ways I cannot explain!

It was the least I could do to take away the worries about your wellbeing when you hadn't updated for few days. For now I wish you lots of strength and take good care of yourself.

Thanks Hetty for letting me know. Finally some good news.

Took a car to get out on 26th Feb. Reached Poland on 2nd March

I'm happy that I saw this update in his blog above. At least I can take some fear away from you.

La situación es bastante difícil es muy triste ver por videos estos bombardeos donde el más inocente paga Es mi deseo de corazón que Dios tome el control de esta situación a pesar que no estoy allá siento un gran nudo en mi garganta y una inmensa tristeza de solo pensar lo que deben estar pasando Dios guarde a #ukraine bendiciones para toda la nación

thank you so much for the kind words. It means a lot. I apologize for not getting back to you earlier.

I am currently based in Poland and from what I have heard and read here, the local government said the borders are open for people who want to leave Ukraine for safety reasons. Same in my native country, the Czech Republic. I hope you guys will make it here soon enough. Stay strong Ukraine! The rest of the world stands with you!

I am living in Lithuania right now and the government confirmed that any Ukrainian is welcomed to Lithuania without asylum application.

THANK YOU LITHUANIA!!!! So many people are now safe and healthy because of you and your friends giving them shelter! Thank you!!!

The problem is that the Ukrainian border guards don't let men in certain age out. Men are being turned back to potentially fight against aggressors.

Yeah, I know :(

THANK YOU POLAND THANK YOU CZECH! you all have saved 100s of 1000s of lives!!! I am currently in Warsaw myself.

Yeah, I just read your update. Really glad you made it there :) Already 100k+ Ukrainian refugees in my Czech homeland and probably hundreds of thousands here in Poland. But no worries, we are ready to take more, just like other countries. Glory to Ukraine!

Holy cow! Hang in there. Stay safe. Try not to panic.. dont follow the herd! Sending love!

Thank you, I tried my best not to panic. Unfortunately there wasn't much I could do to keep calm. But I am glad I made it out and your wishes and love has carried me all the way here.

really happy to hear you are OK and made it to a safe place.. phewph.. sending love..

Wish you the best during this hard time. Stay connected with the Hive community member if possible and don't forget to support each other. For a Hive member, any Hive, HBD, Satoshi can make a difference during difficult time. Stay blessed!

the support I and other Ukrainian members of hive are getting from the community is incredible!
Thank you for the well wishes and support. It has truly helped me get out of Ukraine alive and reach safety.

We stand by Ukraine. The world is paying now the price of ignoring the good people of Belarus. But Putin exposed his ugly face.

Thank you for standing by us. I wish the best to Belarus too. Putin khuilo

OH that must be so scary, cant even imagine. Keep us posted.

Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts. I am in Poland now trying to move to where I can feel safe and my future is back in track again.

Fuck man, this fucking sucks. Fuck!!!!!!

Please stay safe brother.

true. it sucks. i cant still feel calm. however, i am safer.

How are you? You haven't posted any more 😟

sorry for making you anxious, it was truly not my intention. I was not in the position to update. Things were bad. I am now in a safer place and thank you for keeping in touch and keeping us in your thoughts.

This is unearthly grandiose, I'm so happy 🤩. I was already thinking something happened to you or you didn't have a chance to post or you forgot everything due to the shock. That's so underground sad 😭. Great that you are in a safe place 🤗

it was incredible to see this news.

You’ll make it. There is a solution to every problem. Take your time and think it out.

very calm advice and probably the only one I should have followed when I read it. However, not in vain. I am now trying to calm down and coordinate with other volunteers within the country to help others to get out.

Stay safe and strong! Your updates from the sad realities on the ground are higly valued. This whole situation is completely surreal... 😞

thank you for keeping us in your thoughts. Many have escaped, many stayed. Lets keep all of them in our thoughts.

It is not your fault y'all going through this trouble, I know y'all didn't plan for this and i know Russia is trying to pass a message to the Ukraine government. But the truth is innocent people will always have to pay for the mistakes of others and it is not supposed to be that way. I pray the lord protect I know you going through a lot now.

The Ukrainian people have the hearts of lions. The scenes I have seen is incredible. They will keep fighting. Even at this time, more and more ukrainians are joining the fight and volunteers are stepping up to help others get out of the country. it is incredible.

Holy crap this is scary to read. Keep updating when you can for the rest of the world and indeed, withdraw the cash when you can. You never know when they stop being filled and hopefully this crypto will also be able to get you atleast something!

This is the biggest mistake I made. Not carrying enough cash. I thought I had enough to survive. but as soon as I reached Poland and the price differences hit, my money evaporated preetyy quick. I should have cashed out more.

I was always hoping that a peaceful consensus would be reached. It's sad to see this happening. I hope you stay safe out there. I can't even imagine what's it like. 😖

I know Trin. You have been pretty vocal about how you wish things would end peacefully. TBH, we all wished the same. Unfortunately, things didn't go like that. Every day its getting worse. Thank you for everything. I know you were wishing us the best in your heart and soul. It truly helped me stay alive and reach safety.

My heart is breaking for you and your people. I wish the world would help. I cannot understand why nato and the US etc are not stepping in with their military powers I hear their reasons, but I don’t understand the moral reasoning behind it. I am not a religious person, but I have said a prayer for you all. I wish For it all to come to an end and swiftly and for no more lives to be lost to this terrible unjustified invasion

You are very right that you don't understand.

Thank you. Your prayers worked! I am safe in Poland right now. I think the main reason no one has yet directly helped is because we have to avoid an all out ww3. So far resources are being sent to Ukraine but NATO and other forces cannot directly interfere simply because the results could be worse than we can imagine. Yes, Ukraine is holding on...but it needs help...

If you were in the shoes of the people who are afraid of their lives, would you not want your regime to surrender instead of having more military and arms coming into your neighborhood? What do you think, that those other powers will not damage and kill the people, if they choose to intervene? You'll have more war instead of less. So called "liberation" comes only ever with a price. As long as you don't willingly want to pay with lives, I'd be careful with those kind of wishes.

As my shallow knowledge:

  • Nato only protect only its member countries and Ukraine is not its member.
  • Thanks to Biden, Putin has the power to turn off the heating and electricity of most EU. (Nord Stream pipes)

So Nato or the US will not lift one finger to help Ukraine. Lithuanian and France or Italy will send military equipment to help Ukraine but it does not matter any more because Kiev is being attacked right now!

Praying for you and all people in the path of this invasion. Many, many people are praying for a swift end to the shelling.

what you have done for us is more than anyone could ask for. You went beyond your responsibilities for us. Hell, you didnt need to do any of this. I will forever be indebted to you.

We're thinking of you all, who are in this extremely bad situation. Stay safe!

thank you Erikah for constantly checking in and worrying. I have seen your comments and tweets regularly. I apologize for not getting back to you immediately as the situation didnt allow me. I am only now calming down a little bit as more and more people are successfully evacuating. I owe you so much. You have taken time from your day to worry about me and others stuck in there everyday!!!! Thank you!!!!!!

You don't have to thank me and also you don't owe me anything. I know the situation has been tough so no worries.

I've been trying to help anyway I can, sometimes with passing on information to others so they don't worry as well.

It is terrible when you don't know anything about people who are in trouble and you have no idea how to help. I hope you are safe now and you have the help needed to figure out what to do in the upcoming future.

I'm really sad to see this happening. It should not be happening at this day and age..
We're all with Ukraine. Stay safe and keep us updated. ❤️

I hope for peace ASAP. This is a terrible situation.

Damn! I hope everything will be fine for everybody in Ukraine! This is horrible. Stay Safe!

Thanks for the support and wishes. I am safe now and your wishes have helped me in immeasurable ways!

Ye I just saw your new post! Good to hear you made it to Poland!

Ye Just saw you made it to Polamd cia your new post! Amazing!! Its good to hear

Oh my god bro! That's terrible, hope you and your people make it out safely, best of luck mate!

Thank you mate! Yes it was horrible. however, your well wishes have helped me get out of there. Thanks for empowering us all!

Worst day for the World for at least 70 years. I am shocked and speachless. Me as a german can't believe that rhis can happen after we all know what happend 80 years ago. I am feeling helpless. Hope you all stay strong.

How is this worse than Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, etc?

People are retard to the max. 20 years ago 3000 American Civilians got slaughtered.

Does that justify another slaughter?


All of this is bad. There are so many wars I can't understand. Iraq, apartheid, boko haram, Yugoslavia, murders are also happening in my town. However, this is a conflict that can, and probably has, trigger something very big. Hence my mention of the last 80 years. It's not about one country or just Europe, but a large part of the world is now affected. And the Ukrainians are the first to suffer.

Some people started to buy high quantities of gasoline in Poland, so the feeling of safety is starting to fade away even here. Putin playing his games to take Ukraine apart step by step without consequences. The war shouldn't be an option, Russia should be totally cut out of the outside world. No imports, no exports, but the world needs its money, and where the war is there are opportunities to make huge money.

Fully agree! I would mention "swift" as well. I can´t understand why my own covenment decline this opportunity.

From my understanding, the answer to your "why" is more than obvious. They are afraid of Russian countermeasures, primarily of cutting the Nord Stream pipes. (60% of German energy supplies depends on it. Same or similar goes for Italy, Austria, and even France.)

Think about it from the perspective of the average resident, i.e., in Munich and vicinity where the current temperature ranges between 1°C and 5°C (33.8°F - 41°F). How many of them depend on gas heating? As well, how and how long they may survive without it? What are the alternatives? (If current, how much and how long before the system overloads and collapses?)
Although, I believe the main government(s) concern is, in fact, industry impact and through it economic impact - in short, the money not the people.

I certainly don't support this war and invasion, but talking from the experience, unfortunately, I don't see any nation even less government who would sacrifice their earnings and comfort to help the Ukrainians. And therefore, I am afraid that they are more or less left alone, depending only on themselves.

All these announced sanctions, in my eyes, are only empty threats. The only eventual game-changer might be (ironic truth) Russian oligarchs, but only if some of those announced sanctions would affect their businesses and earnings. In that case, they might make some pressure on Putin.
Although I wouldn't count on that too much either, as history teaches us, it was never a problem for Russians to get rid of or even execute dissidents, no matter how rich or at how high position they were (starting from Romanov family and through later regimes further on). In other words, Putin (not the oligarchs or anyone else) still controls the army, police, and judiciary.

Because fuck the Minsk Accords, fuck the Eastern Ukrainian population bombed and kidnapped by neo Nazi for the last 8 years and Woe poor Ukraine who has said that Negotiations are over with Eastern rebels and had launched a sustained attack right after they were recognized by the Russian Federation as Free, Sovereign and Independent.

BTW, sanctions and economic warfare is not Threats. Those are hostile, aggressive actions, they aren't words. If you think Escalation is the key then please don't let me get you down:


Thank you for the wishes. It helped me come out of Ukraine safely. Thank you Germany for letting the refugees find safety in your country.

Isn't it odd how things seemingly just Happen all by themselves, things


Wonder why nobody is helping Zelenskyy.. I wonder how helpless the people who tried to negotiate with these Nazis for 8 years have felt, the same people that have begged Russia to intervene as the indiscriminate shelling was intensified following Russia recognizing them as Independent, Sovereign Nations, I can only breathe a sigh of relief once these Nazis are Exterminated or Tooken.

As far as I know, Zelenskyy is of jewish heritage. Would make for a pretty dysfunctional nazi. 😂

That is what I try to say.

Indeed, he's a jew, he's not supporting Neo Nazis. Neo Nazis is not real anyway. Putin is just a dictator trying to invade the world, one Ukraine at a time. Mad Genius Putin is responsible and behind everything.

Over 14000 people have been killed BECAUSE of these Neo Nazi hostilities.

Deny reality all you want.

Yeah, Ukrainian neo Nazis are Russian Propaganda. Russian Talking points. Not significant..

but he's a Jew

Yeah, I better rethink the facts, because this changes exactly what?

If you don't see how being a jew and being a nazi contradict each other, I'm afraid I can't help you. I can however suggest you read up on the 2nd world war, the holocaust, "the final solution", and the Nuremberg trials.

If you think that I said he's a Nazi, which I haven't. I pointed out that there is Open Neo Nazi everywhere in Ukraine. But of course, how could that be, he's a Jew. So you try, as many other, to dismiss what is significant as completely irrelevant or made up fabricated, because him being a Jew, somehow means that you know, Fascists Neo Nazi aren't a thing in Ukraine, their military, local police, National Police, National Militia, and numerous positions of government, and elected representatives.

You clearly stated so: "Wonder why nobody is helping Zelenskyy.. I wonder how helpless the people who tried to negotiate with these Nazis for 8 years have felt [...]", but is to be expected that a Russian propagandist spinelessly twist even his own words, just like the KGB rat Putin. There's more contradictions, deception and lies than when discussing gender with a woke fanatic.

The Ukrainian civil war does of course not have anything to do with Putin's invasion and annexation of Crimea in 2014, I assume?

The only one responisble for murdering Russians is Putin, and soon he won't be able to hide the horrendous losses of young Russian boys from his own population, as he sends them to the meat grinder. All for a meaningless war, that only serves his own vanity and paranoid delusions. The Russian economy is collapsing, and even close partners like China clearly doesn't appreciate what's going on. Putin will send you all back 100 years or more in living standard, so then you might get the Russian Empire you want – living as 19th century serfs under tsar Putin, in a broken isolated pariah state on par with North Korea.

Remember all Russian revolutions have resulted from failed war efforts – after the Russo-Japanese war, during the 1st World War, and after the Soviet–Afghan War. Get rid of this power-hungry, paranoid madman yourself, before you doom all Russians to even worse suffering and pain for decades to come.

Cab you tell me the origin of "nazi" and wher this word cam from? Putin used it as well. What does this word stand for?

Why are you, as a German, asking me this?
This is from the globalist slanted Wikipedia:

The Azov Battalion has been described as a far-right militia[33] with connections to neo-Nazism, with members wearing neo-Nazi and SS symbols and regalia and expressing neo-Nazi views.[76][77] The group's insignia features the Wolfsangel[52][78][77][79][80] and the Black Sun,[78][81][82] two neo-Nazi symbols.

Azov soldiers have been observed wearing Nazi-associated symbols on their uniforms.[83] In 2014, the German ZDF television network showed images of Azov fighters wearing helmets with swastika symbols and "the SS runes of Hitler's infamous black-uniformed elite corps".[84] In 2015, Marcin Ogdowski, a Polish war correspondent, gained access to one of Azov's bases located in the former holiday resort Majak; Azov fighters showed to him Nazi tattoos as well as Nazi emblems on their uniforms.[85] Shaun Walker writes in The Guardian that "many of [Azov's] members have links with neo-Nazi groups, and even those who laughed off the idea that they are neo-Nazis did not give the most convincing denials", citing swastika tattoos among the fighters and one who claimed to be a "national socialist".[77] According to The Daily Beast, some of the group's members are "neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and avowed anti-Semites",[56] and:

numerous swastika tattoos of different members and their tendency to go into battle with swastikas or SS insignias drawn on their helmets make it very difficult for other members of the group to plausibly deny any neo-Nazi affiliations.[86] 

Lev Golinkin writes in The Nation that "Post-Maidan Ukraine is the world's only nation to have a neo-Nazi formation in its armed forces."[87] Michael Colborne of Foreign Policy has called it "a dangerous neo-Nazi-friendly extremist movement" with "global ambitions", citing similarities between the group's ideology and symbolism and that of the 2019 Christchurch mosque shooter, along with efforts by the group to recruit American right-wing extremists.[57]

A spokesman for the unit has said "only 10–20%" of its recruits are neo-Nazis, with one commander attributing neo-Nazi ideology to misguided youth.[16] Members of the unit have stated that the inverted Wolfsangel, rather than connected to Nazism, represents the Ukrainian words for "united nation"[77][46] or "national idea" (Ukrainian: Ідея Nації, Ideya Natsii).[77][80][a]

British political scientist Richard Sakwa writes that Azov's founding member Andryi Biletsky, leader of the neo-Nazi Social-National Assembly (SNA) made statements about a "historic mission" to lead the "white races of the world in a final crusade for their survival ... a crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen", an ideology he traces to the National Integralism of 1920s and '30s.[88] Political scientist Ivan Katchanovski has compared the group's ideology to that of Patriot of Ukraine, saying,

The SNA/PU [Patriot of Ukraine] advocates a neo-Nazi ideology along with ultranationalism and racism. The same applies to ... members of the Azov battalion and many football ultras and others who serve in this formation.[89]

In June 2015, the Canadian defence minister declared that Canadian forces would not provide training or support to Azov Battalion.[90] In 2018, the U.S. House of Representatives also passed a provision blocking any training of Azov members by American forces, citing its neo-Nazi connections. The House had previously passed amendments banning support of Azov between 2014 and 2017, but due to pressure from The Pentagon, the amendments were quietly lifted.[7][91][92] This was protested by the Simon Wiesenthal Center which stated that lifting the ban highlighted the danger of Holocaust distortion in Ukraine.[92]

Ok, that is what I thought. You just replyed Putin without knowing what it mean. Nazis (not Neo-nazid) in Germany in 1933-1945 tried to exterminate all Jewish people. Now tell me samething about the Ukraine president. What do you think he is?

Why are you, as a German, asking me this?

I asked you that, specifically, why are you pretending that I don't know what Nazi means?

Why are you, as a German, asking me this?, and now do you not find anything concerning or at the very least interesting as the Ukrainian President is related to Neo Nazis?

What does "replied putin" mean?

I believe he is seriously suggesting that Russians invaded whole country killing civilians, bombing the nuclear waste warehouses, destroying civilian infrastructure, fighting national army not to conquer the country and include it to Russian territory but to fight this small local, armed group that they considered a threat... to Russia.
Can't help here, I think the best choice is to ignore him.

Yeah that is what is going on. A small insignificant group. 14000 casualties, from a small, local, armed group. Lol

Circa 2019

Today, increasing reports of far-right violence, ultranationalism, and erosion of basic freedoms are giving the lie to the West’s initial euphoria. There are neo-Nazi pogroms against the Roma, rampant attacks on feminists and LGBT groups, book bans, and state-sponsored glorification of Nazi collaborators.

These stories of Ukraine’s dark nationalism aren’t coming out of Moscow; they’re being filed by Western media, including US-funded Radio Free Europe (RFE); Jewish organizations such as the World Jewish Congress and the Simon Wiesenthal Center; and watchdogs like Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Freedom House, which issued a joint report warning that Kiev is losing the monopoly on the use of force in the country as far-right gangs operate with impunity.

Five years after Maidan, the beacon of democracy is looking more like a torchlight march.

The DC establishment’s standard defense of Kiev is to point out that Ukraine’s far right has a smaller percentage of seats in the parliament than their counterparts in places like France. That’s a spurious argument: What Ukraine’s far right lacks in polls numbers, it makes up for with things Marine Le Pen could only dream of—paramilitary units and free rein on the streets.

Post-Maidan Ukraine is the world’s only nation to have a neo-Nazi formation in its armed forces. The Azov Battalion was initially formed out of the neo-Nazi gang Patriot of Ukraine. Andriy Biletsky, the gang’s leader who became Azov’s commander, once wrote that Ukraine’s mission is to “lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade…against the Semite-led Untermenschen.” Biletsky is now a deputy in Ukraine’s parliament.

In the fall of 2014, Azov—which is accused of human-rights abuses, including torture, by Human Rights Watch and the United Nations—was incorporated into Ukraine’s National Guard.
While the group officially denies any neo-Nazi connections, Azov’s nature has been confirmed by multiple Western outlets: The New York Times called the battalion “openly neo-Nazi,” while USA Today, The Daily Beast, The Telegraph, and Haaretz documented group members’ proclivity for swastikas, salutes, and other Nazi symbols, and individual fighters have also acknowledged being neo-Nazis.
In January 2018, Azov rolled out its National Druzhina street patrol unit whose members swore personal fealty to Biletsky and pledged to “restore Ukrainian order” to the streets. The Druzhina quickly distinguished itself by carrying out pogroms against the Roma and LGBT organizations and storming a municipal council. Earlier this year, Kiev announced the neo-Nazi unit will be monitoring polls in next month’s presidential election.

Btw, Nazi is old school National Socialist and Neo Nazi is new age continuation of exactly that.


British political scientist Richard Sakwa writes that Azov's founding member Andryi Biletsky, leader of the neo-Nazi Social-National Assembly (SNA) made statements about a "historic mission" to lead the "white races of the world in a final crusade for their survival ... a crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen", an ideology he traces to the National Integralism of 1920s and '30s.[88] Political scientist Ivan Katchanovski has compared the group's ideology to that of Patriot of Ukraine, saying,

The SNA/PU [Patriot of Ukraine] advocates a neo-Nazi ideology along with ultranationalism and racism. The same applies to ... members of the Azov battalion and many football ultras and others who serve in this formation.[89]

National Militia

In 2017 a paramilitary group called the National Militia (Natsionalni Druzhyny), closely linked to the Azov movement, was formed. Its stated aim is to assist law enforcement agencies, which is allowed under Ukrainian law, and it has conducted street patrols.[100][101] In March 2019 its membership was reportedly "in the low thousands".[102

From the same Wikipedia article.. I mean at this point, if you As a German. Fuck me, if you can't see the connections, how this is enabled, allowed and ultimately encouraged, then I think you're totally fucked.

Oh man....I really wish you the best, it is really unbelievable that this is happening in 2022 and that people get killed just because someone wants power. Stay safe and be strong!

Thank you for the well wishes. They have helped me in incredible ways. I am now safe but the future remains unclear. I really hope everything will be better.

Oh my! Hang on. My prayers are with you

your prayers worked. Thank you so much! I pray for your happiness and health too!

Civilians are not in danger. Only bandits and murderers who seized power will be destroyed. Be frank and keep us in the know! We will all see through your eyes that this is actually a liberation, not an occupation! Don't hang out there! Good luck!

do you still stand by your statement?

Propaganda got a short half life.

Stop it, @spiritabsolute. This in not the time for repeating mindless Russian propaganda Putin is a butcher and a war criminal, looking to repeat the monstrous legacy of Stalin. Wake up & have compassion, man! #Russia is on the wrong side of history.

Here are photos showing Russia's atrocious invasion of #Ukraine




WTF, I cant believe there are already conspiracy lunatics calling this invasion "fake" or that there is "no danger"...crazy!

We live in Crazy, Polarized Times! Just read this illuminating article, today, about how fascism works and the dangers of Christian Nationalism (in Russia & beyond). Perhaps, you might appreciate it: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/feb/25/vladimir-putin-ukraine-attack-antisemitism-denazify?fbclid=IwAR3sRKoxP-jR4hx2zvy6ZMh7GSEF1ixd3yR7hGwIu_ee4jsknVZ8FX6Cdow

Huh, so Putin is stalin, then what is America, lol. Again, who has been waging war for the past 8 years against his own people? Not putin. Yet in Ukraine, You can't say that about the openly neo Nazi..


The Azov Battalion has been described as a far-right militia[33] with connections to neo-Nazism, with members wearing neo-Nazi and SS symbols and regalia and expressing neo-Nazi views.[76][77] The group's insignia features the Wolfsangel[52][78][77][79][80] and the Black Sun,[78][81][82] two neo-Nazi symbols.

Azov soldiers have been observed wearing Nazi-associated symbols on their uniforms.[83] In 2014, the German ZDF television network showed images of Azov fighters wearing helmets with swastika symbols and "the SS runes of Hitler's infamous black-uniformed elite corps".[84] In 2015, Marcin Ogdowski, a Polish war correspondent, gained access to one of Azov's bases located in the former holiday resort Majak; Azov fighters showed to him Nazi tattoos as well as Nazi emblems on their uniforms.[85] Shaun Walker writes in The Guardian that "many of [Azov's] members have links with neo-Nazi groups, and even those who laughed off the idea that they are neo-Nazis did not give the most convincing denials", citing swastika tattoos among the fighters and one who claimed to be a "national socialist".[77] According to The Daily Beast, some of the group's members are "neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and avowed anti-Semites",[56] and:

numerous swastika tattoos of different members and their tendency to go into battle with swastikas or SS insignias drawn on their helmets make it very difficult for other members of the group to plausibly deny any neo-Nazi affiliations.[86] 

Lev Golinkin writes in The Nation that "Post-Maidan Ukraine is the world's only nation to have a neo-Nazi formation in its armed forces."[87] Michael Colborne of Foreign Policy has called it "a dangerous neo-Nazi-friendly extremist movement" with "global ambitions", citing similarities between the group's ideology and symbolism and that of the 2019 Christchurch mosque shooter, along with efforts by the group to recruit American right-wing extremists.[57]

A spokesman for the unit has said "only 10–20%" of its recruits are neo-Nazis, with one commander attributing neo-Nazi ideology to misguided youth.[16] Members of the unit have stated that the inverted Wolfsangel, rather than connected to Nazism, represents the Ukrainian words for "united nation"[77][46] or "national idea" (Ukrainian: Ідея Nації, Ideya Natsii).[77][80][a]

British political scientist Richard Sakwa writes that Azov's founding member Andryi Biletsky, leader of the neo-Nazi Social-National Assembly (SNA) made statements about a "historic mission" to lead the "white races of the world in a final crusade for their survival ... a crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen", an ideology he traces to the National Integralism of 1920s and '30s.[88] Political scientist Ivan Katchanovski has compared the group's ideology to that of Patriot of Ukraine, saying,

The SNA/PU [Patriot of Ukraine] advocates a neo-Nazi ideology along with ultranationalism and racism. The same applies to ... members of the Azov battalion and many football ultras and others who serve in this formation.[89]

In June 2015, the Canadian defence minister declared that Canadian forces would not provide training or support to Azov Battalion.[90] In 2018, the U.S. House of Representatives also passed a provision blocking any training of Azov members by American forces, citing its neo-Nazi connections. The House had previously passed amendments banning support of Azov between 2014 and 2017, but due to pressure from The Pentagon, the amendments were quietly lifted.[7][91][92] This was protested by the Simon Wiesenthal Center which stated that lifting the ban highlighted the danger of Holocaust distortion in Ukraine.[92]

But I'm sure that is also Russian propaganda..

It's fake! Your information is not correct... Analysis is not guesswork, but knowledge. Study the situation better!

Jeeze, and the Earth is obviously both flat and hollow as well, I assume?

Ridicule us about something relevant at least, you know like Neo Nazi in power in Ukraine with an ethnic jew as its President. Or deny the war that has been waged for the past 8 years, or the US coup of the democratically elected president, maybe you could simply shut your eyes to all of that like the Ukrainian News did:

Ukrainian media outlets [4] were sincerely committed to fighting for the country’s interests on the media front, therefore they simply refused to see neo-Nazi symbols on the standards of volunteer battalions, or to recognize swastikas on clothing beloved by the Ukrainian patriots’ Svastone brand, or to pick out anti-Semitic lyrics from the bands performing gigs for veterans. Every media article where nationalists were portrayed in a negative light was counteracted by an enthusiastic rebuttal from the local community of journalists.

When the US Congress announced plans to include the Azov Battalion in its list of terrorist organizations in late 2019, they were met with vigorous pushback from Ukrainian experts, politicians, and officials, who opted against objectively considering the evidence outlined by the congressmen because it could potentially harm the “image of the country”. Bellingcat, a group of international investigators, was also affected by this. During the period when the group was investigating Russia’s involvement in the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 that had flown through Donbass airspace in 2014, it was well-cited by Ukrainian media. But immediately after the group started to focus on Ukrainian far-right activities and published a text about what was definitely an occupation of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs by nationalists, the “Russian trace” was “found” among the Bellingcat activists themselves. The Russian element was “tracked down” by a former head of the ministry, Irina Fries, who is now a deputy from the European Solidarity Party. She said the group was “infiltrated by people from the Federal Security Service of Russia”.

Members of Ukrainian civil society do not have a problem with the attacks of the ultra-right on the “politically wrong” journalists either.
For example, in the report by ZMINA Centre for Human Rights, the physical attacks on journalists working for the opposition 112 TV channel and for the Shariy.net and Strana.ua websites, or indeed the rocket-propelled grenade attack on the channel 112 building were not mentioned. In the media community, there is no tradition of expressing solidarity with journalists from opposition channels, or even of recognizing them as journalists.

And when that ain't enough, dehumanize the 14000 casualties as Russian Talking Points, people that deserve to be bombed daily, and of course, what Neo Nazi in power, in public, attacking and organizing and celebrating??
.. Preposterous!

They have a President that is jewish.

Of course I don't agree! It's all lies! Provide proof of what is written in this article. You're blaming someone else for something! Roman law says that the burden of proof lies with the accuser!

I am so sorry you are going thought this nightmare. Can you pay I am not sure how strict they are in letting you leave the bunker and come back, but here are a few things you should do to stay SAFE though:

-Get to the ATM early in the morning before the lines and get the MAX amount of cash withdrawal EVERY DAY! Infrastructure could go down and you will NEED cash to pay for things. Also exchange part of it to USD or Euros, as the Ruble could keep falling in value rapidly. Lastly, hide money in your sock when you go out in case you are robbed by someone desperate.

-Put together a survival backpack that will keep you alive and fed for at least 48 hours, that you can grab quickly in case your building/shelter is attacked and you have to flee. If you have a wind up radio that would be best to bring since you can still find out what is going on in case the power goes out.

-The bunker could run out of food or your food could get stolen, try to stock up as much as possible, even if it is expensive or you have to barter something else for it. If you have any spare ammo that is a good item for trade right now. ASSUME THAT SHOPS WILL NOT RE-OPEN, get every bit of food you can get, as nobody is going to be making deliveries to any stores at this point! They have water fountains, that is good, so make FOOD #1 priority!

-Make a plan for how you will escape the city if things go bad. The internet/electricity could go out, so write it down and make a map on a piece of paper. Also make any other plans now while you have internet.

-You have HIVE here, in case you get low on cash, wont hurt to try and see if people will accept some. Exchange some of your HIVE for BTC, 1000x more people know about BTC than those that know HIVE. try asking younger people, they are more likely to accept it.

Hope that is helpful to you, please stay safe.

I could not find the time to reply at the time but THANK YOU. These are solid advice and 100% true. I did all of this and I can say all of this works and probably is the best thing to do. Thank you. Your wishes have helped me stay alive and reach safety.

You are very welcome and I am SO glad it could be of some use to you! I see a post saying you arrived in Poland now? You are safe now I hope?! :)

That's terrible...I wish you the best!🙏🌈

It is my wish and prayers that you and every other person going through this will make it out strong, and mentality fit

Keep pushing the world is seeing
@khingstan Cares 🤴✌️

Thank you for caring and wishing for us. Things have become better for me now but many are still in trouble. Hopefully we keep caring for them! Thank you!

You're much welcome
I and the rest of the world
are solidly behind you guys
One Love 😇💌😇

This stupid WAR MUST BE STOPPED!!!

This is really sad moment 😭😭. Lots of prayers for you people. And I hope and wish the war just end again and peace must come.

thank you asghar bhai. The duas have helped me in incredible ways. I am now safe and do not have to fear for my life as much. Hopefully there is peace soon.

This is madness. I hope you will all be safe.

Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts. I am out of Ukraine now and much safer.

Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!

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This is good advice

Yeah those Evil Russian Invaders.. Fucktetic

Yes it is, I would suggest that all follow this rule for the safety of their troops.

They are Fucked, and done. Fucking Nazi supporting faggs.

yes it is!

Don't be a Geraldo

Thank you for sharing this poster. and thank you for your wishes. It has truly helped me reach safety!

Very glad to hear :-)

Azov Special Operations Detachment (Ukrainian: Окремий загін спеціального призначення «Азов», romanized: Okremyi zahin spetsialnoho pryznachennia "Azov"), often known as Azov Detachment, Azov Regiment (Ukrainian: Полк Азов, romanized: Polk Azov), or Azov Battalion (until September 2014),

is a right-wing extremist[1] and neo-Nazi Ukrainian National Guard unit,[2][3][4][5][6][7] based in Mariupol, in the Azov Sea coastal region.[8] It saw its first combat experience recapturing Mariupol from pro-Russian separatists forces in June 2014.[4] Azov initially formed as a volunteer militia on 5 May 2014 during the Ukrainian crisis.[9] On 12 November 2014, Azov was incorporated into the National Guard of Ukraine, and since then all members are contract soldiers serving in the National Guard of Ukraine.[10]


Supporting Ukraine who is literally supporting and enabling Nazis. Get ready, they are surrounded, so, surrender or extermination. No Quarter for FASCIST ONE-RACE Russian-speaking-Ukranian-genocide(that thus far has caused thousands of deaths) Supporters.

Первая фото - из Алексеевки ... Мой отец там живёт, укрылся в гараже ...
Я сам с Одесской. Но сам в путешествии сейчас , за себя я спокоен , но переживай за родных.
Да будет мир поскорее 🙏

where is your dad now? Is he safe? Are you safe?

my heart broke
have courage
Im trying to imagine myself there
what would I do?
Work hard in my heart to conquer fear
But conquer is the wrong word
Allow fear but do not live by it
If we can come to deeply accept the existence of suffering (our own and that of others)
Maybe then we can live free of the fear of death
And become a source of love and light even in darkest times
I pray with you now
for strength and courage
and love
And I cry now for your burden
And all of our burden
As we witness the atrocities of human nature
We are all heroes who live through love and not fear
so much love to you
and all people around you x x
no matter how distant
we are all in this together

i tried not living with fear, but things got worse. The last few days were incredibly tough but the thoughts and prayers from hiver like yourself has kept me going. thank you!!!

no-one can know your journey but you
it is a huge challenge you have been given
ultimate love to you and all those around you x x

After 8 years of Genocide, after his 11th hour plea to NATO that was answered with silence,

now your Nazi Enabling President, wants to talk with Putin.

Why should Putin give a fuck for your Duplicitous President, his Gestapo self proclaimed Fascist and openly Genocidal Nazis initially installed by Biden and Bama and Killary, they are going to hopefully get the Same Treatment that they Engaged in for the last 8 years, claiming thousands of victims.


Glad your safe, utterly disgusting state of affairs. As for looters etc i understand but priority is to stay alive man. If i was you id probably just walk or bike ride my way to the border until my feet bled or i was shot. Either your soldiers surrender as fast as possible, (i hope this doesn't happen) but if you have no chance against Russia its un avoidable. If your country is capable of a real fight for a prolonged time id just get out ASAP or join the fight..

Thank you for your support and wishes @jphamer1. The war is still going on and is much more deadlier now. I got out safely.

Good to hear. Im very much keeping up to date as possible with it. Im very much behind your president as is most of the world. He speaks the truth and he is a good man. Long live Ukraine.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from February day 22

I'm checking your blog constantly and am glad every time there's news from you. Stay safe and keep us updated.

Stay safe! People of conscience the world over support Ukraine against Russian aggression (I am an Egyptian-American, now, based in Colombia). I hope we will see a peaceful end to this atrocity, soonest, with as little violence as possible. Here's a small post I wrote in solidarity:


Thank you for the support. Unfortunately there seems to be no chance of peace in the near future. the attacks keep getting worse, but Ukraine is still holding on.

Bless Ukraine for holding on. I've read leaked intelligence (from a Russian whistleblower) that Russia is not in good shape and I hope Ukraine prevails, soon, with as little suffering as possible.

For 8 years, people in the Donbass have endured bullying and shelling by the National Guard of Ukraine. Where were such posts when people were burned in Odessa? Where were your posts when people with St. George's ribbon were beaten on the streets of Kivev? Where were you when Right Sector looted and killed people for speaking Russian? I do not support military actions on the territory of Ukraine, I do not support radical methods of influence, but the course of events is not right. In order not to be unfounded, I will say that my relatives live on the territory of Ukraine, and it makes no sense for them to lie to me about what is happening in Ukraine over the past 10 years. I also woke up yesterday from a roar, I live across the sea from Mariupol, and a shell also flew to us and almost hit a residential building. I will emphasize once again - I am against war, everything should be decided at the negotiating table. I consider Ukraine to be my fraternal people, but the truth at the present time is such that we Slavs have pushed their foreheads against each other. Any guesses who might have done it? Why does someone allow himself to make such go-aheads and give commands to such radical actions? When people understand that every person on the planet has - a common cause, a common and most important mission - is to save our planet, not to tear the map of the world apart. That's all! #nowar

I hope you are doing fine and so are your loved ones. Mariupol has been going through a tough time! I apologize as I haven't really experienced any of the unfortunate events except the revolution of 2014. At the end I can only say that I wish peace prevails and the wrongdoers never succeed, no matter the foundations the wrongdoings are based on.

The fact is that negotiation for the last 8 years has been a complete Joke as is evidence by the imperialist media slant and the separatist rhetoric when this is about Ethnic Cleansing and people fighting against it and by the silence to the thousands killed by indiscriminate bombing, and as for Ukraine? They want to negotiate with Putin now, after 8 years.. Why should negotiations be taken as ANYTHING other than a foolhardy endeavor, do you not have 8 years of hell filled terror ridden responses to peaceful negotiations to clue you in on how much you ought to trust their Promises? FUCK THE NAZI, FUCK THEM LIKE THEY FUCKED THOUSANDS.

I had to chose which post to reply to, I decided this one because the vulgarity was smaller font.

I heard accusations of genocide, and then tagged by media with the phrases "unsubstantiated" and "without evidence". This has been done to other subjects that have plenty of evidence lately, so has this been provided? Anything I find on the internet point to a conflict with casualties on both sides, something like 15k deaths over 8 years. Can you post links to substantiate claims of genocide?

Genocide is a Russian talking point, that conflict is a Russian invention, and those rebels are evil Russian agents. There is no large element of Neo Nazi operating in the open in Ukraine and especially deployed to defend their country from these evil Russian, not Ukrainian even, terrorists. Ukraine has absolutely no aspirations for ethnically cleaning their country of evil Russian culture, language and heritage. That's just another Russian talking point. The coup of their democratically elected President in 2014 is also another Russian talking point, the was clearly an organic, grassroots, nongmoverified, Revolution of Love, against everyone that didn't want to go along. The Neo Nazi operating openly and specifically deployed to Eastern Ukrainian aren't involved in any Ethnic Cleansing. That's the biggest Russian talking point, completely made up.

At first I thought your opposition got your posting key! Normally, I'd laugh. So, the argument is to say that it is ridiculous to disagree. That is the argument used to describe Putin's claims of genocide as ridiculous. Many people heard of this conflict with little interest over the past 8 years. It would have made for much better ratings if the media had stories and graphics of Ukrainian neo-nazis!

From what I can gather, Ukraine scrambled whoever who would fight after Russia annexed Crimea One regimen gained infamy for being led by neo-nazis, but the leaders were taken off and ran the political party instead that got 2% of the reported vote. No other stories seem to present themselves about current ethnic cleansing in eastern Ukraine. You can post them on the blockchain here; they may be downvoted but won't disappear.

Remember when there was a growing movement to say there was no mass extermination in Germany, aka the Holocaust? Many thought it a ridiculous stance, but the PM of Israel made a display of the blueprints of one of the sites, and I haven't heard much about it since. We need someone to take the doubts seriously to get to the truth!


From what I can gather, Ukraine scrambled whoever who would fight after Russia annexed Crimea One regimen gained infamy for being led by neo-nazis, but the leaders were taken off and ran the political party instead that got 2% of the reported vote. No other stories seem to present themselves about current ethnic cleansing in eastern Ukraine. You can post them on the blockchain here; they may be downvoted but won't disappear.

Actually that is plenty documented. I posted the wiki link. That political party and the National Police Militia are proof of their power, and directly connected with the same Regiment that has declared war against Eastern Ukrainians who refused to go along with their Coup. That is the same Regiment that has been directly deployed to Donbass. The Neo Nazi element is present and obvious not only in the symbols and ideologies but in the recent laws they passed.


Their constitution explicitly prohibits such crap.

To conflict in Eastern Ukraine is entirely because the aggressors, the Neo Nazi who have refused to follow their own agreements. Twice. They instead decided to wage war against Eastern Ukrainians who wanted no part of their Coup. They have targeted Russian culture and Russian ethnic Ukrainians, but that, like I said, is just a Russian talking point. Because, on the blockchain, 14000 people who are targeted or engaging others because of their Language, isn't proof of genocide.

Curated for #informationwar (by @aagabriel)

  • Our purpose is to encourage posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, Disinformation, and Liberty. We are a peaceful and non-violent movement that sees information as being held back by corrupt forces in the private sector and government. Our Mission.
  • Discord, website, youtube channel links here.

Delegate to the @informationwar! project and get rewarded

Croatia is with you! 🇭🇷 🇺🇦
Stay strong!

Thank you Croatia for doing such incredible things for the Ukrainian people. There are not enough words to express the gratitude!!!!

I think that those who rule all powerful countries are not good people. They could have prevented this war.

it doesnt matter anymore. What matters is the lives of people at risk. Here is hoping all of them stay safe and alive.

If the internet stop working in the area you are located for whatever reason it will be difficult to rely on crypto for your trade. I am sorry for the present circumstance in Ukraine. It might be a relevant option to leave the country and return when things are back to normal.

That is the idea. But I dont think normal will ever come back. Ukraine was so beautiful and the situation it is in right now is incredibly heart breaking.

We pray that sense will come back and war will stop before any escalation of the crisis.

Praying for you and all people in the path of this invasion. Many, many people are praying for a swift end to the shelling.

The people doing V2K want me to believe it is this lady @battleaxe Investigate what she has been up to for 5 years. Its the next step to stopping this. Make her prove where she has been for 5 years or where she is now. She is involved deeply with @fyrstikken and his group. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant say she is the one directly doing the v2k. Make her prove it. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Make @battleaxe prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the v2k in me is being broadcasted from her location. @battleaxe what is your location? https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism

I'm hoping this tragedy will be okay, in one day. A lot of people are affected on this situation, after seeing the pictures. I started to pity to them even now their fuel and flour become a lot more expensive. Just because of this war!

Hope this not led to Word War 3!

I hope the same. I really wish it all ends soon although it seems very highly unlikely. Yes fuel and flor have become expensive, but it is not worth undervaluing the lives and livelihoods getting destroyed in Ukraine. Fuel and Flour can be sourced from other countries and create more jobs even.

Hope you are doing good in these difficult times. Our prayers are with you. Stay safe and don’t lose hope!

I did all I could. I am now safe in Poland. Sorry for not replying earlier. Your thoughts and prayers truly helped me reach safety. Thank you!

Great to know! Hope you are in good health. Stay safe!